Part 78 (1/2)
_To dress Eggs in Fas.h.i.+on of a Tansie._
Take twenty yolks of eggs, and strain them on flesh days with about half a pint of gravy, on fish days with cream and milk, and salt, and four mackerooms small grated, as much bisket, some rose-water, a little sack or claret, and a quarter of a pound of sugar, put these things to them with a piece of b.u.t.ter as big as a walnut, and set them on a chafing-dish with some preserved citron or lemon grated, or cut into small pieces or little bits and some pounded pistaches; being well b.u.t.tered dish it on a plate, and brown it with a hot fire-shovel, strow on fine sugar, and stick it with preserved lemon-peel in thin slices.
_Eggs and almonds._
Take twenty eggs and strain them with half a pound of almond-paste, and almost half a pint of sack, sugar, nutmeg, and rose-water, set them on the fire, and when they be enough, dish them on a hot dish without toast, stick them with blanched and slic't almond, and wafers, on fine sugar, and trim the dish with your finger.
_To broil Eggs._
Take an oven peel, heat it red hot, and blow off the dust, break the eggs on it, and put them into a hot oven, or brown them on the top with a red hot fire shovel; being finely broil'd, put them into a clean dish, with some gravy, a little grated nutmeg, and elder vinegar; or pepper, vinegar, juyce of orange, and grated nutmeg on them.
_To dress poached Eggs._
Take a dozen of new laid eggs, and the meat of 4 or five partridges or any roast poultrey, mince it as small as you can, and season it with a few beaten cloves, mace, and nutmeg, put them into a silver dish with a ladle full or 2 of pure mutton gravy, and 2 or three anchoves dissolved, then set it a stewing on a chafing dish of coals; being half stewed, as it boils put in the eggs one by one, and as you break them, put by most of the whites, and with one end of your egg sh.e.l.l put in the yolks round in order amongst the meat, let them stew till the eggs be enough, then put in a little grated nutmeg, and the juice of a couple of oranges, put not in the seeds, wipe the dish, and garnish it with four or five whole onions boiled and broil'd.
The eggs being poached, put them into a dish, strow salt on them, and grate on cheese which will give them a good relish.
Being poached and dished, strow on them a little salt, on sugar, and sprinkle them with rose-water, verjuyce, juyce of lemon, or orange, a little cinamon water, or fine beaten cinamon.
_Otherways to poach Eggs._
Take as many as you please, break them into a dish and put to them some sweet b.u.t.ter, being melted, some salt, sugar, and a little grated nutmeg, give them a cullet in the dish, &c.
Poach them, and put green sauce to them, let them stand a while upon the fire, then season them with salt, and a little grated nutmeg.
Or make a sauce with beaten b.u.t.ter, and juyce of grapes mixt with ipocras, pour it on the eggs, and on sugar.
Poach them either in water, milk, wine, sack, or clear verjuyce, and serve them with vinegar in saucers.
Or make broth for them, and serve them on fine carved sippets, make the broth with washed currans, large mace, fair water, b.u.t.ter, white wine, and sugar, vinegar, juyce of orange, and whole cinamon; being dished run them over with beaten b.u.t.ter, the slices of an orange, and fine sc.r.a.ped sugar.
Or make sauce with beaten almonds, strained with verjuyce, sugar beaten, b.u.t.ter, and large mace, boiled and dished as the former.
Or almond milk and sugar.