Part 25 (1/2)
The free-trader then bowed, and retired behind the curtain, with the air of a sovereign dismissing his visiters from an audience; though his eye glanced curiously behind him, as he disappeared, as if to trace the effect which had been produced by the interview. Alderman Van Beverout and his friends were in the boat again, before a syllable was exchanged between them. They had followed the mariner of the shawl, in obedience to his signal; and they quitted the side of the beautiful brigantine, like men who pondered on what they had just witnessed.
Enough has been betrayed, in the course of the narrative, perhaps, to show that Ludlow distrusted, though he could not avoid wondering at, what he had seen. He was not entirely free from the superst.i.tion that was then so common among seamen; but his education and native good sense enabled him, in a great measure, to extricate his imagination from that love of the marvellous, which is more or less common to all. He had fifty conjectures concerning the meaning of what had pa.s.sed, and not one of them was true; though each, at the instant, seemed to appease his curiosity, while it quickened his resolution to pry further into the affair. As for the Patroon of Kinderhook, the present day was one of rare and unequalled pleasure. He had all the gratification which strong excitement can produce in slow natures; and he neither wished a solution of his doubts, nor contemplated any investigation that might destroy so agreeable an illusion. His fancy was full of the dark countenance of the sorceress; and when it did not dwell on a subject so unnatural, it saw the handsome features, ambiguous smile, and attractive air, of her scarcely less admirable minister.
As the boat got to a little distance from the vessel, Tiller stood erect, and ran his eye complacently over the perfection of her hull and rigging.
”Our mistress has equipped and sent upon the wide and unbeaten sea, many a bark,” he said; ”but never a lovelier than our own!--Captain Ludlow, there has been some double-dealing between us; but that which is to follow, shall depend on our skill, seamans.h.i.+p, and the merits of the two crafts.
You serve Queen Anne, and I the sea-green lady. Let each be true to his mistress, and Heaven preserve the deserving!--Wilt see the book, before we make the trial?”
Ludlow intimated his a.s.sent, and the boat approached the figure-head. It was impossible to prevent the feeling, which each of our three adventurers, not excepting the Alderman, felt when they came in full view of the motionless image. The mysterious countenance appeared endowed with thought, and the malign smile seemed still more ironical than before.
”The first question was yours, and yours must be the first answer,” said Tiller, motioning for Ludlow to consult the page which was open. ”Our mistress deals chiefly in verses from the old writer, whose thoughts are almost as common to us all, as to human nature.”
”What means this?” said Ludlow, hastily--
”She, Claudio, that you wrong'd, look, you restore.
--love her Angelo; I have confess'd her, and I know her virtue.”
”These are plain words; but I would rather that another priest should shrive her whom I love!”
”Hist!--Young blood is swift and quickly heated. Our lady of the bark will not relish hot speech, over her oracles.--Come, Master Patroon, turn the page with the rattan, and see what fortune will give.”
Oloff Van Staats raised his powerful arm, with the hesitation, and yet with the curiosity, of a girl. It was easy to read in his eye, the pleasure his heavy nature felt in the excitement; and yet it was easy to detect the misgivings of an erroneous education, by the seriousness of all the other members of his countenance. He read aloud--
”I have a motion much imports your good; Whereto, if you'll a willing ear incline What's mine is yours, and what is yours is mine:-- So bring us to our palace, where we'll show, What's yet behind, that's meet you all should know.”
Measure For Measure.
”Fair-dealing, and fairer speech! 'What's yours is mine, and what is mine is yours,' is Measure for Measure, truly, Patroon!” cried the Alderman. ”A more equitable bargain cannot be made, when the a.s.sets are of equal value.
Here is encouragement, in good sooth; and now, Master Mariner, we will land and proceed to the l.u.s.t in Rust, which must be the place meant in the verses. 'What's yet behind,' must be Alida, the tormenting baggage! who has been playing hide-and-seek with us, for no other reason than to satisfy her womanish vanity, by showing how uncomfortable she could make three grave and responsible men. Let the boat go, Master Tiller, since that is thy name; and many thanks for thy civilities.”
”Twould give grave offence to leave the lady, without knowing all she has to say. The answer now concerns you, worthy Alderman; and the rattan will do its turn, in your hand, as well as in that of another.”
”I despise a pitiful curiosity, and content myself with knowing what chance and good luck teach,” returned Myndert. ”There are men in Manhattan ever prying into their neighbors' credit, like frogs lying with their noses out of water; but it is enough for me to know the state of my books, with some insight into that of the market.”
”It will not do.--This may appease a quiet conscience, like your own, Sir; but we of the brigantine may not trifle with our mistress. One touch of the rattan will tell you, whether these visits to the Water Witch are likely to prove to your advantage.”
Myndert wavered. It has been said, that, like most others of his origin in the colony, he had a secret leaning to the art of divination: and the words of the hero of the shawl contained a flattering allusion to the profits of his secret commerce. He took the offered stick, and, by the time the page was turned, his eyes were ready enough to consult its contents. There was but a line, which was also quoted as coming from the well-known comedy of 'Measure for Measure.'
”Proclaim it, Provost, round about the city.”
In his eagerness Myndert read the oracle aloud, and then he sunk into his seat, affecting to laugh at the whole as a childish and vain conceit.
”Proclamation, me, no proclamations! Is it a time of hostilities, or of public danger, that one should go shouting with his tidings through the streets? Measure for Measure, truly! Harkee, Master Tiller, this sea-green trull of thine is no better than she should be; and unless she mends her manner of dealing, no honest man will be found willing to be seen in her company. I am no believer in necromancy--though the inlet has certainly opened this year, altogether in an unusual manner--and therefore I put little faith in her words; but as for saying aught of me or mine, in town or country, Holland or America, that can shake my credit, why I defy her!
Still, I would not willingly have any idle stories to contradict; and I shall conclude by saying, you will do well to stop her mouth.”
”Stop a hurricane, or a tornado! Truth will come in her book, and he that reads must expect to see it--Captain Ludlow, you are master of your movements, again; for the inlet is no longer between you and your cruiser.
Behind yon hillock is the boat and crew you missed. The latter expect you.
And now, gentlemen, we leave the rest to the green lady's guidance, our own good skill, and the winds! I salute you.”