Part 17 (2/2)

”Not unless it becomes necessary; I am not proud of the story myself.”

Their eyes met, and there was no shadow of softness in either face.

The woman's lips curled sarcastically.

”Really, you take yourself quite seriously, do you not? One might think you still Major of the Fourth Texas, and heir to the old estate on the Brazos. You talked that way to me once before, only to discover that I had claws with which to scratch. Don't make that mistake again, Mr. Sergeant Hamlin, or there will be something more serious than scratching done. I have learned how to fight in the past few years--Heaven knows I have had opportunity--and rather enjoy the excitement. How far would your word go with Molly, do you think? Or with the Major?”

”That remains to be seen.”

”Does it? Oh, I understand. You must still consider yourself quite the lady-killer. Well, let me tell you something--she is engaged to Lieutenant Gaskins.”

His hand-grip tightened on the rail, but there was no change in the expression of his face.

”So I had heard. I presume that hardly would have been permitted to happen but for the existence of a Mr. Dupont. By the way, which one of you ladies shot the Lieutenant?”

It was a chance fire, and Hamlin was not sure of its effect, although she drew a quick breath, and her voice faltered.

”Shot--Lieutenant Gaskins?”

”Certainly; you must be aware of that?”

”Oh, I knew he had some altercation, and was wounded; he accused you, did he not? But why bring us into the affair?”

”Because some woman was directly concerned in it. Whoever she may be, the officers of the fort are convinced that she probably fired the shot; that the Lieutenant knows her ident.i.ty, and is endeavoring to s.h.i.+eld her from discovery.”

”Why do they think that? What reason can they have for such a conclusion? Was she seen?”

”Her footprints were plainly visible, and the revolver used was a small one--a '36'--such as a woman alone would carry in this country. I have said so to no one else, but I saw her, crouching in the shadow of the barrack wall.”

”You--you saw her? Recognized her?”


”And made no attempt at arrest? Have not even mentioned the fact to others? You must have a reason?”

”I have, Mrs. Dupont, but we will not discuss it now. I merely wish you to comprehend that if it is to be war between us, I am in possession of weapons.”

She had not lost control of herself, yet there was that about her hesitancy of speech, her quick breathing, which evidenced her surprise at this discovery. It told him that he had played a good hand, had found a point of weakness in her armor. The mystery of it remained unsolved, but this woman knew who had shot Gaskins; knew, and had every reason to guard the secret. He felt her eyes anxiously searching his face, and laughed a little bitterly.

”You perceive, madam,” he went on, encouraged by her silence, ”I am not now exactly the same unsuspecting youth with whom you played so easily years ago. I have learned some of life's lessons since; among them how to fight fire with fire. It is a trick of the plains. Do you still consider it necessary for your happiness to remain the guest of the McDonalds?”

She straightened up, turning her eyes away.

”Probably not for long, but it is no threat of yours which influences me. It does not even interest me to know who shot Lieutenant Gaskins.

He is a vulgar little prig, only made possible by the possession of money. However, when I decide to depart, I shall probably do so without consulting your pleasure.” She hesitated, her voice softening as though in change of mood. ”Yet I should prefer parting with you in friends.h.i.+p. In asking you to meet me to-night I had no intention of quarrelling; merely yielded to an impulse of regret for the past--”

The heavy curtain draping the window was drawn aside, permitting the light from within to flash upon them, revealing the figure of a man in uniform.
