Chapter 225 - Cant you two have a normal conversation, please? (1/2)
Xiao Ni is truly moved, same as all the guests who showers Wang Kai with a clap.
Father Guan smile a little sad, yet happy for her precious daughter. ”Then, I'll remember your vow, Son-in-law.” he jokingly said.
”Rest assured, I'll beat him myself if he ever wrongs our Xiao Ni.” Father Wang help Wang Kai answering father Guan. Both of them laugh together afterward.
Wang Kai smiles then give Xiao Ni a look. Xiao Ni raised her eyebrow. With her famous ignorant face, she asked ”What?”
”Your turn, I've made my vow,” he said calmly, but success reminds Xiao Ni of the most crucial matters.
Xiao Ni shows a little faint smile before she clear her throat. Her heartbeats quicken and her face blushes again. ”Hmm, my turn now.”
Wang Kai landed his gentle look only at her as she is the beacon in the crows and he lost in her gaze.
”Even though I'm an actress, ekhem. In the past.” she steals a glance at Granpa Guan and grins.
”I'm not very good with words. That is why I have very few friends if I have to admit.” She subconsciously glances at Xia Sha and smiles. Xia Sha smile back, exactly understand what she is implying.
”I have a lot of shortcomings. Even though I am very pretty and cute.” The guest laugh hearing her praising herself. Mother Guan shakes her head.
”So I'm already grateful for someone willing to marry me. Marrying him is honestly my childhood dream. But I've buried it deep inside when he chooses to disappear from my eyes.” She sticks her tongue out to Wang Kai who looks at her helplessly.
”But watching how hard he try to win me back, I can give him a chance.” She tried to play arrogant and smug. She smiles and looks at Wang Kai.
”Clearly you force me to be your boyfriend first.” Wang Kai murmured. Xiao Ni gives him her death glare and pretends she didn't hear anything.
”This time you are my husband who has the vow to cherish me. As long as you did what you've promised, I also promised to cherish you. Won't leave you in every condition in our life. Try to give you the best of me and become your partner, Who can proudly stand beside you.” Xiao Ni swallows before she continued her speech.
”Promises will accompany you until death do us apart.” Both of them look at each other deeply. Xiao Ni bites lips before she smiles.
Wang Kai is touched too, even she said it like cheerfully, people can feel the sincerity. He didn't need her to promise him many things.
He only needs her to be with him, forever.
He was glad she promised him that.
”But if you dare to cheat on me.” Xiao Ni's eyes widen horrifically. Wang Kai laughs. He doesn't understand why Xiao Ni really likes to kill the romantic vibes.
”Same as you, if you dare to cheat on me...” Wang Kai shows his cold killing aura and gives other chills.
”Alright, alright, can't you two have a normal conversation, please? I almost become obese from the amount of dog food you two feed.” Ji Cun Xi slumped on his seat with a pitiful face.
People laugh while Xiao Ni clicked her tongue. ”I didn't force you to come. You clearly know I invite you to feed dog food, but still willingly come.”
Ji Cun Xi almost choked to death.
After the Vow, there is an exchange ring ceremony.
Wang Kai smiles as he watches his little nephew who almost his son brings them little box.
”Little Xu Kun is so cute.” The guest whispers and adores the cute little boy.
Wang Xu Kun, however, looks at her aunty Xiao Ni with sad teary eyes. Xiao Ni slightly bends when she saw Xu Kun.
”Xu Kun, what makes you sad?” She asks with a gentle voice. Wang Kai also a little worried.
Xu Kun ignores Wang Kai worried gaze and lays his eyes on Xiao Ni. ”Aunty are you sure you want to marry uncle, Kai? Why don't you consider it again?”
Wang Kai frown and give Xu Kun his chilly gaze. Did Wang Ru send his son to steal his bride? Still not giving up?
Everyone turns tense. Wang Kai is not happy is trouble. Someone messes his wedding and make him unhappy is like zillion trouble!
”Aunty is so pretty, I want to marry aunty. But my father says aunty is my uncle's wife, so it's illegal to marry aunty.” Xu Kun explains with a sad tone as he peak at Xiao Ni.
After hearing his explanation, Wang Kai turns gloomy, and Xiao Ni laughs.
”Brat, I'll pretend I heard nothing today because you are my nephew.” Wang Kai gives him a penetrating gaze as he took the ring box.
This pair of father and son keep taking every opportunity to steal his wife. So hateful.
The guest laughs at the little trouble. Mother Wang quickly take little Xu Kun and let the brides continue.
Wang Xu Kun seat beside his great-grandpa and sulks. As his little eyes witnessing his almost dad, Wang Kai put on a beautiful ring on aunty Xiao Ni's pretty finger.
Aunty Xiao Ni also put a ring on his uncle Wang's finger. Both laugh at each other afterwards.
Then they pour out wine on a stack of glasses and several other ceremonial like cute the cake and everything.
In the end, Xia Sha got the flower banquet. Almost make Guan Xian heart burst out of happiness.
Xiao Ni also makes some time to chat with 10 lucky fans she invites to the wedding. Taking pictures with them.
In a short amount of time, Xiao Ni once again filled the top 10 hot news on Weibo.
#1 Guan Xiao Ni and Wang Kai Got Marry, Wedding Of The Year
#2 Guan Xiao Ni Wear 5 Wedding gown with Pricy tag! One enough to buy a luxurious apartment!
#3 Guan Xiao Ni is a Live Disney Princess