Part 13 (1/2)

They stared at me in astonishment.

”How did you-” Janco started to say, but Ari punched him on the arm.

”She overheard us in the forest, you dope. How close were you?”

”Fifteen feet.”

”d.a.m.n.” Ari shook his head, which caused his tight blond curls to bounce. ”We're more worried about Valek. We'll train you if he doesn't object. Agreed?”


Ari and I shook hands. When I turned to Janco, he seemed deep in thought.

”A switchblade!” he declared, grabbing my hand.

”What?” I asked.

”A switchblade would be better than a knife,” Janco said.

”And where would I carry this...switchblade?”

”Strapped to your thigh. You cut a hole in your pants pocket. Then if you're attacked, you pull it out, hit the switch, and a nine-inch blade leaps to your disposal.” Janco demonstrated the motion to me and mock stabbed Ari, who clutched his stomach dramatically and fell over.

Perfect, I thought. Thrilled by the idea of learning to defend myself, I asked, ”When do we start?”

Janco scratched his goatee. ”Since Valek isn't back we could start with some basic self-defense moves, nothing objectionable about that.”

”Moves she could have learned by watching the soldiers train,” Ari said, agreeing with his partner.

They decided. ”Right now,” they said in unison.


STANDING NEXT TO THE two oversize soldiers, I felt like a plum wedged between a couple of cantaloupes. Misgivings crept into my mind. The notion that I could defend myself against someone of Ari's build seemed ridiculous. If he wanted, he could pick me up and throw me over his shoulder, and there was nothing I could do about it.

”Okay. First, we'll start with some self-defense,” Ari explained. ”No weapons until the basic moves are instinctive. You're better off fighting hand to hand than wielding a weapon you don't know how to use. A skilled opponent would simply disarm you. Then your troubles would be doubled. Not only would you be under attack, but you'd have to counter your own weapon.”

Ari leaned his practice sword next to Janco's, scanning the training yard. Most of the soldiers were gone, but small clumps of men still worked.

”What are your strengths?” Ari asked.


”What are you good at?”

Janco, sensing my confusion, prompted, ”Are you a fast runner? That's a handy skill.”

”Oh.” I finally understood. ”I'm flexible. I used to be an acrobat.”

”Perfect. Coordination and agility are excellent skills. And...” Ari grabbed me around the waist. He threw me high into the air.

My limbs flailed a moment before instinct kicked in. Still in midair, I tucked my chin, arms and legs close to my body, executed a somersault to align myself, and landed on my feet, wobbling to regain my balance.

Outraged, I turned on Ari. Before I could demand an explanation, he said, ”Another advantage of having acrobatic training is the ability to stay on your feet. That maneuver of yours could mean the difference between life and death. Right, Janco?”

Janco rubbed the vacant spot where the lower half of his right ear used to be. ”It helps. You know who else would make a great fighter?”

Ari's shoulders sagged, as if he knew what Janco was going to say next and resigned himself to it.

Intrigued, I asked, ”Who?”

”A dancer. With the proper training, the fire dancers at the festival could take on anyone. With a blazing staff spinning around, I wouldn't go against one with any weapon.”

”Except a pail of water,” Ari countered.

He and Janco then launched into an intense argument, debating the technical aspects of a fight against a fiery staff wielded by an enraged dancer. Although fascinated by the discussion, I had to interrupt them. My time was limited. The Commander's dinner would soon be served.

With only occasional sarcastic comments about fire dancers, Ari and Janco spent the remainder of my first lesson teaching me to block punches, then kicks, until my forearms were numb.

Ari halted the exercise when another soldier approached. His and Janco's relaxed postures tightened. They s.h.i.+fted to defensive stances, as Nix, the guard from Captain Parffet's unit, came closer. The skin on Nix's bald head was sunburned, and his thin fringe of black hair lay damply on his forehead. An overpowering stench of body odor preceded him, gagging me. His lean muscles reminded me of a slender coil of rope, dangerous when pulled tight.

”What the h.e.l.l do you think you're doing?” Nix demanded.

”That's-what the h.e.l.l do you think you're doing, sir?” Janco corrected him. ”We outrank you. And, I think a salute would be a nice touch.”

Nix sneered. ”You'll lose your promotion when your boss finds out you're a.s.sociating with a criminal. Whose brainless idea was it to make her into a more effective killer? When another dead body shows up, you'll be accomplices.”

Janco took a menacing step toward Nix, but Ari's meaty hand on his shoulder stopped him. With undertones of a threat laced into his voice, Ari said, ”What we do with our free time is none of your business. Now, why don't you shuffle off to Parffet. I saw him heading toward the latrines. He'll need you to wipe his a.s.s soon. It's the one skill you're most suited for.”

Nix was outnumbered, but he couldn't resist a parting shot. ”She has a history of killing her benefactor. I'd watch my necks if I were you.”

Ari's and Janco's eyes stayed on Nix's back until he left the yard. Then they turned to me.

”That's a good start,” Ari said, ending the lesson. ”See you tomorrow at dawn.”

”What about Nix?” I asked.

”No problem. We can take care of him.” Ari shrugged it off, confident in his ability to deal with Nix. I envied Ari's self-a.s.surance and physical power. I didn't think I could handle Nix, and I wondered if there was another reason, besides killing Reyad, that made Nix hate me.

”I taste the Commander's breakfast at dawn,” I said.

”Then right after.”

”What for?” I asked.

”The soldiers run laps around the compound to keep in shape,” Janco answered.