Part 3 (1/2)

”Then why did did you insist?” you insist?”

He made a tired gesture. ”I do not know, Bhaji. I thought they needed me-”

Whatever Ha.s.san's secrets might be, they were doing him no good. ”Speak of that day, my boy,” Safiya Sultana ordered. ”Tell me your story.”

He sighed raggedly. ”The Hazuri Bagh, where the battle took place,” he began, describing from habit a place that Safiya, a lady in purdah purdah, had never seen, ”is the rectangular walled garden lying between the entrance to the Badshahi Mosque and the main, Alamgiri Gate to the Citadel. It is a small garden, only about a hundred paces broad and fifty paces deep, filled with old trees and ruins, with a pavilion at its center. With its high, surrounding walls, it is a dangerous place for a battle.

”We knew the four would arrive early, and hide in the garden, and so we went there the night before Sher Singh began his attack on the Citadel. At first light, as the fighting began, we paired off and began to search for them. Within an hour, three of the four were dead, killed by Zulmai, Habibullah, and Yusuf.

”I saw the battle with my own eyes,” he added. ”Sher Singh's cannon fired first, splintering the huge wooden doors of the Alamgiri Gate. Then his best Nihang soldiers tried to storm through, but the Rani's guns had been set up just inside the gate. When they fired, hundreds of Sher Singh's soldiers were killed instantly.” He shuddered. ”There were great billows of smoke. The timbers of the gate caught fire. Severed limbs and heads flew into the air and fell to the ground. It was deafening and horrible.

”Sher Singh fought on that morning, but he had lost control of his a.s.sault. When the defenders began to fire down into the garden from the surrounding wall, Sher's troops realized they were trapped. They panicked and ran, climbing over each other to get out through the side gate of the Bagh.”

He fell silent.

Only two things disturbed Safiya Sultana's customary stout calm: lack of food and lack of sleep. Although she would never admit it, the difficult work of nursing Ha.s.san had nearly exhausted her strength.

”Go on,” she urged, ”tell the rest of it.”

”We were now desperate to find the fourth sniper. Sher Singh had kept out of sight until then, but we knew he would want to see the disaster at first hand. At the exact moment that he appeared under the arches of the garden's pavilion, Yusuf and I found the last He was crouched behind a tree, a child too young to wear a turban, his musket pointed straight at Sher Singh.”

He s.h.i.+fted uncomfortably on the edge of his bed. ”We both raised our weapons, but Yusuf, may Allah bless him, must have wanted me to have the glory of saving Sher Singh's life. He held his fire and told me to shoot.”

”And then?”

”I could not do it, Bhaji. The child was dressed in rotting rags. He was s.h.i.+vering with cold. I wondered what he had been offered to do this terrible thing. He was in my sights, an easy shot, but I was powerless to pull the trigger. I could not breathe. Yusuf repeated his order to shoot, but I could not move even one of my fingers.

”In the end, Yusuf killed the boy, but not before he got off a wild shot that wounded someone near Sher Singh. When the guards looked to see where the ball had come from, they must have seen us, not the dead child. Yusuf shouted, but it was too late. They all fired at once. I was knocked to the ground. From where I lay, I could see only Yusuf's foot, but even then I knew he was dead. Zulmai and Habibullah came running, and pulled me to safety. If they had not done so, a second volley from the guards would have killed me.” He raked his fingers through his hair. ”If I had been less of a coward, Yusuf would still be alive.”

Safiya held out a hand. ”There is no point in-”

”I am not a hero,” he interrupted, ”whatever they say in the bazaar. Of the four of us, I alone did nothing to stop the My only contribution was to get poor Yusuf killed.”

”I did not know you could shoot,” Safiya remarked, to divert him. ”I thought you were all brocades and diplomacy.”

”He taught me.” Ha.s.san's voice broke. ”We were fourteen.” taught me.” Ha.s.san's voice broke. ”We were fourteen.”

”And what happened after that?”

”I do not remember,” he said curtly.

Safiya did not reply. Both of them knew well that Ha.s.san's story had not ended when his Afghan friends dragged him, shocked and bleeding, from the Hazuri Bagh. Both knew that, guessing where he lay wounded, his wife had rushed out into the dangerous city streets that night, and found him in a house by the Delhi Gate.

Without her, he would have died of infection as Sher Singh's soldiers rampaged through the streets outside.

For all his misplaced guilt and the loss of his burly, good-natured friend, Ha.s.san had been a fortunate man.

” Al-Hamdulillah Al-Hamdulillah, Allah be praised,” Safiya murmured.

”I see no cowardice in your story,” she went on in a normal tone. ”You, a courtier with no history of soldiering, risked entering a battle to stop an When the moment came, you felt your opponent's humanity, and could not bear to take his life. Do not forget, Ha.s.san,” she added, her deep voice echoing in the small bedchamber, ”that you have served the Punjab and this city for seven years. I remember the day you went to join the great Faqeer Azizuddin at court.

