Part 68 (1/2)
Bone them, and mince them being finely cleansed with 2 or three pleasant pears, raisins of the sun, some currans, dates, sugar, cinamon, ginger, nutmeg, pepper, and b.u.t.ter, mingle all together, fill your pies, and being baked, liquor them with verjuyce, claret, or white-wine.
_To make minced Pies of Ling, Stock-fish, Harberdine,_ &c.
Being boil'd take it from the skin and bones, and mince it with some pippins, season it with nutmeg, cinamon, ginger, pepper, caraway-seed, currans, minced raisins, rose-water, minced lemon-peel, sugar, slic't dates, white-wine, verjuyce, and b.u.t.ter, fill your pyes, bake them, and ice them.
Mince them with yolks of hard eggs, mince also all manner of good pot-herbs, mix them together, and season them with the seasoning aforesaid, then liquor it with b.u.t.ter, verjuyce, sugar, and beaten cinamon, and then ice them; making them according to these forms.
The Seventh Section of FISH.
_Shewing the exactest Ways of Dressing all manner of Sh.e.l.l-Fish._
_To stew oysters in the French Way._
Take oysters, open them and parboil them in their own liquor, the quant.i.ty of three pints or a pottle; being parboil'd, wash them in warm water clean from the dregs, beard them and put them in a pipkin with a little white wine, & some of the liquor they were parboil'd in, a whole onion, some salt, and pepper, and stew them till they be half done; then put them and their liquor into a frying-pan, fry them a pretty while, put to them a good piece of sweet b.u.t.ter, and fry them a therein so much longer, then have ten or twelve yolks of eggs dissolved with some vinegar, wherein you must put in some minced parsley, and some grated nutmeg, put these ingredients into the oysters, shake them in the frying-pan a warm or two, and serve them up.
_To stew Oysters otherways._
Take a pottle of large great oysters, parboil them in their own liquor, then wash them in warm water from the dregs, & put them in a pipkin with a good big onion or two, and five or six blades of large mace, a little whole pepper, a slic't nutmeg, a quarter of a pint of white wine, as much wine-vinegar, a quarter of a pound of sweet b.u.t.ter, and a little salt, stew them finely together on a soft fire the s.p.a.ce of half an hour, then dish them on sippets of French bread, slic't lemon on them, and barberries, run them over with beaten b.u.t.ter, and garnish the dish with dryed manchet grated and sea.r.s.ed.
_To stew Oysters otherways._
Take a pottle of large great oysters, parboil them in their own liquor, then wash them in warm water, wipe them dry, and pull away the fins, flour them and fry them in clarifi'd b.u.t.ter fine and white, then take them up, and put them in a large dish with some white or claret wine, a little vinegar, a quarter of a pound of sweet b.u.t.ter, some grated nutmeg, large mace, salt, and two or three slices of an orange, stew them two or three warms, then serve them in a large clean scowred dish, pour the sauce on them, and run them over with beaten b.u.t.ter, slic't lemon or orange, and sippets round the dish.
Take a pottle of great oysters, and stew them in their own liquor; then take them up, wash them in warm water, take off the fins, and put them in a pipkin with some of their own liquor, a pint of white-wine, a little wine vinegar, six large maces, 2 or three whole onions, a race of ginger slic't, a whole nutmeg slic't, twelve whole pepper corns, salt, a quarter of a pound of sweet b.u.t.ter, and a little f.a.ggot of sweet herbs; stew all these together very well, then drain them through a cullender, and dish them on fine carved sippets; then take some of the liquor they were stewed in; beat it up thick with a minced lemon, and half a pound of b.u.t.ter, pour it on the oysters being dished, and garnish the dish and the oysters with grapes, grated bread, slic't lemon, and barberries.
_Or thus._
Boil great oysters in their brown, and dry, but burn them not, then take them out and put them in a pipkin with some good sweet b.u.t.ter, the juice of two or three oranges, a little pepper, and grated nutmeg, give them a warm, and dish them in a fair scowred dish with carved sippets, and garnish it with dryed, grated, sea.r.s.ed fine manchet.
_To make Oyster Pottage._