Chapter 218 - want you to be safe and happy, wife (1/2)
After dinner to end the ceremony, Xiao Ni goes home with Wang Kai. This time, she finally will live with Wang Kai as his legal wife.
The normal bride usually looks shy and sweetly awkward at their first-night living together. Xiao Ni thought she will felt that way too if only Wang Kai can shut his laughter.
”I thought somebody say she won't shed tears and will look 24/7 beautiful.” He deliberately copies Xiao Ni's sentence.
Every day before the Tea Ceremony day she said one passage to Wang Kai, every day. ”Since our wedding ceremony will be watched by our children later, I swear not to appear ugly!”
In reality, she ruined her make-up and hair because she refuses to get married. They even need to call Xiaye and redo her make up for the dinner night.
”Man won't understand.” She scoffed as she roughly wipes away lipstick from her lips. ”Look what will you do if your daughter got marry someday,” she added, almost whispering.
Wang Kai leisurely lay on the bed, all fresh after the bath. His mood we're really good especially today. Looking at the pretty back that facing the mirror now, he felt blissful.
Not even her mean comment makes his face dark. Even at the mention of his future daughter getting married. In contrast, this topic making him even happier.
”To have a daughter, we first have to make one.” He calmly replies, but something lit in his eyes. Xiao Ni's hand stop in the midway to erase her eyebrow.
She almost not blink for 2 minutes straight. Wang Kai chuckles at her response. When she recovers from her shock she instantly runs to the bathroom and locks herself.
”Wang Kai you go away! I will not share the same bad with a pervert like you!” Wang Kai heard her screams from inside and laugh once again.
He slowly walks to the door and knocks against it. ”Wahhh!!” He can hear Xiao Ni's panic voice from inside. ”Wife! Don't worry leave the warming bed job to me. I won't let you down.” He teases Xiao Ni with a playful tone.
Then he can hear silent cursed from inside. He laughed once more before he replies with a shout. ”I can hear that!”
Xiao Ni hides in the bathroom for almost 2 hours. She does everything slowly and carefully. She planned to get out when he already sleeps.
”It's already 11 pm, he must've sleep right?” She asked her reflection in the mirror. Waiting for 2 hours in the bathroom without a smartphone is very boring. Xiao Ni makes a note to take her phone next time she hides again.
She sticks her ears to the door. Silence, not even a sound from outside. Gathering her courage, she unlocks the door and pushes the handle.
Carefully she sticks out her head, making sure everything goes well with her plan. Indeed, she has a safe situation because Wang Kai is not here.
Without his presence, she leisurely comes out with a relieved sigh. ”I'm safe, for now.” She murmured silently and pursed her lips.
Her mouth said she was happy from his absence, but her heart filled with dissatisfaction. How can a groom leave his bride alone on their wedding night?
Did she sign up for this? No.
But she also didn't want to do that tonight. Confused by her own thought she groans and lay on the bed. Frustrated.
She turns off the light on the dresser, ready to enter her sleeping dream.
5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes have passed. He hasn't come yet and she can't sleep.
Xiao Ni ruffled her own hair like a madwoman. She looks at the door and then let a heavy sigh. ”Alright, Guan Xiao Ni you didn't come out to find Wang Kai.”
She explains to herself, raising her index finger like a teacher. ”You want to play with your puppies, Oreo and Vanilla.” After saying that to herself she put on her slipper.
She carefully opens the door, trying to minimize any form of sound. Slowly but sure, she walks downstairs. Then she heard the sound of people discussing.
”Is he in the middle of the meeting?” She asked herself but then she heard someone mention her name.
”I have promise Xiao Ni not hiding any secret anymore. But I'm afraid this might provoke her panic attack.” Xiao Ni recognized well, it was Wang Kai's cold and flat voice.
She holds him breathe, what are they talking about?
”Didn't she tell you, the day you make your announcement she starts to suffer from PSTD. In the past, her brain forced to forget the event, but several events might trigger her memory.” It's also a familiar voice.
”Jason?” She widens her eyes and walks closer to the sources.
”It's my fault.” Wang Kai gritted his teeth and clench his fist. He should control his emotion. He should protect her, not making her suffering this nightmare for the second time.