”How many Punjabi Muslims have worked as you have, side by side with the Sikh and Hindu n.o.bles of the court, to bring peace and well-being to this kingdom? How many have negotiated with the Pashtuns in the north, the British in the south? How many have spent night after sleepless night struggling against the ill luck that has brought one wrong person after another to the throne since Maharajah Ranjit Singh's death?”

Ha.s.san made a small, disbelieving sound.

”You should have told me this story weeks ago. And now,” she added, yawning, ”I need my sleep. Your explanation of why you went to the Hazuri Bagh in the first place must wait until tomorrow. ”

Ha.s.san drew in his breath. ”Bhaji, I-”

”Not another word.” So saying, Safiya Sultana stretched out on the groaning bed and closed her eyes. A moment later she began to snore.

”WHAT GIBBERISH are you talking, child?” Safiya demanded the following afternoon of the four-year-old in rumpled muslin clothes, who bounced beside her on the sheet-covered floor, babbling aloud in a foreign tongue. Around them in the upstairs ladies' sitting room, women fanned themselves and talked in low tones as they waited for the afternoon meal.

”An-nah taught it to me,” Saboor said gravely. ”It's called 'Hey, Diddle Diddle.' It is about a cat who plays a sarod sarod and a cow that jumps so-o-o high!” He flung his arms over his head. ”And a small dog who-” and a cow that jumps so-o-o high!” He flung his arms over his head. ”And a small dog who-”

”Enough, child!” Safiya rumbled. ”I am too tired to listen to such nonsense. Ah,” she glanced through the curtained doorway, ”your father has come. See how well he is walking now.”

Watching her nephew approach, Safiya rejoiced in Ha.s.san's improvement since the previous night. He had bathed. Someone had washed his hair and combed it back, so that it curled behind his ears. His beard was neatly trimmed. Dark circles still lay beneath his eyes, and his broad, fair-skinned face had thinned, making his broken nose more prominent than before, but in his fine, embroidered muslins, he looked almost like himself.

Allah be praised, his wounded thigh was no longer hugely swollen and inflamed, with pustules breaking out all over it. For the past week, he had been able to sleep on his back, not stretched out on his stomach. All that was needed now was for the open wound to finish closing safely. He had also begun to use his injured left hand.

It had taken all Safiya's healing arts to keep him alive after he had been brought into the haveli, sixteen hours after his battle. It had taken all the family's prayers to drive away the illnesses that had later threatened his life.

As Ha.s.san stepped out of a pair of embroidered slippers with upturned toes, Saboor ran to him. ”Abba!” he cried, flinging his arms around his father's waist. ”You are all dressed! You are wearing your nice shoes!”

”Yes, I am, my darling.” Ha.s.san stroked his child's curls with a hand that would have been beautiful, had it not lost its middle finger.

Safiya's heart went out, as it always did, to the man she had adored from the moment he was born. Her twin brother's only child, Ha.s.san had been the one she turned to after cholera had killed her two little daughters and left her starving for a child to love. Only six years old then, and with a mother of his own, Ha.s.san had understood her need. For hours at a time during the first terrible days, he had sat beside her, one small hand resting on her knee.

Saboor, two years younger than his father had been then, already promised to be as loving as Ha.s.san.

She caught the scent of musk. Ha.s.san was wearing perfume. That, too, was a good sign. Of course if he were in the Maharajah's presence, he would also be wearing jewels: his heavy, waist-long pearl necklaces, kundan kundan earrings set with rubies and emeralds, enameled bracelets, gold rings... earrings set with rubies and emeralds, enameled bracelets, gold rings...

Jewels gave elegance and power to a man who knew how to wear them.

”You need feeding,” she said gruffly, enjoying the perfume's forceful, heady sweetness. ”You are a skeleton under those fancy clothes.”

”Yes.” Safiya's gap-toothed sister-in-law nodded vehemently. ”He must have plenty of yakhni yakhni and meat dishes to strengthen him.” and meat dishes to strengthen him.”

”You are going to Peshawar when you are well again, are you not, Bhai Jan?” asked one of the children.

”I do not know, Mueen, I may go there, or to Multan, or somewhere else.” Ha.s.san grimaced as he settled himself on the floor, his little son at his side. ”But I will not go anywhere until I can ride again.”

Saboor sat up. ”When my Abba goes, I will share his saddle,” he announced, his eyes bright. ”We will ride and ride on his beautiful gray horse, and then we will send for An-nah, and she will live with us!”

Safiya saw Ha.s.san's fingers stiffen on the child's shoulder.

”Will you take me with you, Bhai Jan?” asked Mueen.

”I do not know, my dear.” Ha.s.san smiled carefully. ”I am not sure you should come with me. I will be traveling much of the time while I am there.”