Part 27 (1/2)
”Voyons,” said Valentin; ”who is he? what is he?”
”He is what he looks like: as poor as a rat, but very high-toned.”
”Exactly. I noticed him perfectly; be sure I do him justice. He has had losses, des malheurs, as we say. He is very low-spirited, and his daughter is too much for him. He is the pink of respectability, and he has sixty years of honesty on his back. All this I perfectly appreciate.
But I know my fellow-men and my fellow-Parisians, and I will make a bargain with you.” Newman gave ear to his bargain and he went on. ”He would rather his daughter were a good girl than a bad one, but if the worst comes to the worst, the old man will not do what Virginius did.
Success justifies everything. If Mademoiselle Noemie makes a figure, her papa will feel--well, we will call it relieved. And she will make a figure. The old gentleman's future is a.s.sured.”
”I don't know what Virginius did, but M. Nioche will shoot Miss Noemie,”
said Newman. ”After that, I suppose his future will be a.s.sured in some snug prison.”
”I am not a cynic; I am simply an observer,” Valentin rejoined.
”Mademoiselle Noemie interests me; she is extremely remarkable. If there is a good reason, in honor or decency, for dismissing her from my thoughts forever, I am perfectly willing to do it. Your estimate of the papa's sensibilities is a good reason until it is invalidated. I promise you not to look at the young girl again until you tell me that you have changed your mind about the papa. When he has given distinct proof of being a philosopher, you will raise your interdict. Do you agree to that?”
”Do you mean to bribe him?”
”Oh, you admit, then, that he is bribable? No, he would ask too much, and it would not be exactly fair. I mean simply to wait. You will continue, I suppose, to see this interesting couple, and you will give me the news yourself.”
”Well,” said Newman, ”if the old man turns out a humbug, you may do what you please. I wash my hands of the matter. For the girl herself, you may be at rest. I don't know what harm she may do to me, but I certainly can't hurt her. It seems to me,” said Newman, ”that you are very well matched. You are both hard cases, and M. Nioche and I, I believe, are the only virtuous men to be found in Paris.”
Soon after this M. de Bellegarde, in punishment for his levity, received a stern poke in the back from a pointed instrument. Turning quickly round he found the weapon to be a parasol wielded by a lady in green gauze bonnet. Valentin's English cousins had been drifting about unpiloted, and evidently deemed that they had a grievance. Newman left him to their mercies, but with a boundless faith in his power to plead his cause.
Three days after his introduction to the family of Madame de Cintre, Newman, coming in toward evening, found upon his table the card of the Marquis de Bellegarde. On the following day he received a note informing him that the Marquise de Bellegarde would be grateful for the honor of his company at dinner.
He went, of course, though he had to break another engagement to do it.
He was ushered into the room in which Madame de Bellegarde had received him before, and here he found his venerable hostess, surrounded by her entire family. The room was lighted only by the crackling fire, which illuminated the very small pink slippers of a lady who, seated in a low chair, was stretching out her toes before it. This lady was the younger Madame de Bellegarde. Madame de Cintre was seated at the other end of the room, holding a little girl against her knee, the child of her brother Urbain, to whom she was apparently relating a wonderful story.
Valentin was sitting on a puff, close to his sister-in-law, into whose ear he was certainly distilling the finest nonsense. The marquis was stationed before the fire, with his head erect and his hands behind him, in an att.i.tude of formal expectancy.
Old Madame de Bellegarde stood up to give Newman her greeting, and there was that in the way she did so which seemed to measure narrowly the extent of her condescension. ”We are all alone, you see, we have asked no one else,” she said, austerely.
”I am very glad you didn't; this is much more sociable,” said Newman.
”Good evening, sir,” and he offered his hand to the marquis.
M. de Bellegarde was affable, but in spite of his dignity he was restless. He began to pace up and down the room, he looked out of the long windows, he took up books and laid them down again. Young Madame de Bellegarde gave Newman her hand without moving and without looking at him.
”You may think that is coldness,” exclaimed Valentin; ”but it is not, it is warmth. It shows she is treating you as an intimate. Now she detests me, and yet she is always looking at me.”
”No wonder I detest you if I am always looking at you!” cried the lady.
”If Mr. Newman does not like my way of shaking hands, I will do it again.”
But this charming privilege was lost upon our hero, who was already making his way across the room to Madame de Cintre. She looked at him as she shook hands, but she went on with the story she was telling her little niece. She had only two or three phrases to add, but they were apparently of great moment. She deepened her voice, smiling as she did so, and the little girl gazed at her with round eyes.
”But in the end the young prince married the beautiful Florabella,” said Madame de Cintre, ”and carried her off to live with him in the Land of the Pink Sky. There she was so happy that she forgot all her troubles, and went out to drive every day of her life in an ivory coach drawn by five hundred white mice. Poor Florabella,” she exclaimed to Newman, ”had suffered terribly.”
”She had had nothing to eat for six months,” said little Blanche.
”Yes, but when the six months were over, she had a plum-cake as big as that ottoman,” said Madame de Cintre. ”That quite set her up again.”