Volume I Part 42 (1/2)

There was an apparent advantage to the enemy in the new base for his operations which was sufficiently ill.u.s.trated by the events of the last year of the war. Had we possessed an army as large as the enemy supposed, it would have been possible for us at the same time to check his advance from the East and to march against his capital, with fair prospect of capturing it, before the army he had sent against Yorktown could have been brought back for the defense of Was.h.i.+ngton. On this as on other occasions he greatly magnified the force we possessed, and on this as on other occasions it required the concentration of our troops successfully to resist a detachment of his. Accepting as a necessity the withdrawal of the main portion of our army from northern Virginia to meet the invasion from the seaboard, it was regretted that earlier and more effective means were not employed for the mobilization of the army, a desirable measure in either contingency of advance or retreat, or at the least that the withdrawal was not so deliberate as to secure the removal of our ordnance, subsistence, and quartermasters' stores, which had been collected on the line occupied in 1861 and the early part of 1862.

A distinguished officer of our army, who has since the war made valuable contributions to the history of its operations-especially valuable as well for their accuracy as for their freedom [pg 468] from personal or partisan bias-writes thus of the retreat from Centreville:

”A very large amount of stores and provisions had been abandoned for want of transportation, and among the stores was a very large quant.i.ty of clothing, blankets etc., which had been provided by the States south of Virginia for their own troops. The pile of trunks along the railroad was appalling to behold. All these stores, clothing, trunks, etc., were consigned to the flames by a portion of our cavalry left to carry out the work of their destruction. The loss of stores at this point and at White Plains on the Mana.s.sas Gap Railroad, where a large amount of meat had been salted and stored, was a very serious one to us, and embarra.s.sed us for the remainder of the war, as it put us at once on a running stock.”

The same officer-and the value of his opinion will be recognized by all who know him, wherefore I give his name, General J. A. Early-in a communication subsequent to that from which I have just quoted, writes, in regard to the loss of supplies:

”I believe that all might have been carried off from Mana.s.sas if the railroads had been energetically operated. The rolling-stock of the Orange and Alexandria, Mana.s.sas Gap, and Virginia Central Railroads ought to have been sufficient for the purpose of removing everything in the two weeks allowed, if properly used.”

The enemy's plans, the development of which, as has been already stated, was necessary for the determination of our own movements, were soon thereafter found to be the invasion of Virginia from the seaboard, and the princ.i.p.al portion of our army was consequently ordered to the Peninsula, between the York River and the James. Thus the northern frontier of Virginia, which, in the first year of the war, had been the main field of skirmishes, combats, and battles, of advance and retreat, and the occupation and evacuation of fortified positions, ceased for a time to tremble beneath the tread of contending armies.

To the foregoing narration of events immediately connected with the efforts of the Confederate Government to maintain its [pg 469] existence at home, may here be properly added an incident bearing on its foreign relations in the first year of the war.

Our efforts for the recognition of the Confederate States by the European powers, in 1861, served to make us better known abroad, to awaken a kindly feeling in our favor, and cause a respectful regard for the effort we were making to maintain the independence of the States which Great Britain had recognized, and her people knew to be our birthright.

On the 8th of November, 1861, an outrage was perpetrated by an armed vessel of the United States, in the forcible detention, on the high-seas, of a British mail steamer, making one of her regular trips from one British port to another, and the seizure, on that unarmed vessel, of our Commissioners, Mason and Slidell, who with their secretaries were bound for Europe on diplomatic service. The seizure was made by an armed force against the protest of the Captain of the vessel, and of Commander Williams, R.N., the latter speaking as the representative of her Majesty's Government. The Commissioners only yielded when force, which they could not resist, was used to remove them from the mail-steamer, and convey them to the United States vessel of war.

This outrage was the more marked because the United States had been foremost in resisting the right of ”visit and search,” and had made it the cause of the War of 1812 with Great Britain.

When intelligence of the event was received in England, it excited the greatest indignation among the people; and her Majesty's Government, by naval and other preparations, unmistakably exhibited the purpose to redress the wrong.

The Commissioners and their secretaries had been transported to the harbor of Boston, and imprisoned in its main fortress.

Diplomatic correspondence resulted from this event. The British Government demanded the immediate and unconditional release of the Commissioners, ”in order that they may again be placed under British protection, and a suitable apology for the aggression which has been committed.”

In the mean time, Captain Wilkes, commander of the vessel [pg 470] which had made the visit and search of the Trent, returned to the United States and was received with general plaudit, both by the people and the Government. The House of Representatives pa.s.sed a vote of thanks, an honor not heretofore bestowed except for some deed deserving well of the country. In the midst of all this exultation at the seizure of our Commissioners on board of a British merchant-s.h.i.+p, came the indignant and stern demand for the restoration of those Commissioners to the British protection from which they had been taken, and an apology for the aggression. It was little to be expected, after such explicit commendation of the act, that the United States Government would accede to the demand; and therefore the War and Navy Departments of the British Government made active and extensive provision to enforce it. The haughty temper displayed toward four gentlemen arrested on an unarmed s.h.i.+p subsided in view of a demand to be enforced by the army and navy of Great Britain, and the United States Secretary of State, after a wordy and ingenious reply to the Minister of Great Britain at Was.h.i.+ngton City, wrote: ”The four persons in question are now held in military custody at Fort Warren, in the State of Ma.s.sachusetts. They will be cheerfully liberated. Your lords.h.i.+p will please indicate a time and place for receiving them.”

