323 7.51 Battle Royale, The Fine Martial Art Of Yours Truly. (1/2)
”I've got this...no worries...I would even put a blindfold over my eyes, see for yourself if you can see through this...” said the young Robin to the announcer as he handed a blindfold to the latter to inspect.
”Hoho...this young Robin has upped his ante. Not only would he be unarmed, but he voluntarily blindfolded himself and I can't see shit from this blindfold. It's legit, leader of the Flaming Arrows...! What would your counter be? Do you want to up your ante as well?”
The announcer asked the leader and he replied boastfully that he would up his reward from 20 to 25 gold coins. Seeing that no-one had ever beaten the 3rd member of the lowest-ranked member of his band with fully equipped battle gear, he was also taking it as an insult from Robin who came up unarmed and blindfolded as well...!!
”All I would like from the audience is not to prompt me the types of weapons they used okay? It's going to be a secret.” Robin shouted to the crowd as he places the blindfold on his eyes and stood on the corner of the duel arena as he stood there in an awkward manner while raising his two palms in front
of him.
”What the hell is he doing? Unarmed and blindfolded and standing in a weird manner with his palms raised in that manner...! He truly a joker and a stupid one too...!!!” thoughts raised in my mind as I watched the fight scene unfold while clutching my staff tightly with both hands.
”When I call out 'Fight', the 1st opponent will be up against this lone, unarmed, blindfolded opponent...Get Ready...5...4...3...2...1...
F I G H T...!”
I was clenching the staff so tightly that my knuckles turned white. Then I saw something extraordinary, as when the 1st opponent who was holding a flail in his right hand surged forward.
He raised the flail to strike and yet the young man stood still, unmoving as if he doesn't realise that an opponent was within striking distance of 3 meters, 2 meters, 1 meter...when suddenly the young man raised his right leg and kicked his first opponent between the legs and crack into the balls...!!!
”AAAAWWWWWWWWWOOOOOO.....!!!!” the scream was long, ear-splitting, hair raising and ghastly as the opponent fell sideways slowly and gripping his tightly squeezed thighs and his balls that would seem to magnify every second for a whole 5 minutes.
”1 to Vagabonds, 0 to Flaming Arrows!” yelled the announcer through his large cardboard megaphone and the crowd went crazy with cheers that the young man not only brought down the 1st opponent but also with a blindfold too...!!! This is going into the Guinness World Records...!!!
I was excited beyond words and a minute was up and a bell sounded indicating the 2nd opponent is coming in. The young man still stood in his weird manner and an opponent with a spear came up. 3 meters...2 meters...1 meter, the spearman speared thrice and each time the young man was able to evade the attack and suddenly rushed up and grabbed the spear and broke it in half with a right uppercut.
He turned around and suddenly was at the rear of the spearman and he was thinking that the young man would do the same to his comrade that he quickly closed his legs, giving the young man a chance to whack mercilessly on the opponent's butt with the broken half of the spear..!!!
”AAAWWWOOOOO...the similar ear-splitting,hair-raising scream was heard as the opponent fell forward and was rolling on the floor and humping his butt on the duel arena until he fell over and was helped up by his comrades.
The young man threw the spearhead and it landed between the feet of Flaming Arrows' leader and the former gestured the leader to come and face him. How he did that was simply unanswered...!!!
Soon, the third, the fourth and the fifth opponent was defeated easily with less than 3 strikes which left the opponents screaming for their mummies or simply knocked out of their senses...all these while the young man is blindfolded.
The band members were holding out pom-poms and raving wildly for their bandleader as he stood there in his usual awkward stance. Those who bet against the young man to be knocked out all looked forlorn as they had definitely lost their bets and no-one betted for the young man at all. I wished I had placed my bet but I'm no gambler myself.
The minute was up and the sixth opponent came up, this time wielding 2 swords that swirled and twirled on by the wielder. He came forward and suddenly the young man ran forward and rushed at the opponent. Seeing an opening, the opponent began to strike but the young man ran through and did a running slide through the legs and came up from behind. He gave a double-handed smack on the ears of the opponent and he fell to his knees.
The young man gave a spinning back thrust on the back of the opponent and he stumbled and lost his balance, at the same time flailing his two swords and fell off the arena with his two swords aimed directly at his leader...!!! Luckily the leader evaded the fall or there would be an unnecessary bystander accident...!!!
The seventh opponent was up and he was holding a falchion and a small iron buckle. He wasted no time and circled the young man and chased him around with his fashion as he slashed and blocked the attacks using his iron buckler.