Part 50 (1/2)
I'll walk with you part of the way.
Very well. Marchons, marchons....
[_They go out._
NATHANIEL (_holding back a little_)
Good-bye, Mr. Manager.
[_He goes out calling_ ”Marthe.”
_Jonathan is left alone in his joy_. _As he stands, a strange, aimless, vacuous whistling is heard outside the window an though from one ambling by. Jonathan hears it unconsciously, moves to put his plays away, alternately whistling and singing ”All on a summer's day.”_
_Presently the whistling of the strange air is heard as though coming from downstairs. It stops and a voice calls out_ ”Hi!”
Who is it?
It's me.
What do you want?
[_By this time the Voice has become a person in the shape of Hank, one of the sc.u.m of creation who asks nothing of life and gives nothing. He was born of woman and he grew into man's form, but one looking at him wonders how he survived dirt and the mere effort of breathing. He is stoutish with no marked coloring unless it be a cross between khaki and field-gray.
Weather and time have conspired to render him inconspicuous. When he speaks his voice is produced with a careful effort to conserve energy. When he walks it seems to be a movement in answer to prayer rather than a physical fact._
How'd you get in here?
Well, it's this way, you see. The gate was open out there and this looked pretty fine to me so I come in.
You'd better go away before my uncle sees you.