There was a time when the Government and the people of the United States would not have sanctioned such aggression on the right of friendly s.h.i.+ps to pa.s.s unquestioned on the high way of nations, and the right of a neutral flag to protect everything not contraband of war; but that was a time when arrogance and duplicity had not led them into false positions, and when the roar of the British lion could not make Americans retract what they had deliberately avowed.

Footnote 191: (return) Thoroughfare Gap was the point at which the Commissary-General had placed a meat-packing establishment

[pg 471]


Supply of Arms at the Beginning of the War; of Powder; of Batteries; of other Articles.-Contents of a.r.s.enals.-Other Stores, Mills, etc.-First Efforts to obtain Powder, Niter, and Sulphur.-Construction of Mills commenced.-Efforts to supply Arms, Machinery, Field-Artillery, Ammunition, Equipment, and Saltpeter.-Results in 1862.-Government Powder-Mills; how organized.-Success.-Efforts to obtain Lead.-Smelting-Works.-Troops, how armed.-Winter of 1862.-Supplies.-Niter and Mining Bureau.-Equipment of First Armies.-Receipts by Blockade-Runners.-a.r.s.enal at Richmond.-Armories at Richmond and Fayetteville.-A Central Laboratory built at Macon.-Statement of General Gorgas.-Northern Charge against General Floyd answered.-Charge of Slowness against the President answered.-Quant.i.ties of Arms purchased that could not be s.h.i.+pped in 1861.-Letter of Mr. Huse.

At the beginning of the war the arms within the limits of the Confederacy were distributed as follows:


At Richmond (State)about 4,000 Fayetteville, North Carolina about2,00025,000 Charleston, South Carolina about2,00020,000 Augusta, Georgiaabout3,00028,000 Mount Vernon, Alabamaabout2,00020,000 Baton Rouge, Louisianaabout2,00027,000 Total15,000 120,000 There were at Richmond about sixty thousand old flint-muskets, and at Baton Rouge about ten thousand old Hall's rifles and carbines. At Little Rock, Arkansas, there were a few thousand stands, and a few at the Texas a.r.s.enal, increasing the aggregate of serviceable arms to about one hundred and forty-three thousand. Add to these the arms owned by the several States and by military organizations, and it would make a total of one hundred and fifty thousand for the use of the armies of the Confederacy. The rifles were of the caliber .54, known as Mississippi rifles, except those at Richmond taken from Harper's Ferry, which were of the new-model caliber .58; the muskets were the old flint lock, caliber .69, altered to percussion. There were a few boxes of sabers at each a.r.s.enal, and some short artillery-swords. A few hundred holster-pistols were scattered about. There were no revolvers.

[pg 472]

There was before the war little powder or ammunition of any kind stored in the Southern States, and this was a relic of the war with Mexico. It is doubtful if there were a million of rounds of small-arms cartridges. The chief store of powder was that captured at Norfolk; there was, besides, a small quant.i.ty at each of the Southern a.r.s.enals, in all sixty thousand pounds, chiefly old cannon-powder. The percussion-caps did not exceed one quarter of a million, and there was no lead on hand. There were no batteries of serviceable field-artillery at the a.r.s.enals, but a few old iron guns mounted on Gribeauval carriages fabricated about 1812. The States and the volunteer companies did, however, possess some serviceable batteries. But there were neither harness, saddles, bridles, blankets, nor other artillery or cavalry equipments.

To furnish one hundred and fifty thousand men, on both sides of the Mississippi, in May, 1861, there were no infantry accoutrements, no cavalry arms or equipments, no artillery and, above all, no ammunition; nothing save arms, and these almost wholly the old pattern smooth-bore muskets, altered to percussion from flint locks.

Within the limits of the Confederate States the a.r.s.enals had been used only as depots, and no one of them, except that at Fayetteville, North Carolina, had a single machine above the grade of a foot-lathe. Except at Harper's Ferry Armory, all the work of preparation of material had been carried on at the North; not an arm, not a gun, not a gun-carriage, and, except during the Mexican War, scarcely a round of ammunition, had for fifty years been prepared in the Confederate States. There were consequently no workmen, or very few, skilled in these arts. Powder, save perhaps for blasting, had not been made at the South. No saltpeter was in store at any Southern point; it was stored wholly at the North. There were no worked mines of lead except in Virginia, and the situation of those made them a precarious dependence. The only cannon-foundry existing was at Richmond. Copper, so necessary for field-artillery and for percussion-caps, was just being obtained in East Tennessee. There was no rolling-mill for bar-iron south of Richmond, and but few blast-furnaces and these, [pg 473] with trifling exceptions, were in the border States of Virginia and Tennessee.