373 8.1 Investments and Probe (1/2)

I resumed my sales pitch by 2 pm and ended close to dinner time and had managed to sell off everything. I had gained a sales figure of 212,000 gold coins and majority of the sales figure came from the Spirulina Pills as one pill costs 5 gold coins, a small fraction of what's being sold by the Physicians at 20 gold pieces each.

”Open your trade commlink everyone, here's something for you to build up the army...” I instructed the 3 of them and passed them 50k gold coins each. Will.i.am, Alleicea and Avantina had received 4k gold coins respectively.”

”Wow...I'd never would have imagined to receive so many gold coins in my life. I am only 9 years old and now I have more than 10k gold coins in my savings! Thank you Sir Robin, you had done us so much and yet what we had done was just a small perce rage if what we had received.” said Avantina who was bowing down her head as she speak.

”Its alright Tina, by the way, won't you want to invest your money into some kind of production?”

”What kind of investment in production, Sir Robin? We have never heard of such thing before. Would you kindly highlight it to us?” asked Alleicea with a sparkle in her eyes, thinking that she could make her money into good use after all.”

”Well, Ally, every town and settlement has their plot of land for sale. A settlement cost much more cheaper comparable to a town or a city that would cost almost double and triple it price.”

”If I recall, a plot of empty land on a settlement for investment would cost you 500 shillings and its a one time payment. You could then make at least 8 chicken or duck coops, 4 goats, sheep and pigs enclosures, or 2 cows enclosures.”

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”Each chicken or duck coop could housed at least 2 dozens and each plot of land would houses 192 of those small animals and it produces eggs daily as well as meat every 40 days. Each live chicken or duck would cost you 1 or 2 shilling.”

”As for the goat and sheep, it would cost you 1 to 2 gold coins, pigs at 3 gold coins and a cow would be at 5 gold coins each. The feed for them is variable as some eat wheat, grains, corn and barley.”

”Come here and take a look at these nearby settlements, there's Saxton, Barkston Ash, Scarthingwell and Fenton just within a few minutes of each other. You could make use of these to buy yourselves 4 plots of land each per person and have the chicken, ducks, goats, sheeps, pigs and cows to start with.”

”Run along, make your purchase and have a title deed of that land once you had made the land purchase and hire some help to take care of those for you. Remember to have a whole list of inventory for each investment so that you would be able to refer from time to time.”

”If your chicken and duck lays eggs, directly purchase and then use the money inside the charity box to pay back into your savings. Here's 5k shillings to top up that wooden chest for our consumption for next 4 months.”

”Sir Robin, that wooden chest is overflowed already with coppers from the 150 adventurers that pays 2 coppers for their meals each time and we had over 50k coppers inside it.”

”I've compiled 50 coppers each in one pouch and we had more than a 1k pouches of coppers which means we have more than 1k shillings. Combined with the one that you had just given us, we have more than 6k shillings, not combining with several gold coins too.”