41 2.18- Time to Locate and Relocate and the Predators became the Prey. (1/2)

I lifted the tablet in my hand and peered through the screen to determine my position as well as to hunt the next Assassin. Luckily the sadistic bastard that designed the explosive contraption on the device had not made a remote detonation device. Or else he had long done so when the sick bastard discovered that I had the tracking GPS in my hands and able to locate my friends and foes at the same time.

I felt at a great loss at this moment as I was unable to locate my 3 friends; Hideko, Emiko and Genji, and stopped the Unfateful death that had befallen them. I leaned against a tree trunk and slumped down as the thoughts of my dear friends slowly fade away. A tear streamed down my face and I wiped it off with the back of the hand.

”I must quickly find the rest of my friends and gather them. But my first priority is to eliminate danger and that is to stop those two Assassins. I hope I'm not too late in this rescue mission. I must move faster than ever and reach out to them as soon as I could.”

I then picked himself up and walked towards a blip that I had pinched on the screen to decrease its size which roughly translates to expanding the map size and distance. By using the first visible blip on the screen, I made an almost beeline trot towards it.

I checked the total headcount out of the 5 boys and 6 girls; those remaining were:

The boys would be Chikashi, Einosuke, Itaru and me while the girls Ayumi, Chiya and Kagome. The rest were off the set and presumably dead.

The sight of the familiar elongated type of fruits hanging by a bunch that nearly reached the ground stopped my tracks. I quickly recognized these as bananas; not just normal bananas but Kerala Bananas! These bananas when ripe had black patches on them, very fragrant, very sweet and can be eaten raw and a bountiful source of Potassium, Magnesium and Vitamin C besides having other minuscule vitamins as well.

I ran up to it and withdrew my machete that was hanging at my side. I knew the bananas were more than adequate to feed 7 of us but I decided to chop off about 3 small bunches instead. I knew that eating a banana is a bad idea on an empty stomach; so I ate a muesli bar first then bananas for later. I stuffed the bananas in my satchel bag and proceeded to the nearest blip on the screen as soon as possible.

There was no unique Assassin blip on the mini screen of the tablet. However, I realized it because the Director had made a small ninja emoticon blip that represents an Assassin while a ponytail emoticon to represent a girl and a spiky-haired emoticon to represent a boy. The only thing missing was their name underneath that emoticon. How cute... It's like looking for Pokemon trainers in the forest.

First off, I head to the nearest emoticon that showed a boy. It was roughly about a few kilometres from where I was located. If I break into a trot, I would reach to him by 30mins so hasten the pace I shall.

The first person I met was Chikashi. He was delighted to see me as though I was the last living person he had met and we hugged and he jumped for joy after seeing I brought him the bananas. I could shortly describe him as going bananas over bananas. Hehehe.

We ate and I rested for a while and he was clearly dishevelled from the way his outlook and I gave him my water bottle where he took a swig out of it. I asked about him and he told me that he had emptied it about a day before. I quickly took the empty bottle he had gotten rid off and kept it with me.

I told him we got to find the others and he compiled. He took a few bananas with him and he felt happy just being next to me. Luckily for him, the other 2 assassins didn't manage to find him as he was too low profile and played small importance in this novel.

Soon by locating the rest of the boys and girls using the tablet, we headed to the last one that was the furthest away on the miniscreen. It was somewhat near the edge of the island where I had come midway looking for the rest of them.

Halfway through we reached a coconut plantation and we all had our fill of coconut juice and the fleshy meat inside. By looking at the miniscreen of the tablet I managed to find that there were no other plantations that could be beneficial to us in tens of kilometres ahead. So we decided to hit camp when dusk was about to descend on the island.

With our newfound strength, we had gathered from the nourishing coconuts, we gathered all the tinder, kindling small twigs and other woods to make the biggest bonfire that we could that could burn the whole forest literally. After the bonfire was lit, I told the rest of the group that this was a kind of trap that could lead the Assassins to appear and avenge their fallen comrade.

The group looked at me in bewilderment and felt that they had fallen into my trap. I reassured them by saying that as long as I am alive, I will ensure that no one will be hurt in the process. I told them that I had personally taken care of one of the Assassins and will be taking care of the other two and find Kagome afterwards.

Deep inside my heart, I hoped Kagome would be able to survive on her own using her instincts and survival skills that she had learned by watching YouTube channels and documentary short films.

The coconuts that we had brought along had long gone and the husks were thrown into the fire; emitting lots of white smoke that would ward off mosquitoes and other insects. Also, it was to smokescreen the whole place making harder for the Assassins as well as the cameras from realizing what we were scheming.

Soon darkness envelops the whole forest and the fire and smoke emitting from the bonfire kept us all awake. I informed them that whatever happens; they need to stick with one another. I taught them how to fashion a weapon by using their folding pocket knife as a pointed end.

This was achieved by using a short 3-foot bamboo and tying the end with the pocket knife that looked like the number ”7”. The blade was affixed to the end and was permanently immovable after wrapping the pocket knife with several rounds of Bamboo strips.

Little did I knew 2 Assassins were converging to our place. I took the steel guitar strings and cut it about 3 foot long with my machete. At the ends of the steel strings, I made a wooden handle that acts as a knob in the hand.

I basically told them that this could be used to strangle someone. They all nodded in agreement about what I had said. Seems the ordeal of the abduction and the announcements made over the loudspeakers made them as meek as lambs.

As for myself, I fashioned 2 bamboo poles like the other day that I had made beforehand. Along with the sickle that I had detached the metal chain and the machete; I am sure that these crude and deadly weapons in the beholder would prove to be a match from what the Assassins would be armed.

I looked at the tablet and found that the Assassins were about a kilometre from us and instructed them to be alert. I specifically told them to act as though they were sleeping and once I had begun my move; they would then move in as well.

Night crept in and everything in the jungle was quiet except for the insects and the crackling of the bonfire that now had been reduced to be a small campfire.

The flames of the campfire threw shadows around us and found that one Assassin was approaching our direction while another was stalling for time. The moment one of the Assassin was in the striking distance...


I jumped out from the shadows with one of the poles in hand and threw it in his direction. Seeing the pole in my hand before I strike, the Assassin read my movements and jumped aside. The pole that I threw missed him wide and he ran towards me while holding to his hilt of the blade on the side of his body.

Suddenly he twisted his body and unsheathed his side weapon and I quickly learned that it was like a wakizashi or kodachi type of bladed weapon. It was around 2 shaku in length but even though it was a short sword, it proved to be formidable in strength and durability.

He made a midsection swing with his sword, just like what a warrior of Wu-Tang would do and he stopped in his tracks. His prose was like the crouching tiger and I am his hidden dragon.

The blade managed to slice through my shirt across missing my bare skin by mere millimetres. If this was a katana of 3 shaku or longer, I would have been disembowelled.

I took out my 1-foot machete and he merely sneered through his mask. His eyes showed his sneer, I'm sure of it. I shouted the rest to stay back as I wanted to aggro him towards me only and not to the rest. I twirled the machete in my hand and watches for his next move.