Part 23 (2/2)
”Where is the Royalist?” he exclaimed.
”Halloo! young fellow, are you back again? I thought you had gone off with a bee in your bonnet, so suddenly and quickly did you run. The Royalist? ay, she hoisted her sails two minutes after her boat reached her. I was watching her closely, for I wondered whether she had aught to do with your sudden flight. Methinks that something strange has happened on board, for I saw what seemed to be a scuffle, and certainly the sun shone on the gleam of swords. Then, too, instead of heaving her anchor, she slipped the cable, and a Scotch captain must be in a hurry indeed when he does that.”
”Where is she now?” Mike asked.
”Over there, full four miles away, making across the Forth for the northern point of land.”
”Is she a fast s.h.i.+p?” Captain Leslie, who had come up, inquired.
”She has the name of being the fastest sailer in these parts.”
”There is nothing here would catch her?” Donald Leslie asked. ”Would a rowboat have a chance of overtaking her?”
”Not this evening,” the sailor said, looking at the sky. ”The wind is rising now, and it will blow a gale before morning.”
”Tell me, my man,” Leslie asked, ”and here is a gold piece for your pains, where you think she is likely to put in?”
”That will all depend,” the sailor replied, ”upon what errand she is bound. I must know that before I can answer you.”
Leslie looked at William Long. The latter said:
”It were best to tell this honest fellow the facts of the case. Look you, my 'man, the two king's officers who have gone on board are ill friends with the Campbells, and we doubt not that these have kidnaped and carried them off.”
”The Campbells are an ill crew to deal with,” the sailor said, ”and I do not love them myself. If it be as you say, they might be landed either at Anstruther, near which is a hold belonging to Andrew Campbell of Glencoulie, or at St. Andrews, or at Leuchars, a little bay north of that town, whence they might take them to Kilbeg Castle, also held by a Campbell. It is a lonely place ten miles inland, and their friends would be little likely to look for them there. Besides, the Royalist might land them and sail away without any being the wiser, while at the other ports her coming would be surely noticed.”
”Think you that we can obtain horses on the other side?”
”You might obtain four or five,” the sailor said, ”of Tony Galbraith, who keeps the inn there, and who lets horses on hire to those traveling north.”
”If a storm comes on,” Leslie asked, ”which way is it likely to blow, and will the Royalist be like to make the bay you name?
”Ah! that is more than I can tell,” the sailor replied. ”Methinks 'twill blow from the west. In that case, she might be able to make her way along the sh.o.r.e; she might run into port for shelter; she might be blown out to sea.”
”At any rate,” Leslie said, ”our first step is to cross. Get us a stout sailing boat. Be not sparing of promises.”
The man at once went off to a group of sailors, but these at first shook their heads, and looked toward the sky. Its aspect was threatening. The wind was getting up fast, and of scud flew rapidly across it.
Leslie went up to the group.
”Come, lads,” he said, ”five pounds if you put us across.”
The offer was too tempting to be rejected, and the men hurried down and began to prepare a large sailing boat. Leslie and Lieutenant Long had a hasty consultation, and agreed that, seeing the difficulty there would be in obtaining horses, it was useless to take more than ten men in all.
Accordingly, as soon as the boat was in readiness, the two officers, Mike, and seven soldiers took their places in her. The sails were closely reefed, and she at once put out into the Firth. Every minute the wind rose, until, by the time they were half across, it was blowing a gale. The boat was a stout one, but the waves broke freely over her, and four of the soldiers were kept at work baling to throw out the water she took over her bows. Once or twice they thought that she would capsize, so furious were the gusts, but the boatmen were quick and skillful. The sheets were let go and the sails lowered until the force of the squall abated, and at last, after a pa.s.sage which seemed rapid even to those on board, anxious as they were, she entered the little port.
Hurrying to the inn, they found that six horses were obtainable. These they hired at once. The host said that he could send to some farms, not far distant, and hire four more, but that an hour or so would elapse ere they came. Leslie and William Long had already decided that the prisoners would most probably be taken to Kilbeg Castle, as being more secluded than the others. They now agreed that they themselves with Mike and three soldiers should start at once, to intercept them if possible between the sea and the castle. When the other horses arrived two of the soldiers were to ride with all speed to Anstruther, and two to St.