Part 16 (1/2)


”It's the only way to get rid of him.”



Catching her breath, she nodded.

He took the receiver.

”This is Covington,” he said. ”Miss Stockton and I are to be married to-morrow. Get that? . . . Well, keep hold of it, because the moment I 'm her husband--”

Following an oath at the other end, Monte heard the click of the receiver as it was snapped up.

”That settles it very nicely,” he smiled.



Marjory was to be married on June eighteenth, at eleven o'clock, in the chapel of the English Congregational Church. At ten o'clock of that day she was in her room before the mirror, trying to account for her heightened color. Marie had just left her in despair and bewilderment, after trying to make her look as bridelike as possible when she did not wish to look bridelike. Marie had wished to do her hair in some absurd new fas.h.i.+on for the occasion.

”But, Marie,” she had explained, ”nothing is to be changed. Therefore why should I change my appearance?”

”Mademoiselle to be a bride--and nothing changed?” Marie had cried.

”Nothing about me; nothing about Mr. Covington. We are merely to be married, that is all--as a matter of convenience.”

”Mademoiselle will see,” Marie had answered cryptically.

”You will see yourself,” Marjory had laughed.

Eh bien! something was changed already, as she had only to look in the mirror to observe. There was a deep flush upon her cheeks and her eyes did not look quite natural. She saw, and seeing only made it worse.

Manifestly it was absurd of her to become excited now over a matter that up to this point she had been able to handle so reasonably. It was scarcely loyal to Monte. He had a right to expect her to be more sensible.

He had put it well last night when he had remarked that for her to go to a chapel to be married was no more serious than to go to an for a She was merely to share with him the freedom that was his as a birthright of his s.e.x. In no other respect whatever was she to be under any obligations to him. With ample means of her own, he was simply giving her an opportunity to enjoy them unmolested--a privilege which the world denied her as long as she remained unmarried.

In no way was he to be responsible for her or to her. He understood this fully, and it was exactly what he himself desired.

She, in return for this privilege, was to make herself as entertaining a traveling companion as possible. She was to be what she had been these last few weeks.

Neither was making any sacrifice. That was precisely what they were avoiding. That was the beauty of the arrangement. Instead of multiplying cares and responsibilities, as ordinary folk did,--thereby defeating the very object for which they married, a fuller and wider freedom,--each was to do away with the few they already had as individuals.

Therefore it seemed scarcely decent for Marie to speak of her as a bride. Perhaps that accounted for the color. No sentiment was involved here. This was what made the arrangement possible. Sentiment involved caring; and, as Monte had once said, ”It's the caring that seems to make the trouble.” That was the trouble with the Warrens.

How she cared--from morning till night, with her whole heart and soul in a flutter--for Chic and the children. In a different way, Marjory supposed, Teddy cared. This was the one thing that made him so impossible. In another way, Peter Noyes cared.

She gave a quick start as she thought of Peter Noyes. She turned away from the mirror as if--as if ashamed. She sprang to her feet, with an odd, tense expression about her mouth. It was as if she were looking into his dark, earnest eyes. Peter had always been so intensely in earnest about everything. In college he had worked himself thin to lead his cla.s.s. In the law school he had graduated among the first five, though he came out almost half blind. His record, however, had won for him a place with a leading law firm in New York, where in his earnest way he was already making himself felt. It was just this quality that had frightened her. He had made love to her with his lips set as if love were some great responsibility. He had talked of duty and the joy of sacrifice until she had run away from him.