Part 47 (1/2)
”My dear fellow,” said Newman, ”how can I show YOU a bridegroom's face?
If you think I enjoy seeing you lie there and not being able to help you”--
”Why, you are just the man to be cheerful; don't forfeit your rights!
I'm a proof of your wisdom. When was a man ever gloomy when he could say, 'I told you so?' You told me so, you know. You did what you could about it. You said some very good things; I have thought them over. But, my dear friend, I was right, all the same. This is the regular way.”
”I didn't do what I ought,” said Newman. ”I ought to have done something else.”
”For instance?”
”Oh, something or other. I ought to have treated you as a small boy.”
”Well, I'm a very small boy, now,” said Valentin. ”I'm rather less than an infant. An infant is helpless, but it's generally voted promising.
I'm not promising, eh? Society can't lose a less valuable member.”
Newman was strongly moved. He got up and turned his back upon his friend and walked away to the window, where he stood looking out, but only vaguely seeing. ”No, I don't like the look of your back,” Valentin continued. ”I have always been an observer of backs; yours is quite out of sorts.”
Newman returned to his bedside and begged him to be quiet. ”Be quiet and get well,” he said. ”That's what you must do. Get well and help me.”
”I told you you were in trouble! How can I help you?” Valentin asked.
”I'll let you know when you are better. You were always curious; there is something to get well for!” Newman answered, with resolute animation.
Valentin closed his eyes and lay a long time without speaking. He seemed even to have fallen asleep. But at the end of half an hour he began to talk again. ”I am rather sorry about that place in the bank. Who knows but what I might have become another Rothschild? But I wasn't meant for a banker; bankers are not so easy to kill. Don't you think I have been very easy to kill? It's not like a serious man. It's really very mortifying. It's like telling your hostess you must go, when you count upon her begging you to stay, and then finding she does no such thing.
'Really--so soon? You've only just come!' Life doesn't make me any such polite little speech.”
Newman for some time said nothing, but at last he broke out. ”It's a bad case--it's a bad case--it's the worst case I ever met. I don't want to say anything unpleasant, but I can't help it. I've seen men dying before--and I've seen men shot. But it always seemed more natural; they were not so clever as you. d.a.m.nation--d.a.m.nation! You might have done something better than this. It's about the meanest winding-up of a man's affairs that I can imagine!”
Valentin feebly waved his hand to and fro. ”Don't insist--don't insist!
It is mean--decidedly mean. For you see at the bottom--down at the bottom, in a little place as small as the end of a wine-funnel--I agree with you!”
A few moments after this the doctor put his head through the half-opened door and, perceiving that Valentin was awake, came in and felt his pulse. He shook his head and declared that he had talked too much--ten times too much. ”Nonsense!” said Valentin; ”a man sentenced to death can never talk too much. Have you never read an account of an execution in a newspaper? Don't they always set a lot of people at the prisoner--lawyers, reporters, priests--to make him talk? But it's not Mr. Newman's fault; he sits there as mum as a death's-head.”
The doctor observed that it was time his patient's wound should be dressed again; MM. de Grosjoyaux and Ledoux, who had already witnessed this delicate operation, taking Newman's place as a.s.sistants. Newman withdrew and learned from his fellow-watchers that they had received a telegram from Urbain de Bellegarde to the effect that their message had been delivered in the Rue de l'Universite too late to allow him to take the morning train, but that he would start with his mother in the evening. Newman wandered away into the village again, and walked about restlessly for two or three hours. The day seemed terribly long. At dusk he came back and dined with the doctor and M. Ledoux. The dressing of Valentin's wound had been a very critical operation; the doctor didn't really see how he was to endure a repet.i.tion of it. He then declared that he must beg of Mr. Newman to deny himself for the present the satisfaction of sitting with M. de Bellegarde; more than any one else, apparently, he had the flattering but inconvenient privilege of exciting him. M. Ledoux, at this, swallowed a gla.s.s of wine in silence; he must have been wondering what the deuce Bellegarde found so exciting in the American.
Newman, after dinner, went up to his room, where he sat for a long time staring at his lighted candle, and thinking that Valentin was dying down-stairs. Late, when the candle had burnt low, there came a soft rap at his door. The doctor stood there with a candlestick and a shrug.
”He must amuse himself, still!” said Valentin's medical adviser. ”He insists upon seeing you, and I am afraid you must come. I think at this rate, that he will hardly outlast the night.”
Newman went back to Valentin's room, which he found lighted by a taper on the hearth. Valentin begged him to light a candle. ”I want to see your face,” he said. ”They say you excite me,” he went on, as Newman complied with this request, ”and I confess I do feel excited. But it isn't you--it's my own thoughts. I have been thinking--thinking. Sit down there, and let me look at you again.” Newman seated himself, folded his arms, and bent a heavy gaze upon his friend. He seemed to be playing a part, mechanically, in a lugubrious comedy. Valentin looked at him for some time. ”Yes, this morning I was right; you have something on your mind heavier than Valentin de Bellegarde. Come, I'm a dying man and it's indecent to deceive me. Something happened after I left Paris. It was not for nothing that my sister started off at this season of the year for Fleurieres. Why was it? It sticks in my crop. I have been thinking it over, and if you don't tell me I shall guess.”
”I had better not tell you,” said Newman. ”It won't do you any good.”
”If you think it will do me any good not to tell me, you are very much mistaken. There is trouble about your marriage.”
”Yes,” said Newman. ”There is trouble about my marriage.”
”Good!” And Valentin was silent again. ”They have stopped it.”