Volume II Part 72 (1/2)
_Spottsylvania Court-House_, twelve days of skirmish and battle at, between Lee and Grant, 523.
_State, A_, rent asunder and a new one formed of the fragment, 2.
_State governments_, the subjugation of, 450; a revolution unlike any other that may be found in the history of mankind, 451; an a.s.sertion often made during the war, 451; objects for which the State governments were inst.i.tuted, 451; where must the American citizen look for the security of the rights with which he has been endowed by his Creator? 451; to the State government, 451; the powers of the State government are just powers, 451; is the citizen's life in danger? the State guarantees his protection, 451; is the citizen's personal liberty in danger? the State guarantees it, 451; duty of the State government to give its citizens perfect and complete security, 452; necessarily sovereign within its own domain, 452; its entire order founded on the free consent of the governed, 452; this consent gives just powers, 452; all else are usurpations, 452; how these powers are organized, 452; its object, 452; subversion and subjugation of a State government, how accomplished, 452; the commission of such a subversion and subjugation fearlessly charged upon the Government of the United States as a monstrous crime against const.i.tutional liberty, 453; distinction in nature and objects between the Government of the United States and the State governments, 453.
_States, The_, the principles upon which they were originally const.i.tuted and upon which the Union was formed explained, 368.
STEPHENS, A. H., sent as commissioner relative to the exchange of prisoners to Was.h.i.+ngton, 591; not allowed to come to Was.h.i.+ngton, 595; appointed to confer with Mr. Lincoln, 617.
STEVENS, THADDEUS, his remark, ”Who pleads the Const.i.tution against our proposed action” of confiscation? 8; declaration in Congress on the admission of West Virginia, 308.
STEVENS, Lieutenant, commands the Arkansas at Baton Rouge, 244.
STEVENSON. Major-General, resists the force of the enemy near Vicksburg, 407; report of the conflict at the redoubt before Vicksburg, 415.
”_Stop thief!_” The old trick exemplified, 191.
STREIGHT. Colonel, captured by General Forrest, 426.
STUART, General J. E. B., sent with cavalry to cover the approach of Jackson from the enemy, 133; subsequent confidential instructions from Lee, 133; engaged with cavalry on detached service, 150; his march down the enemy's line of communication described, 150; opens fire on the enemy with a light howitzer, 151; effect on the enemy, described by General Casey, 151; remains east of the mountains to observe the enemy, 330; at Sharpsburg battle, 335; attacked by the enemy at Kelly's Ford, 438; encounters the enemy's cavalry, 439; left to guard the pa.s.ses of the mountains, 440; makes a circuit of the Federal army, 440; pursues Sheridan in a dash upon Richmond. 509; places himself in front of Sheridan and resists his advance, 509; is mortally wounded, 510; his death and character, 510.
_Subjugation of the Southern States_, the Intention of the Government of the United States, 3; established by the course pursued by it.3; evasion and final rejection of every proposition for a peaceful settlement, 3; its extreme obstinacy, 4; observable in the original party of abolition, 4; futile warnings of its suicidal tendency, 4; not contending for a principle, but supremacy, 4; no compromise, 4; of the States by the Government of the United States, 450; object of the State governments, 451; how accomplished, 452: of the government of the Stale of New York, by the domination over it of the military power of the Government of the United States, 488.
_Sub-terra sh.e.l.ls_, effect produced on the enemy by their use on the retreat from Williamsburg, 97.
_Subversion of a State government_, how accomplished, 454.
_Sumter, Fort_, its brave and invincible defense, 204; the manner of its evacuation, 204; salute and cheers, 204.
_Sumter, The cruiser_, her preparation and career, 246, 247.
_Supplies_ for Lee's army at Petersburg, a statement of facts, 668-670; letter of General Breckinridge, 672; do. of the a.s.sistant commissary-general, 672; another letter, 673; supplies on the retreat, 673; letter of President Harvie, of the Richmond and Danville Railroad, 673, 674; do. relative to sending supplies to Amelia Court-House, 675.
_Supremacy_, when the contest is for, there will be no concessions, 4.
SURRATT, Mrs., her case awakening much sympathy, 497; efforts to obtain a respite, 497.
TALIAFERRO, General, commands Virginia forces at Norfolk, 195; commands Jackson's division at Cedar Run, 319.
TANEY, Chief-Justice, decision in the Carpenter case, 348; a civil war, or any other war, does not enlarge the powers of the Federal Government over the States or the people beyond what the compact has given to it, 348; grants the writ of _habeas corpus_ in the case of John Merryman, 463; disobeyed, 463; decision of the Court, 463.
TATNALL, Commander JOSIAH, objections to proceeding to York River with the Virginia, 91; takes command of the Virginia, 202; his statement respecting the Virginia, 203; has charge of the harbor defense of Savannah, 201.
TAYLOR, General RICHARD, his description of the dangerous moment of the battle at Port Republic, 116; movements against the enemy west of the Mississippi, 418; proceeds to raise the siege of Port Hudson by cutting the communications of General Banks, 419; his movements after the capitulation of Port Hudson, 422; commands in the Red River country, 541; his force and movements, 542; encounters General Banks, 542; battle at Mansfield, 542; defeat of Banks at Pleasant Hill, 543, 544.
TAYLOR, Colonel THOMAS, takes a letter to President Lincoln relative to prisoners, 584.
TAYLOR, Brigadier-General, of New Jersey, advances to recover the stores captured at Mana.s.sas Junction, 323; routed, 323.
_Tennessee_, measures adopted to occupy and fortify strong positions after her secession, 24; Forts Henry and Donelson, 24; our forces in, 51; their concentration, 52; a military Governor appointed, 285; public officers driven from office, 285; newspaper offices closed, 285; citizens arrested and imprisoned, 285; election of members of Congress ordered, 286; a State organization attempted, 286; qualifications of voters determined and fixed by the military officer of the Government of the United States, 286; the oath, 286; amendments to the regular State Const.i.tution attempted, 287; declared to be adopted by a vote of twenty-five thousand out of a hundred and forty-five thousand citizens, 287; called ”guaranteeing a republican form of government,” as required by the United States Const.i.tution, 287; many positions held by the enemy in, 385; the aggregate force, 385; Rosecrans a.s.signed to command, 385; most important position at Corinth, 386; plan of the enemy, 886; Vicksburg, the point of attack, 386; Generals Price and Van Dorn in command of our forces, 386; the former moves from Tupelo to Iuka, 386; the enemy retreats, abandoning stores, 386; unites with General Van Dorn for an attack on Corinth, 387; battle at Iuka, 387; strength of Van Dorn, 387: do. of the enemy, 388; attempt to surprise Corinth before reenforcements were received, 388; its secession proceedings founded on true republican principles, 455; the proceedings of the Government of the United States 455; it denies the fundamental principles of liberty, 456; its proceedings founded on the a.s.sumption of the sovereignty of the Government of the United States, not on the principle of the sovereignty of the people, 456; invasion of the rights of popular liberty, 456; efforts to erect a State government subject to the United States Government, 456; limitation of the will of the voter, 456; voter's right to cast his ballot dependent on the permission of the United States Government, 456; further conditions required of the voter, 457; who was the sovereign in Tennessee? 457; the Government of the United States, 457; where was the government of the State of Tennessee and the sovereign people? 457; the former was subverted and overthrown, and the latter subjugated, 457; amendments to the Const.i.tution, 457; guaranteed to be a republican State, 458; Hood's campaign in, 578.