Part 5 (1/2)
The instructions in the articles of war drawn up by the Lord High Admiral, to be observed by the captains and crews of the s.h.i.+ps of the Royal Navy, prove that it was expected that the seamen of those days should be pious and well-conducted men. They were to be openly read at service time, twice every week.
”Imprimis, That you take special care to serve G.o.d by using common prayers twice every day, except urgent cause enforce the contrary; and that no man, soldier, or other mariner do dispute of matters of religion, unless it be to be resolved of some doubts, and in such case that he confer with the ministers.”
”Second, Item, you shall forbid swearing, brawling, and dicing, and such-like disorders as may breed contention and disorders in your s.h.i.+ps.”
”Five, All persons, whatsoever, within your s.h.i.+p shall come to the ordinary services of the s.h.i.+p without contradiction.”
”Sixth, You shall give special charge for avoiding the danger of fire, and that no candle be carried in your s.h.i.+p without a lantern, which, if any person shall disobey, you shall severely punish. And if any chance of fire or other dangers (which G.o.d forbid) shall happen to any s.h.i.+p near unto you, then you shall, by your boats and all other your best means, seek to help and relieve her.”
”Eighth, You shall give order that your s.h.i.+p may be kept clean daily and sometimes washed, which, with G.o.d's favour, shall preserve from sickness, and avoid many other inconveniences.”
”Fifteenth, Every captain and master of the fleet shall have a special regard that no contention be found betwixt the mariners and the soldiers.”
”Nineteenth, No captain or master shall suffer any spoil to be made aboard any s.h.i.+p or barque that shall be taken by them or any of their companies, because the rest of the company have interest in everything that shall be taken.”
”Twenty-second, The watch shall be set every night by eight of the o'clock, either by trumpet or drum, and singing the Lord's Prayer, some of the Psalms of David, or clearing of the gla.s.s.”
”Twenty-sixth, No person shall depart out of the s.h.i.+p wherein he is placed into another without special leave of his captain.”
”Twenty-eighth, No person whatsoever shall dare to strike any captain, lieutenant, master, or other officer, upon pain of death; and furthermore, whatsoever he be that shall strike any inferior person, he shall receive punishment according to the offence given, be it by death or otherwise.”
Most of these articles are still in force; but the first, excellent as they are, have unhappily too often been set at nought by officers and men.
As James the First was totally unacquainted with nautical affairs, having possessed no fleet when King of Scotland, disputes constantly arose respecting the honour of the flag, which the English claimed, and this induced the famous Hugo Grotius to write a treatise, in which he endeavoured to prove the futility of their t.i.tle to the dominion of the sea. England, however, still maintained her right to be saluted by the s.h.i.+ps of all other nations, and the learned Selden supported the English, a.s.serting that they had a hereditary and uninterrupted right to the sovereignty of the seas, conveyed to them by their ancestors in trust for their latest posterity. During this period numerous colonies were settled, and the commerce of England extended in all directions by her brave navigators. The navy was not neglected, twenty s.h.i.+ps being added by the king, and 50,000 pounds voted for the maintenance of the fleet. In the year 1610 the largest s.h.i.+p of war yet constructed in England was built by order of the king, and called the _Prince_. Her keel was 114 feet, her cross-beam was 44 feet in length. She carried sixty-four pieces of great ordnance, and she was of the burden of 1400 tons. She was double built, and adorned most sumptuously within and without with all manner of curious carving, painting, and rich gilding, being in all respects the greatest and goodliest s.h.i.+p that ever was built in England. Raleigh's remarks to Prince Henry on the subject are worthy of note, though it appears his advice was not followed. He recommended that the intended vessel should be of smaller size than the _Victory_, in order that the timber of the old s.h.i.+p might serve for the new. ”If she be bigger,” he remarks, ”she will be of less use, go very deep to water, and be of mighty charge (our channels decaying every year), less nimble, less manageable, and seldom to be used. A well-conditioned s.h.i.+p should be, in the first instance, strongly built; secondly, swift in sail; thirdly, stout sided; fourthly, her ports ought to be so laid that she may carry out her guns in all weathers; fifthly, she ought to hull well; sixthly, she should stay well when boarding or turning on a wind if required.” He then continues: ”It is to be noted that all s.h.i.+ps sharp before, not having a long floor, will fall rough into the sea from the billow, and take in water over head and ears; and the same quality of all narrow-quartered s.h.i.+ps to sink after the tail.
The high charging of s.h.i.+ps is that which brings many ill qualities upon them. It makes them extremely leeward, makes them sink deep into the seas, makes them labour in foul weather, and ofttimes overset. Safety is more to be respected than show or niceness for ease. In sea-journeys both cannot well stand together, and, therefore, the most necessary is to be chosen. Two decks and a-half is enough, and no building at all above that but a low master's cabin. Our masters and mariners will say that the s.h.i.+ps will bear more well enough; and true it is, if none but old mariners served in them. But men of better sort, unused to such a life, cannot so well endure the rolling and tumbling from side to side, where the seas are never so little grown, which comes by high charging.
Besides, those high cabin-works aloft are very dangerous, in that they may tear men with their splinters. Above all other things, have care that the great guns are four feet clear above water when all loading is in, or else those best pieces are idle at sea; for if the ports lie lower and be open, it is dangerous; and by that default was a goodly s.h.i.+p and many gallant gentlemen lost in the days of Henry the Eighth, before the Isle of Wight, in a s.h.i.+p called the _Mary Rose_.”
