Part 41 (2/2)

”The changes of eight years,” returned Mr. Paul, ”are not to be detected by a glance.”

Mariana nodded smilingly and turned to Nevins.

”Now let me look at _you_,” she said. ”Come under the light. Ah! you haven't been dining at The Gotham.”

”Took my last dinner there exactly six years ago next Thanksgiving Day,”

answered Nevins, cheerfully. ”Turkey and pumpkin-pie.”

She turned her eyes critically on Ardly.

”Well, he has survived his sentiment for me,” she said.

Ardly protested.

”I don't keep that in the heart I wear on my sleeve,” he returned. ”You would need a plummet to sound the depths, I fancy.”

Mariana blushed and laughed, the faint color warming the opaline pallor of her face. Then she glanced about the room.

”So this is the studio,” she exclaimed, eagerly--”the studio we so often planned together--and there is the divan I begged for! Ah, and the dear adorable 'Antinous.' But what queer stuff for hangings!”

”If you had sent me word that you were coming,” returned Nevins, apologetically, pa.s.sing his hands over his hair in an endeavor to make it lie flat, ”I'd have put the place to rights, and myself too.”

”Oh, but I wanted to see you just as you are every day. It is so home-like--and what a delightful smell of paint! But do you always keep your boots above the canopy? They spoil the effect somehow.”

”I tossed them up there to get rid of them,” explained Nevins. ”But tell me about yourself. You look as if you had just slid out of the lap of luxury.”

”Without rumpling her gown,” added Ardly.

”I was about to observe that she seemed in prosperous circ.u.mstances,”

remarked Mr. Paul.

”Oh, I am,” responded Mariana. ”Stupidly prosperous. But let me look at the paintings first, then I'll talk of myself. What is on the big easel, Mr. Nevins?”

”That's a portrait,” said Nevins, drawing the curtain aside and revealing a lady in black. ”I am only a photographer in oils. I am painting everybody's portrait.”

”That means success, doesn't it? And success means money, and money means so many things. Yes, that's good. I like it.”

Nevins smiled, enraptured.

”You were the beginning,” he said. ”It was the painting of you and--and the blue wrapper that did it. It gave me such a push uphill that I haven't stood still since.”

The wistfulness beneath the surface in Mariana's eyes deepened suddenly.

Her manner grew nervous.

”Oh yes,” she said, turning away. ”I remember.”
