382 8.10 Winner Winner Chicken Dinner (1/2)
”WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT??!?” asked the Sheriff in total shock as he sat in his throne as the men at arms poured the copper coins that they had carried in the sack that had a few holes in them on the floor before the former.
”I ASKED FOR GOLD AND YOU BROUGHT ME COPPER COINS INSTEAD?!?!” the Sheriff was astounded at the mountain of copper coins that were heaped on the mezzanine floor of the keep.
”This is it, Sir. This is the payment of tax from Robin, the leader of Band of Vagabonds, from the 154 adventurers for the payment of 2 months. There are more than 300k copper coins to represent 308 gold coins, sir.”
”Won't it be much easier to carry around 308 gold coins instead? Why in hell damnation do you accept such payment?!?!” the Sheriff lowered his tone as he rubbed his forehead just by looking at the mountain of copper coins that were scattered around.
”We were about to reject but Robin did mention about King Richards in one side of the coin and the coronation. He said, 'coppers is still money, right?'” explained one of the men at arms.
”Yes, Sir... By the way, there are 3 Lords riding mules that came by and were staying in the 2 storeys wooden hearth, I suppose. They were wearing a fine overcoat and a green coloured paper party crown with 4 coloured gems around it. I think they are the newly appointed Baronet and Baronetess.”
”WHAT?!?! BARONET AND BARONETESS?!?! How come I didn't hear about this before?” asked the Sheriff as he continually massaged his head and scratched his balding head like a monkey looking for lice.
”Yes, Sir... I heard that they are just plain commoners but they owned more than 550 pieces of land over 12 settlement. Imagine it, sir, just at the age of 10 could own so many pieces of land in between York and Leeds. They looked like commoners but their demeanour is more towards the nobles.” explained one of the men at arms as he was piling up the coppers that had been scattered loose.
”Yes, Sir... I agree with what he said. I don't think it is right to collect any more taxes from them, especially when the nobles are around. They owned more than 550 pieces of land and we ourselves do not even own a piece yet after working for some years now.” said another man at arms solemnly as he looked at his feet.
”Let me be the one who decides on it and not any of you. If really a Lord was staying with them, it would be a humiliation for us to collect any taxes and they are not obliged to pay any too.” said the Sheriff.
”One more thing, sir. The Lords told us to call Robin as Sir Robin. Was he being knighted before by His Majesty?”
”WHAT?!?! HE WAS KNIGHTED?!?! WE GONNA BE IN DEEPSHIT!!! Did anyone check his background yet? Robin's full name and his family tree? There aren't so many Robins in England, right?”
”I'd get to it, Sir. Hope it is not or else he would be storming into this keep and hanging us by our balls through our throats.” One of the men at arms said as he groped for his crotch and making sure his carrot and balls are still there after saying that.
Meanwhile in Roguemoor.....
”*Ahem*... Could you come here, for a moment?” gestured Will.I.Am to one of the serfs that were employed as a herder for the chicken and ducks.
”What is it, my Lord? Is anything the matter?”
”Have you received the Secret Blessings already?”
”My Lord, I have not...” the serf replied by replying negatively but at the same time nodding his head and smiled through his rotten, missing teeth.
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”Alright, keep up the good work, man. I would like to see what else we could do for this settlement.” Will.I.Am said casually as he and the two girls walked around the settlement and reached the gates of the nobles and the Church.
Wearing the overcoats and the green paper party crown on their heads, they breezed through the gates as the guards opened it up and let them pass through without even batting an eyelid.
Normally in these settlements, there weren't any merchant stalls but only a small marketplace where the sellers would be doing their trade for the local produce and for its 500 settlers. It was quite mediocre and the prices are comparably cheaper than the bigger towns and cities.
Will.I.Am had assigned 3 traders to 4 settlements each to assist in selling the eggs and milk to other towns and cities. They would buy and pay directly to the trio and whatever price they sell it would then be their profit.