Volume I Part 24 (2/2)

”I am, Colonel, very respectfully,

”Your obedient servant,

”Robert Anderson,

”Major 1st Artillery, commanding.”

This frank and manly letter, although written with the reserve necessarily belonging to a communication from an officer to his military superiors, expressing dissatisfaction with orders, fully vindicates Major Anderson from all suspicion of complicity or sympathy with the bad faith of the Government which he was serving. It accords entirely with the sentiments expressed in his private letter to me, already mentioned as lost or stolen, and exhibits him in the att.i.tude of faithful performance of a duty inconsistent with his domestic ties and repugnant to his patriotism.

The ”relief squadron,” as with unconscious irony it was termed, was already under way for Charleston, consisting, according to their own statement, of eight vessels, carrying twenty-six guns and about fourteen hundred men, including the troops sent for reenforcement of the garrison.

These facts became known to the Confederate Government, and it was obvious that no time was to be lost in preparing for, and if possible antic.i.p.ating the impending a.s.sault. The character of the instructions given General Beauregard in this emergency may be inferred from the ensuing correspondence, which is here reproduced from contemporary publications:

”Charleston, April 8th.

”L. P. Walker, Secretary of War.

”An authorized messenger from President Lincoln just informed [pg 285] Governor Pickens and myself that provisions will be sent to Fort Sumter peaceably, or otherwise by force.

(Signed) ”G. T. Beauregard.”

”Montgomery, 10th.

”General G. T. Beauregard, Charleston.

”If you have no doubt of the authorized character of the agent who communicated to you the intention of the Was.h.i.+ngton Government to supply Fort Sumter by force, you will at once demand its evacuation, and, if this is refused, proceed, in such a manner as you may determine, to reduce it. Answer.

(Signed) ”L. P. Walker, Secretary of War.”

”Charleston, April 10th.

”L. P. Walker, Secretary of War.

”The demand will be made to-morrow at twelve o'clock.

(Signed) ”G. T. Beauregard.”

”Montgomery, April 10th.

”General Beauregard, Charleston.

”Unless there are especial reasons connected with your own condition, it is considered proper that you should make the demand at an early hour.

(Signed) ”L. P. Walker, Secretary of War.”

”Charleston, April 10th.

”L. P. Walker, Secretary of War, Montgomery.
