Chapter 128 - ‘fun’ surprises (1/2)
”I want to ride that!” NiNi fuming, veins pop on her clear forehead.
”I said No! That is very dangerous!” Wang Kai answer with a stern voice. He held her hand tightly, preventing her to run away and join the extreme ride.
”Wang Kai! This is one of your property, are you saying that your project is not safe?” NiNi arched her flawless eyebrow, her little nose shrink as she shouts.
NiNi's voice gathers the attention of the people around them. Oh, wait, their couple's T-shirt has gathered the attention before she even shouts. As soon as she finishes shouting, embarrassment grew inside of her.
Wang Kai ignores people stares, he was used to it. Going out with NiNi means you will have people staring at you, like it or not. He has to grow customized and accept his situations.
”That is not for little human like you.” He frowns, pulling NiNi to a carousel. This kind of ride suits her better.
”I don't want to play that.” NiNi frown, showing her desperation to Wang Kai.
Why did she bring her father to funfair? No, Wang Kai is worse than her father! He keeps prohibiting her to play the rides she wanted.
”Guan Xiao Ni, are you sure?” Wang Kai raised his eyebrow, tapping the queue railing impatiently. He knows she always likes to ride carrousel since she was a kid.
”Forget it, I'm thirsty, I want to buy a drink.” She said, walking away from Wang Kai. Wang Kai pulls NiNi back to her position before he searches a bench for NiNi.
”Wait here, don't go anywhere.” He said with a domineering voice, with suspicious eyes. He stares straight to NiNi's innocent face. NiNi blinks her eyes twice, using her sparkling eyes to make Wang Kai believe that she will follow his words.
”Ay Ay Captain!” she makes a salute, makes the sweetest smile ever. ”Promise you won't run away?” Wang Kai lean closer, raising his long pinky finger. NiNi bit her lower lips, slightly pouting before she nods slowly hook her pinky finger around his pinky finger.
”Promised.” She smiles wryly. She felt like an errant child.
”Okay, wait here, I will buy some ice cream if you don't run away.” He said before he walks away. NiNi waves her hand happily, watching Wang Kai's masculine back disappear from her sight.
When she was assured that Wang Kai has gone, she walks quickly to the extreme ride she has been eyeing from the start. Grin widely she quickly goes into the queue alone.
After waiting for short 6 minutes, she finally got into the ride she wanted. Luckily Wang Kai hasn't arrived yet or he might pull her out from the line.
She was thrilled when the assistant fastens her seatbelt for her. Adrenaline starts to rise as she recalls how people had screamed when she watched the previous round.
The ride she played called Insanity. It moves like a centrifuge machine, spinning the passenger 360 degrees. First, they will swing about 70 degrees before the strong machine brings them 900 feet from the ground and began to spins.
NiNi excitedly swings her hanging foot, preparing herself before the ride official starts.
”3…2…” NiNi adrenaline keeps rushing as she heard a steady voice from the loudspeaker.
”GUAN XIAO NI!” She heard Wang Kai's angry voice before she was taken to the skies, leaving Wang Kai behind.