Part 4 (1/2)
Benedictine shouts, ”Stay away from me, you rude-ickle!”
From the door to the bedroom comes Bela's timid, ”Are you all right, Benny?”
”I'll all-right her!” Chib bellows.
He jumps forward and takes a can of tempoxy glue from the shelf. The glue is used by Benedictine to attach her wigs to her head and will hold anything forever unless softened by a specific defixative.
Benedictine and Bela both cry out as Chib lifts Benedictine up and then lowers her to the floor. She fights, but he manages to spray the glue over the can and the skin and hairs around it.
”What're you doing?” she screams.
He pushes the b.u.t.ton on the bottom of the can to full-on position and then sprays the bottom with glue. While she struggles, he holds her arms tight against her body and keeps her from rolling over and so moving the can in or out. Silently, Chib counts to thirty, then to thirty more to make sure the glue is thoroughly dried. He releases her.
The foam is billowing out around her groin and down her legs and spreading out across the floor. The fluid in the can is under enormous pressure in the indestructible unpunchable can, and the foam expands vastly if exposed to open air.
Chib takes the can of defixative from the shelf and clutches it in his hand, determined that she will not have it. Benedictine jumps up and swings at him. Laughing like a hyena in a tentful of nitrous oxide, Chib blocks her fist and shoves her away. Slipping on the foam, which is ankle-keep by now, Benedictine falls and then slides backward out of the bedroom on her b.u.t.tocks, the can clunking.
She gets to her feet and only then realizes fully what Chib has done. Her scream goes up, and she follows it. She dances around, yanking at the can, her screams intensifying with every tug and resultant pain. Then she turns and runs out of the room or tries to. She skids; Bela is in her way; they cling together and both ski out of the room, doing a half-turn while going through the door. The foam swirls out so that the two look like Venus and friend rising from the bubble-capped waves of the Cyprian Sea.
Benedictine shoves Bela away but not without losing some flesh to Bela's long sharp fingernails. Bela shoots backwards through the door toward Chib. She is like a novice ice skater trying to maintain her balance. She does not succeed and shoots by Chib, wailing, on her back, her feet up in the air.
Chib slides his bare feet across the floor gingerly, stops at the bed to pick up his clothes, but decides he'd be wiser to wait until he's outside before he puts them on. He gets to the circular hall just in time to see Benedictine crawling past one of the columns that divides the corridor from the atrium. Her parents, two middle-aged behemoths, are still sitting on a flato, beer cans in hand, eyes wide, mouths open, quivering.
Chib does not even say goodnight to them as he along the hall. But then he sees the fido and realizes that her parents had switched it from EXT. to INT. and then to Benedictine's room. Father and mother have been watching Chib and daughter, and it is evident from father's not-quite dwindled condition that father was very excited by this show, superior to anything seen on exterior fido.
”You peeping b.a.s.t.a.r.ds!” Chib roars.
Benedictine has gotten to them and on her feet and she is stammering, weeping, indicating the can and then stabbing her finger at Chib. At Chib's roar, the parents heave up from the flato as two leviathans from the deep. Benedictine turns and starts to run towards him, her arms outstretched, her long-nailed fingers curved, her face a medusa's. Behind her streams the wake of the livid witch and father and mother on the foam.
Chib shoves up against a pillar and rebounds and skitters off, helpless to keep himself from turning sidewise during the maneuver. But he keeps his balance. Mama and Papa have gone down together with a crash that shakes even the solid house. They are up, eyes rolling and bellowing like hippos surfacing. They charge him but separate, Mama shrieking now, her face, despite the fat, Benedictine's. Papa goes around one side of the pillar; Mama, the other. Benedictine has rounded another pillar, holding to it with one hand to keep her from slipping. She is between Chib and the door to the outside.
Chib slams against the wall of the corridor, in an area free of foam. Benedictine runs towards him. He dives across the floor, hits it, and rolls between two pillars and out into the atrium.
