83 4.7 The Fusion of Spiritual Energy...! Part 2 (1/2)

From the third chakra point, I felt another surge of energy. But this energy that I felt was much stronger and its as though a feeling that a Phoenix had risen from the ashes of the pits and surge upwards, spreading its wings. The feeling of intense heat and all kinds of indescribable sensations were felt and suddenly dissipated and it leaves a rather stimulating and calm heartbeat.

This fourth chakra point was called the ”Anahat” also known as the heart chakra. The heart pumps life throughout the whole body as well as carries oxygen and forms a gateway between the lower and higher chakra points.

Simply put, its a chakra point of life. The moment we both felt the surge, both our breathing became rapid and ragged but slowly became calm as it slowly regulates its pace. It radiates a sort of shiny green colour and masculine in gender (yang) and it polarized positively as reported by Pornsak's Third Eye.

Suddenly a new course of energy shot straight up to the throat area and nearly choked the two of us. The windpipes somehow closed temporarily and enabled us to swallow and subsequently enabled us to breathe at the same time.


Writers Note: who in the world could swallow and breathe at the same time? You could try but I'm pretty sure you won't successfully swallow your saliva and breathe at the same time comfortably, right? Now you're choking... Sorry, I had told you before, don't I? Now go wash-up then continue reading, and put your smartphone aside... *rolling my eyes a bit and ROFL*


This fifth chakra point is 'Vishuddi' also known as the throat chakra just below the point of Adam's apple. It radiates blue in colour, male (yang) and is polarised positively.

It controls the horizontal section of the physical body from the midpoint of the nose to the collar bones. It governs the ears, nose, mouth, jaw, vocal cords, bronchial apparatus, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands and metabolism.

Suddenly, Pornsak's Third Eye entered back spiritually into her forehead and a reddish blue began to pulsate in a rhythmically steady and slow. Pornsak looked at mine but was bluish-red instead with the same steady and slow rhythm.

This chakra point is called 'Ajna' our Third Eyes domain. When open and functioning, a person is allowed to resonate with his/her inner vision, imagination and idealism. Within the symbolic representation of the third eye, the command centre is the syllable Ohm, which is representative of the beginning and end of all things.

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It is from this centre that a person achieves a balance between Yin (feminine nature) and Yang (masculine nature) and harmonizes the forces within him/herself. No wonder that hers and my glow was of different colours as it represents two different nature depending on the sexes.

Then a glow of light purple or Violet colour emanates from the top of our heads and we clutched at ourselves even tighter as we felt a mixture of dizzying sensations, sudden twitches in our right eye as if a force was pushing them deep into the orbits and with our eyes closed, we can feel our bodies somehow floating and levitating.

The seventh chakra point is called 'Sahasrara' and is known as the head heart centre right between the parietal and frontal bones of our brain. It is feminine (yin) and polarized negatively. This last chakra point opens to knowing that one's identity goes beyond the physical form. The final step is merging a person's personal energy field with his or her soul in the universal field.

When all the glow in our bodies dissipated and everything seemed to be back to normal, Pornsak slowly unloosened her legs that were around me and I slowly pulled my shaft till it reaches its crown and thrust in deep again.

I gained momentum and kept thrusting at her slowly at first then faster as I felt her love juices lubricating the shaft. She opened up her eyes to gaze at me while I was thrusting her and moaned as she reached her climax again for the umpteenth time.