Part 9 (1/2)

He saw them crowd about the coach, leaping and yelling with fury; watched them jerk open the door, and drag forth the two dead bodies, dancing about them, like so many demons, brandis.h.i.+ng their guns. A moment they were bunched thus, their wild yelling shrill with triumph; then some among them broke away, bending low as they circled in against the bluff. They knew already that there had been others in the stage, others who had escaped. They were seeking the trail. Suddenly one straightened up gesticulating, and the others rushed toward him--they had found the ”sign”! They were silent now, those main trailers, two of them on hands and knees. Only back where the bodies lay some remained yelling and dancing furiously. Then they also, in response to a shout and the wave of a blanketed arm, scattered, running west toward the gully. There was no hesitancy now; some savage instinct seemed to tell them where the fugitives had gone. They dragged the dead warrior from the ditch, screaming savagely at the discovery. A dozen scrambled for the river bank, others ran for the pony herd, while one or two remained beside the dead warrior. Even at that distance Hamlin could distinguish Roman Nose, and tell what were his orders by every gesture of his arm. The Sergeant grasped the girl's hand, his own eyes barely above the sand ridge, his lips whispering back.

”No, don't move; I'll tell you everything. The stage has been gutted and set on fire. Now they are coming with the ponies. Most of them are directly opposite studying the marks we left on the sand of the bank. Yes, they look across here, but the chief is sure we have gone the other way; he is waving his hand up the river now, and talking.

Now he is getting on his horse; there are ten or twelve of them. One fellow is pointing across here, but no one agrees with him. Now Roman Nose is giving orders. Hear that yell! They 're off now, riding up stream, las.h.i.+ng their ponies into a run. All of them? No; quite a bunch are going back to the coach. I don't believe they are going to hang around here long though, for they are driving in all their ponies.”

[Ill.u.s.tration: ”No, don't move! The stage has been gutted and set on fire.”]

”But won't those others come back when they discover we have not gone up the river?”

”I wish I could answer that,” he replied earnestly. ”But it all depends on what those devils know of the whereabouts of troops. They are Northern Indians, and must have broken through the scouting details sent out from Wallace and Dodge. Some of the boys are bound to be after them, and there is more chance for them to get back safely along the mountains than in the other direction. I don't suppose an Indian in the bunch was ever south of the Arkansas. Wait! Those fellows are going to move now; going for good, too--they are taking the dead Indians with them.”

They were little more than black dots at that distance, yet the sun was up by this time and his keen vision could distinguish every movement.

”Creep up here, and you can see also,” he said quietly. ”They are far enough away now so that it is safe.”

There was a moment of breathless quiet, the two fugitives peering cautiously over the sand ridge. To the girl it was a confusion of figures rus.h.i.+ng back and forth about the smoking ruins of the stage; occasionally a faint yell echoed across the river, and she could distinguish a savage on his pony gesticulating as he rode back and forth. But the Sergeant comprehended the scene. His eyes met hers and read her bewilderment.

”They are going all right, and in a hurry. It's plain enough they are afraid to stay there any longer. See, they are las.h.i.+ng bodies on to the ponies. Ah, that is what I wanted to be sure about--that fellow is heading west on the trail; now the others are moving.”

”Then you are sure Roman Nose will not return? That--that we are safe?”

”Yes; I would n't hesitate to go back as soon as the last of them disappear over the ridge,” pointing up the river. ”They knew they had to go that way; Roman Nose and his band hoped we 'd taken that direction, and hurried on ahead to catch us if he could. They are afraid to stay about here any longer. Look how they are las.h.i.+ng those ponies; there, the last of them are leaving.”

They lay there in the sand, already becoming warm, under the rays of the sun, trying to a.s.sure themselves that all danger of discovery had vanished. There was no movement on the opposite sh.o.r.e, only the blue spiral of smoke curling up against the bluff, marking where the stage had stood. About this, outlined upon the brown gra.s.s, appeared darker patches representing dead ponies and the bodies of Moylan and Gonzales where they had been tumbled, scalped and otherwise mutilated. Down by the river a wounded pony tried to follow the disappearing cavalcade, but fell, giving vent to one scream of agony. Then all was silent, motionless, the last straggler clubbing his horse pitilessly as he vanished over the ridge.

Hamlin sat up, his eyes smiling.

”We are the lucky ones, Miss McDonald,” he said, his manner unconsciously more formal now that the danger had pa.s.sed and a swift realization of who his companion was recurring to his mind. ”Something must have frightened them.” He shaded his eyes, staring at the bluffs opposite, ”But there is nothing in sight from here. Well, the best thing we can do is to eat breakfast. May I have the haversack, and see what it is stocked with?”

”Certainly not. There is so little I can do, I do not propose yielding any prerogative.” And she drew her head through the strap, letting the leather bag fall to the sand. ”I am afraid there is no cloth here.

Would you dare light a fire?”

”Hardly, even if we had fuel,” he answered, watching her with interest.

She glanced up into his face, her cheeks reddening.

”Why don't you want me to do this?”

”How do you know I object? Indeed, it is quite pleasant to be waited upon. Only, you see, it is very unusual for an officer's daughter to take such good care of an enlisted man.”

”But I am not thinking of that at all. You--this is different.”

”For the moment, perhaps,” just a slight bitterness in his tone, ”and I should enjoy it while I can.”

She stopped in her work, sitting straight before him. Her eyes were indignant, yet she stifled the first words that leaped to her lips.

His soft hat lay on the sand and the sun revealed his tanned face, bringing out its strength.

”You--should n't say that,” she faltered. ”Surely you do not believe I will ever become ungrateful.”