Part 2 (2/2)

But the little folded paper marked, ”No. 2 o'clock,” announced destructively: ”My eyes are brown. And I am _very_ little.”

With an absurdly resolute intention to ”play the game” every bit as genuinely as Miss Serial-Letter Co. was playing it, Stanton refrained quite heroically from opening the third dose of news until at least two big, resonant city clocks had insisted that the hour was ripe. By that time the grin in his face was almost bright enough of itself to illuminate any ordinary page.

”I am lame,” confided the third message somewhat depressingly. Then snugglingly in parenthesis like the tickle of lips against his ear whispered the one phrase: ”My picture is in the fourth paper,--if you should happen still to be awake at four o'clock.”

Where now was Stanton's boasted sense of honor concerning the ethics of playing the game according to directions? ”Wait a whole hour to see what Molly looked like? Well he guessed not!” Fumbling frantically under his pillow and across the medicine stand he began to search for the missing ”No. 4 o'clock.” Quite out of breath, at last he discovered it lying on the floor a whole arm's length away from the bed. Only with a really acute stab of pain did he finally succeed in reaching it. Then with fingers fairly trembling with effort, he opened forth and disclosed a tiny snap-shot photograph of a grim-jawed, scrawny-necked, much be-spectacled elderly dame with a huge gray pompadour.

[Ill.u.s.tration: An elderly dame]

”Stung!” said Stanton.

Rheumatism or anger, or something, buzzed in his heart like a bee the rest of the night.

Fortunately in the very first mail the next morning a postal-card came from Cornelia--such a pretty postal-card too, with a bright-colored picture of an inordinately ”riggy” looking ostrich staring over a neat wire fence at an eager group of unmistakably Northern tourists.

Underneath the picture was written in Cornelia's own precious hand the heart-thrilling information:

”We went to see the Ostrich Farm yesterday. It was really very interesting. C.”


For quite a long time Stanton lay and considered the matter judicially from every possible point of view. ”It would have been rather pleasant,” he mused ”to know who 'we' were.” Almost childishly his face cuddled into the pillow. ”She might at least have told me the name of the ostrich!” he smiled grimly.

Thus quite utterly denied any nouris.h.i.+ng Cornelia-flavored food for his thoughts, his hungry mind reverted very naturally to the tantalizing, evasive, sweetly spicy fragrance of the 'Molly'

episode--before the really dreadful photograph of the unhappy spinster-lady had burst upon his blinking vision.

Scowlingly he picked up the picture and stared and stared at it.

Certainly it was grim. But even from its grimness emanated the same faint, mysterious odor of cinnamon roses that lurked in the accompanying letter. ”There's some dreadful mistake somewhere,” he insisted. Then suddenly he began to laugh, and reaching out once more for pen and paper, inscribed his second letter and his first complaint to the Serial-Letter Co.

”To the Serial-Letter Co.,” he wrote sternly, with many ferocious tremors of dignity and rheumatism.

”Kindly allow me to call attention to the fact that in my recent order of the 18th inst., the specifications distinctly stated 'love-letters', and _not_ any correspondence whatsoever,--no matter how exhilarating from either a 'Gray-Plush Squirrel' or a 'Banda Sea Pirate' as evidenced by enclosed photograph which I am hereby returning. Please refund money at once or forward me without delay a consistent photograph of a 'special edition de luxe' girl.

”Very truly yours.”

The letter was mailed by the janitor long before noon. Even as late as eleven o'clock that night Stanton was still hopefully expecting an answer. Nor was he altogether disappointed. Just before midnight a messenger boy appeared with a fair-sized manilla envelope, quite stiff and important looking.

”Oh, please, Sir,” said the enclosed letter, ”Oh, please, Sir, we cannot refund your subscription money because--we have spent it. But if you will only be patient, we feel quite certain that you will be altogether satisfied in the long run with the material offered you. As for the photograph recently forwarded to you, kindly accept our apologies for a very clumsy mistake made here in the office.

Do any of these other types suit you better? Kindly mark selection and return all pictures at your earliest convenience.”

Before the messenger boy's astonished interest Stanton spread out on the bed all around him a dozen soft sepia-colored photographs of a dozen different girls. Stately in satin, or simple in gingham, or deliciously hoydenish in fis.h.i.+ng-clothes, they challenged his surprised attention. Blonde, brunette, tall, short, posing with wistful tenderness in the flickering glow of an open fire, or smiling frankly out of a purely conventional vignette--they one and all defied him to choose between them.

”Oh! Oh!” laughed Stanton to himself. ”Am I to try and separate her picture from eleven pictures of her friends! So that's the game, is it? Well, I guess not! Does she think I'm going to risk choosing a tom-boy girl if the gentle little creature with the pansies is really herself? Or suppose she truly is the enchanting little tom-boy, would she probably write me any more nice funny letters if I solemnly selected her sentimental, moony-looking friend at the heavily draped window?”

Craftily he returned all the pictures unmarked to the envelope, and changing the address hurried the messenger boy off to remail it. Just this little note, hastily scribbled in pencil went with the envelope:

