Part 45 (1/2)

Thus also you may bake the brest, either in pye or pasty, as also the rack or shoulder, being stuffed with sweet herbs, and fat of beef minced together and baked either in pye or pasty.

In the summer time you may add to it spinage, gooseberries, grapes, barberries, or slic't lemon, and in winter, prunes, and currans, or raisins, and liquor it with b.u.t.ter, sugar, and verjuyce.

_To make a Steak Pye the best way._

Cut a neck, loyn, or breast into steaks, and season them with pepper, nutmeg, and salt; then have some few sweet herbs minced small with an onion, and the yolks of three or four hard eggs minced also; the pye being made, put in the meat and a few capers, and strow these ingredients on it, then put in b.u.t.ter, close it up and bake it three hours moderately, _&c._ Make the pye round and pretty deep.


The meat being prepared as before, season it with nutmeg, ginger, pepper, a whole onion, and salt; fill the pye, then put in some large mace, half a pound of currans, and b.u.t.ter, close it up and put it in the oven; being half baked put in a pint of warmed clearet, and when you draw it to send it up, cut the lid in pieces, and stick it in the meat round the pye; or you may leave out onions, and put in sugar and verjuyce.


Take a loyn of mutton, cut it in steaks, and season it with nutmeg, pepper, and salt, then lay a layer of raisins and prunes in the bottom of the pye, steaks on them, and then whole cinamon, then more fruit and steaks, thus do it three times, and on the top put more fruit, and grapes, or slic't orange, dates, large mace, and b.u.t.ter, close it up and bake it, being baked, liquor it with b.u.t.ter, white wine and sugar, ice it, and serve it hot.

_To bake Steak Pies the French way._

Season the steaks with pepper, nutmeg, and salt lightly, and set them by; then take a piece of the leanest of a leg of mutton, and mince it small with some beef suet and a few sweet herbs, as tops of tyme, penniroyal, young red sage, grated bread, yolks of eggs, sweet cream, raisins of the sun, _&c._ work all together, and make it into little b.a.l.l.s, and rouls, put them into a deep round pye on the steaks, then put to them some b.u.t.ter, and sprinkle it with verjuyce, close it up and bake it, being baked cut it up, then roul sage leaves in b.u.t.ter, fry them, and stick them in the b.a.l.l.s, serve the pye without a cover, and liquor it with the juyce of two or three oranges or lemons.


Bake these steaks in any of the foresaid-ways in patty-pan or dish, and make other paste called cold b.u.t.ter paste; take to a gallon of flower a pound and a half of b.u.t.ter, four or five eggs and but two whites, work up the b.u.t.ter and eggs into the flour, and being well wrought, put to it a little fair cold water, and make it up a stiff paste.

_To bake a Gammon of Bacon._

Steep it all night in water, it clean, and stuff it with all manner of sweet herbs, as sage, tyme, parsley, sweet marjoram, savory, violet-leaves, strawberry leaves, fennil, rose-mary, penniroyal, _&c._ being cleans'd and chopped small with some yolks of hard eggs, beaten nutmeg, and pepper, stuff it and boil it, and being fine and tender boil'd and cold, pare the under side, take off the skin, and season it with nutmeg and pepper, then lay it in your pie or pasty with a few whole cloves, and slices of raw bacon over it, and b.u.t.ter; close it up in pye or pasty of short paste, and bake it.

_To bake wild Bore._

Take the leg, season it, and lard it very well with good big lard seasoned with nutmeg, pepper, and beaten ginger, lay it in a pye of the form as you see, being seasoned all over with the same spices and salt, then put a few whole cloves on it, a few bay-leaves, large slices of lard, and good store of b.u.t.ter, bake it in fine or course crust, being baked, liquor it with good sweet b.u.t.ter, and stop up the vent.

If to keep long, bake it in an earthen pan in the abovesaid seasoning, and being baked fill it up with b.u.t.ter, and you may keep it a whole year.

_To bake your wild Bore that comes out of _France_._

Lay it in soak two days, then parboil it, and season it with pepper, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger; and when it is baked fill it up with b.u.t.ter.

_To bake Red Deer._

Take a side of red deer, bone it and season it, then take out the back sinew and the skin, and lard the fillets or back with great lard as big as your middle finger; being first seasoned with nutmeg, and pepper; then take four ounces of pepper, four ounces of nutmeg, and six ounces of salt, mix them well together, and season the side of venison; being well slashed with a knife in the inside for to make the seasoning enter; being seasoned, and a pie made according to these forms, put in some b.u.t.ter in the bottom of the pye, a quarter of an ounce of cloves, and a bay-leaf or two, lay on the flesh, season it, and coat it deep, then put on a few cloves, and good store of b.u.t.ter, close it up and bake it the s.p.a.ce of eight or nine hours, but first baste the pie with six or seven eggs, beaten well together; being baked and cold fill it up with good sweet clarified b.u.t.ter.

Take for a side or half hanch of red deer, half a bushel of rye meal, being coursly sea.r.s.ed, and make it up very stiff with boiling water only.