These remarks show how attentively Raleigh had studied the subject of s.h.i.+pbuilding and, undoubtedly, during his time great improvements were made in the construction of s.h.i.+ps of the Royal Navy. A large East India s.h.i.+p of 1200 tons was also built at Woolwich, and was the first trading s.h.i.+p of that size launched in the kingdom. The king called her the _Trade's Increase_.
In 1622 the first established contract for victualling the Royal Navy was made, and every man's allowance settled. It appears not to have differed greatly from that served out at the present day, except that on Friday fish, b.u.t.ter, and cheese were served out; showing that the Romish custom of what is called fasting on Friday had not been abolished. The king also gave annually 30,000 pounds worth of timber from the royal forests for the use of the navy.
The Dutch and other nations had, up to this time, been in the habit of fis.h.i.+ng in English waters, but, though the pusillanimous king would not, of his own accord, have interfered for fear of giving offence, so great an outcry was raised by the people, that he was compelled to issue a proclamation prohibiting any foreigners from fis.h.i.+ng on the British coast. Though in terms it appeared general, it was in reality levelled only at the Dutch. They yielded, and obtained by treaty permission to fish, on payment of certain dues. The nation at large gaining a voice in the management of public affairs, discovered also that vast abuses existed in the administration of the navy, as the large sums granted by Parliament were squandered, the brave commanders were unemployed, and cowardice trusted with the highest offices; and that frauds, corruption, neglect and misdemeanours were frequent and open. Numberless pet.i.tions were sent to the sovereign, and a committee of inquiry was appointed; the alleged offences were strictly examined into, some of the culprits were discharged, others fined, and way made for better officers. The Royal Navy being thus placed on a more respectable footing, the spirit of enterprise was encouraged among private persons, and trade once more flourished.
Considerable progress was made by the East India Company, and, in 1610, Sir Henry Middleton sailed with a larger fleet than had ever before been despatched to that part of the world. On landing at Mocha, Sir Henry was treacherously attacked during an entertainment to which he had been invited, when many of his people were killed, and he and the rest made prisoners. After remaining six months in prison, he and some of his people escaped and regained their s.h.i.+ps; then, returning to the town, he threatened to reduce it to ashes unless the remainder of the English were released and a heavy ransom paid him. On this the English were set at liberty, and the sum was paid. He afterwards encountered a large fleet of Portuguese, who, attempting to impede his progress, he sank some and captured others. Several Portuguese s.h.i.+ps were captured, and seventeen Arab vessels also fell into the hands of the English. On his voyage home, seized with a mortal illness, he died, honoured and lamented.
About the same time Captain Hudson, who had already performed three voyages to the north, again sailed in search of a north-west pa.s.sage; but his mate, Ibbott, fearing the dangers they would have to encounter, formed a conspiracy. Hudson, and those who adhered to him, were set on sh.o.r.e, and perished miserably.
In 1611 the East India Company sent out another fleet under Captain Hippin, and the following year a second under Captain Saris, who reached j.a.pan. By judicious conduct, and the due administration of bribes to many persons nearest the emperor, he succeeded in establis.h.i.+ng a trade for the English with j.a.pan, returning home with a very profitable cargo.
In the year 1611 the Muscovy Company despatched two vessels to commence the whale fishery. On board these vessels went three Biscayans who were accustomed to the business. Having set sail late, they had only time to catch one whale, but from it were made seven tons of oil. The rest of the crew having observed the manner in which the Biscayans performed the work, became thorough masters of the operation. Though this commencement was but small, it led to great results, and from henceforward there was no want of people ready to enter into the undertaking.
In consequence of the account given by those who were wrecked in the _Sea Venture_ on the Bermudas, a colony was sent out, and the hitherto desolate islands were peopled by English settlers.
One of the most gallant exploits of this period was performed by Captain Best, who sailed in command of a fleet sent out by the East India Company. After remaining for some time at Surat, he caught sight of a vast fleet of Portuguese, numbering no less than 240 vessels. Having beaten off a number of them that attacked him, he continued his course.
They, however, having repaired damages, the whole fleet came in search of him. As they bore down under a cloud of sail, threatening his destruction, he was advised by one of the Sultan's officers to fly. Best replied that he would advise that to the Portuguese, and, weighing anchor, stood out to meet the enemy. The sh.o.r.e was crowded with natives eager to witness the engagement. It ended, after four hours, as the other had done. The Portuguese, after receiving immense damage, sailed away as fast as they could, and Captain Best returned and anch.o.r.ed in the harbour, amid the shouts of the people. The account of the engagement was everywhere told among the natives, and the courage of the English magnified to the highest. After touching at Achin, and renewing his friends.h.i.+p with the people, in the succeeding year, he arrived in England, rich in his lading, more in honour.
In the year 1613 the Muscovy Company sent out seven stout s.h.i.+ps to catch whales. They were followed by several Dutch, Flemish, and French s.h.i.+ps, and half-a-dozen English interlopers. The Company's s.h.i.+ps gathering into a body, ordered the others, in the name of the King of England, to depart from the coast, the fishery of which he had appropriated to his own subjects. The Dutch sending a taunting answer, the English replied with their cannon, compelling their rivals to take their departure, and the English private s.h.i.+ps to fish for them. With this help, they made a good return.