Mama and Papa converge in a collision course. The t.i.tanic meets the iceberg, and both plunge swiftly. They skid on their faces and bellies towards Benedictine. She leaps into the air, trailing foam on them as they pa.s.s beneath her.
By now it is evident that the government's claim that the can is good for 40,000 shots of death-to-sperm, or for 40,000 copulations, is justified. Foam is all over the place, ankle-deep -- knee-high in some places -- and still pouring out.
Bela is on her back now and on the atrium floor, her head driven into the soft folds of the flato.
Chib gets up slowly and stands for a moment, glaring around him, his knees bent, ready to jump from danger but hoping he won't have to since his feet will undoubtedly fly away from under him.
”Hold it, you rotten son of a b.i.t.c.h!” Papa roars. ”I'm going to kill you! You can't do this to my daughter!”
Chib watches him turn over like a whale in a heavy sea and try to get to his feet. Down he goes again, grunting as if hit by a harpoon. Mama is no more successful than he.
Seeing that his way is unbarred -- Benedictine having disappeared somewhere -- Chib skis across the atrium until he reaches an unfoamed area near the exit. Clothes over his arm, still holding the defixative, he struts towards the door.
At this moment Benedictine calls his name. He turns to see her sliding from the kitchen at him. In her hand is a tall gla.s.s. He wonders what she intends to do with it. Certainly, she is not offering him the hospitality of a drink.
Then she scoots into the dry region of the floor and topples forward with a scream. Nevertheless, she throws the contents of the gla.s.s accurately.
Chib screams when he feels the boiling hot water, painful as if he had been circ.u.mcised unanesthetized.
Benedictine, on the floor, laughs. Chib, after jumping around and shrieking, the can and clothes dropped, his hands holding the scalded parts, manages to control himself. He stops his antics, seizes Benedictine's right hand, and drags her out into the streets of Beverly Hills. There are quite a few people out this night, and they follow the two. Not until Chib reaches the lake does he stop and there he goes into the water to cool off the burn, Benedictine with him.
The crowd has much to talk about later, after Benedictine and Chib have crawled out of the lake and then run home. The crowd talks and laughs quite a while as they watch the sanitation department people clean the foam off the lake surface and the streets.
”I was so sore I couldn't walk for a month!” Benedictine screams.
”You had it coming,” Chib says. ”You've got no complaints. You said you wanted my baby, and you talked as if you meant it.”
”I must've been out of my mind!” Benedictine says. ”No, I wasn't! I never said no such thing! You lied to me! You forced me!”
”I would never force anybody,” Chib said. ”You know that. Quit your b.i.t.c.hing. You're a free agent, and you consented freely. You have free will.”
Omar Runic, the poet, stands up from his chair. He is a tall thin red-bronze youth with an aquiline nose and very thick red lips. His kinky hair grows long and is cut into the shape of the Pequod, that fabled vessel which bore mad Captain Ahab and his mad crew and the sole survivor Ishmael after the white whale. The coiffure is formed with a bowsprit and hull and three masts and yardarms and even a boat hanging on davits.
Omar Runic claps his hands and shouts, ”Bravo! A philosopher! Free will it is; free will to seek the Eternal Verities -- if any -- or Death and d.a.m.nation! I'll drink to free will! A toast, gentlemen! Stand up, Young Radishes, a toast to our leader!”
And so begins
Madame Trismegista calls, ”Tell your fortune, Chib! See what the stars tell through the cards!”
He sits down at her table while his friends crowd around.
”O.K., Madame. How do I get out of this mess?”
She shuffles and turns over the top card.
”Jesus! The ace of spades!”
”You're going on a long journey!”
”Egypt!” Rousseau Red Hawk cries. ”Oh, no, you don't want to go there, Chib! Come with me to where the buffalo roam and . . .”
Up comes another card.
”You will soon meet a beautiful dark lady.”
”A G.o.ddam Arab! Oh, no, Chib, tell me it's not true!”
”You will win great honors soon.”