Part 8 (1/2)

Monte pa.s.sed his hand over his forehead. He could not fully grasp the meaning of a pa.s.sion that led a man to such lengths as this. Why, the man had proposed murder--murder and suicide; and all because of this strange love of a woman. He had been driven stark raving mad because of it. He sat there now before him, an odd combination of craven weakness and giant strength because of it. In the face of such a revelation, Covington felt petty; he felt negative.

Less than ten minutes ago he himself had looked into the same eyes that had so stirred this man. He had seen nothing there particularly to disturb any one. They were very beautiful eyes, and the woman back of them was very beautiful. He had a feeling that, day in and day out for a great many years, they would remain beautiful. They had helped him last night to make the city his own; they had helped him this morning to recover his balance; they helped him now to see straight again.

But, after all, it was arrant nonsense for Hamilton to act like this.

Admitting the man believed in himself,--and Covington believed that much,--he was, after all, Teddy Hamilton. The fact remained, even as he himself admitted, that he was not fit to be in the same room with her. It was not possible for a man in a month to cleanse himself of the acc.u.mulated mire of ten years.

Furthermore, that too was beside the point. The girl cared nothing about him. She particularly desired not to care about him or any one else. It was not consistent with her scheme of life. She had told him as much. It was this that had made his own engagement to her possible.

Monte rose from his chair and paced the room a moment. If possible, he wished to settle this matter once for all. On the whole, it was more difficult than he had antic.i.p.ated. When he came down he had intended to dispose of it in five minutes. Suddenly he wheeled and faced Hamilton.

”It seems to me,” he said, ”that if a man loved a woman,--really loved her,--then one of the things he would be most anxious about would be to make her happy. Are you with me on that?”

Hamilton raised his head.

”Yes,” he answered.

”Then,” continued Monte, ”it does n't seem to me that you are going about it in just the right way. Waving pistols and throwing fits--”

”I was mad, I tell you,” Hamilton broke in.

”Admitting that,” resumed Monte, ”I should think the best thing you could do would be to go away and sober up.”

”Go away?”

”I would. I'd go a long way--to j.a.pan or India.”

The old mad light came back to Hamilton's eyes.

”Did she ask you to tell me that?”

”No,” answered Monte; ”it is my own idea. Because, you see, if you don't go she'll have to.”

”What do you mean?”

”Steady, now,” warned Monte. ”I mean just what I say. She can't stay here and let you camp in her front hall. Even Madame Courcy won't stand for that. So--why don't you get out, quietly and without any confusion?”

”That's your own suggestion?” said Hamilton, tottering to his feet.


”Then,” said Hamilton, ”I'll see you in h.e.l.l first. It's no business of yours, I say.”

”But it is,” said Monte.

”Tell me how it is,” growled Hamilton.

”Why, you see,” said Monte quietly, ”Miss Stockton and I are engaged.”

”You lie!” choked Hamilton. ”You--”

Monte heard a deafening report, and felt a biting pain in his shoulder.