Part 3 (1/2)
Iach. I dare thereupon the moytie of my Estate, to your Ring, which in my opinion o're-values it something: but I make my wager rather against your Confidence, then her Reputation. And to barre your offence heerein to, I durst attempt it against any Lady in the world
Post. You are a great deale abus'd in too bold a perswasion, and I doubt not you sustaine what y'are worthy of, by your Attempt
Iach. What's that?
Posth. A Repulse though your Attempt (as you call it) deserue more; a punishment too
Phi. Gentlemen enough of this, it came in too sodainely, let it dye as it was borne, and I pray you be better acquainted
Iach. Would I had put my Estate, and my Neighbors on th' approbation of what I haue spoke
Post. What Lady would you chuse to a.s.saile?
Iach. Yours, whom in constancie you thinke stands so safe. I will lay you ten thousands Duckets to your Ring, that commend me to the Court where your Lady is, with no more aduantage then the opportunitie of a second conference, and I will bring from thence, that Honor of hers, which you imagine so reseru'd
Posthmus. I will wage against your Gold, Gold to it: My Ring I holde deere as my finger, 'tis part of it
Iach. You are a Friend, and there in the wiser: if you buy Ladies flesh at a Million a Dram, you cannot preserue it from tainting; but I see you haue some Religion in you, that you feare
Posthu. This is but a custome in your tongue: you beare a grauer purpose I hope
Iach. I am the Master of my speeches, and would vnder-go what's spoken, I sweare
Posthu. Will you? I shall but lend my Diamond till your returne: let there be Couenants drawne between's.
My Mistris exceedes in goodnesse, the hugenesse of your vnworthy thinking. I dare you to this match: heere's my Ring
Phil. I will haue it no lay
Iach. By the G.o.ds it is one: if I bring you no sufficient testimony that I haue enioy'd the deerest bodily part of your Mistris: my ten thousand Duckets are yours, so is your Diamond too: if I come off, and leaue her in such honour as you haue trust in; Shee your Iewell, this your Iewell, and my Gold are yours: prouided, I haue your commendation, for my more free entertainment
Post. I embrace these Conditions, let vs haue Articles betwixt vs: onely thus farre you shall answere, if you make your voyage vpon her, and giue me directly to vnderstand, you haue preuayl'd, I am no further your Enemy, shee is not worth our debate. If shee remaine vnseduc'd, you not making it appeare otherwise: for your ill opinion, and th' a.s.sault you haue made to her chast.i.ty, you shall answer me with your Sword
Iach. Your hand, a Couenant: wee will haue these things set downe by lawfull Counsell, and straight away for Britaine, least the Bargaine should catch colde, and sterue: I will fetch my Gold, and haue our two Wagers recorded
Post. Agreed
French. Will this hold, thinke you
Phil. Signior Iachimo will not from it.
Pray let vs follow 'em.
Scena s.e.xta.
Enter Queene, Ladies, and Cornelius.
Qu. Whiles yet the dewe's on ground, Gather those Flowers, Make haste. Who ha's the note of them?
Lady. I Madam
Queen. Dispatch.
Exit Ladies.