Chapter 123 - Always, never change. (1/2)
As the movie starts to get emotional when Mufasa died to save Simba, Wang Kai keeps his guard to seize his opportunity. He clearly didn't watch the movie, moreover to get emotional like NiNi.
This is a crucial point at this date, the climax if he let this opportunity gone this date won't be count as a perfect date. As a perfectionist man he is, he wants to make sure everything he planned to go well without any flaw.
”HuHuHu… this is so sad… Mufasa….” NiNi starts to cry like the cry baby she is. Wang Kai faces light up. This is the moment he waits from the start when NiNi said she wanted to watch Lion King.
He knew she will choose Lion King because of this weird girl like a very sad movie, like Lion King. He has plans this date in every detail, with the help of Baidu's love expert he knew what he has to do on this date.
”Hey, don't cry, it's okay.” He lean closer, gently bring NiNi into his warm embrace, kiss the top of her head full with affection. Slowly he leans NiNi's head to his broad shoulder as he hugs her from the side.
Smooth move. He probably needs to find out who his love advisor on Baidu and give him rewards. Everything he teaches is very effective. Slowly her girl will back to his embrace and forget that Yan Xi completely!
The image of him kicking Yan Xi's butt as he hugs NiNi plays on his brain. Satisfied with the image, he smiles and tightens his hug on NiNi petite little body. From such distance, he can clearly smell NiNi's fragrance, his favorite perfume in the world.
He felt like he this is a far better deal than the million contracts left on his office desk. Putting his chin on NiNi's head, he whispers to her ears.
”Are you happy?” his deep hoarse voice on NiNi's ear make her shiver instantly. NiNi didn't know when did he hug her, but she already on his warm embrace while she wipes her tears away.
She can't lie, she was very touched and happy. He is a very busy man but he spends his precious time to take her to date instead. Looking up just to see the glimpse of his happy and relaxed face, NiNi nods her head shyly.
Wang Kai smile when he saw a coy nod, then he launches his sudden attack. Warm lips successfully land on NiNi's white soft cheek, turning it into red color. He chuckles as he ignores NiNi's shocked expression and kisses her cheek again.
”Don't get too excited, the night is still long.” He runs his hand through her soft hair and rests her into his chest.
NiNi didn't expect that when Wang Kai said the night is still long, that means they will continue their date after the movie.
After the credit scene rolls on the big screen, Wang Kai suddenly stands up, tidy up his shirt and pants before he offers her his hand, helping her to stand up too.
Accepting his invitation, NiNi entrusts her hand on his big warm hand. She didn't think that he will bend and kiss her hand while he asked, ”May I have this dance?”
There is no music, no beautiful, sparkling lights, they didn't even wear formal clothes but she said yes anyway.
They used to practice dance together, thanks to aunty Wang's enforcement and constant nagging. She always loves the art of dance, especially couples dance, she believes that it brings people closer.
Tonight, under the stars and moonlight, both of them dance again for the second time. But this time there is no jealous gaze on them, there are no judging stares from people, she didn't even wear a dress while he only wears a slightly crumpled shirt.
There only two of them, but it felt like they own the whole world.
”It's so silent.” NiNi chirp, enjoying the cold breeze on his face as she let her leg follow Wang Kai's step.