Part 23 (1/2)



The bells rang! It was four A.M. when the s.h.i.+p _Concordia_, which had been our home for thirty-six hours, arrived at _Nyslott_, one of the small towns which are spa.r.s.ely scattered over Finland.

_Nyslott_ is famous for two things: its very modern ”bath cure”

accompanied by a ”kasino”--of which French watering-places need have no jealousy--and, by way of extreme from such modernity, its other attraction is an old ruined castle, built originally in 1475. The castle is the most perfect left in Finland, and its position is certainly the most picturesque, for it stands quite alone on an island of rock, round which the current forms endless whirlpools. It is built with sharp b.u.t.tresses, and once had five towers, of which, alas, only three remain, but those three are very perfect.

What stories that castle could tell of wars and sieges, of Russian and Swedish possessors, of Catholic and Lutheran sway, and of cruelty too horrible to dwell upon, although one cannot help realising its possibilities after entering the little dark cell in which two men were built up to live together in darkness and in hunger till death ended their sufferings.

The Roman Catholic Chapel still remains; windowless, save for a small hole over the stone altar, which certainly suggests artificial light having been thrown from behind on some sacred relic or picture--a theatrical effect not unknown to that faith. Its uneven stone floor, and its niches for the sacramental cup, all remain in weird darkness to remind one of ages long gone by. In turn the Castle has been Catholic, Lutheran, and Greek--so three persuasions have had their sway, and each has left its mark.

Our thoughtful friend, Grandpapa, whom we had left a fortnight before at _Rattijarvi_, was waiting for us at _Nyslott_, or rather, a moment after the s.h.i.+p stopped at the quayside in the early dawn of morning, he arrived, accompanied by a man in a boat, one of those regular Finnish boats pointed at each end known as a _kuiru_.

”Where are we to live?” we called, over the side.

”In the Castle, as you wished,” was the reply; and overjoyed at the prospect of anything so romantic, we quickly transferred ourselves and our baggage into the boat below.

”I'm very anxious about this arrangement,” said our youthful old friend.

”When I arrived a fortnight ago, and found there was not a room to be had in the town, I was in despair; after wandering from house to house, again I beseeched the little hotel to take me in; but even their sofas were occupied. However, determining not to leave _Nyslott_ till I had seen the famous castle, I got a boat and rowed across. _Veni, vidi, vici_--for I persuaded the watchman to put me up for the night, and there I am still. When, yesterday, I could find no habitation for you, I reluctantly telegraphed that the town was full and I was only put up by the _Vahtimestari_ of the Castle. Imagine my horror when I got your reply--'_Arrive_ 4 A.M., _arrange stay Castle_.'”

”Were you so very much horrified?” we laughed. ”We thought it would be such fun, and so delightfully romantic.”

”It was no fun to me. I felt utterly taken aback, and went off to consult an artist friend, who was painting the queer old place.

”'Nonsense, my dear fellow,' he said, 'you can't lodge ladies in this barrack. It's all very well for two watchmen, or for you, if you like, to rough it--but for women--nonsense, it is impossible.'

”'But,' I remarked, 'they are very enterprising, and one of them, who is writing a book, loves queer corners, odd experiences, and native life.'

”'I daresay,' replied he, 'but this Castle, I repeat, is impossible, especially for Englishwomen, who are all accustomed to much luxury.'

”Back into the town I went again to try for rooms, but without success.

What was to be done? You were on the way, time was growing short, and I had arranged nothing. So once more to my watchman I returned and told him my awful dilemma, and the depths of my despair. He so thoroughly entered into the spirit of the thing, that he promised to do the best he could, and in an hour's time he had arranged for extra towels and a few necessaries to be sent over from the town.”

”Delightful!” we exclaimed; ”what a dear man! It is like a romance in a story book.”

”But my story is not finished,” Grandpapa replied, with a rueful face; ”we had set to work to sweep, and brush, and clean with a will, in order to make the room more worthy of its occupants, when the _Vahtimestari_ suddenly said--

”'I'm afraid, after all, you will have to go and get permission from the Mayor, or I may get into trouble for allowing ladies to sleep in this ruined Castle.'”

Here was an adventure. Our hearts quailed a little as we waited breathlessly for the finish of the story.

”I got into the boat,” went on our friend, ”pulled on sh.o.r.e, and set off to the Mayor, in order to obtain permission for you to sleep there. At first he sternly refused.

”'Ridiculous!' he said, 'bats and owls, goblins and ghosts! that is not a fit home for ladies--ridiculous, and quite impossible.'

”I explained and argued, told him how enterprising you were, and how well versed in travel, and at last he gave in, saying, 'Well, the old Castle has withstood many sieges, and it is hard it must give in without powder or shot to two Englishwomen.'

”Thus his reluctant permission was granted, and away I came triumphant.