Part 20 (1/2)
”I'm not the kind iv a man to do much complainin',” declared Daniel. ”I niver see that it did much good. If I c'u'd give Schlimmer a bad turn-”
”That's it; that's it exactly. You can knock his insurance sky-high and get some money yourself.”
”Say that wanst more,” urged Daniel. ”Me hearin' seems to be playin'
”The law,” said the lawyer slowly, ”fines a company for doing that-”
”How much?”
”I'll have to look it up. Pretty stiff fine, though, and the informer-”
”I don't like th' word.”
”Well, the man who makes the complaint gets half the fine. Do you understand that? Let me take charge of the matter for you, and we'll divide the money.”
”Will it hurt me own insurance?” asked Daniel.
”Not a bit.”
”I'm not lukkin' to l'ave Maggie an' th' childhern without money whin I die, jist to land a dollar-twinty f'r me own pocket now. That's a Schlimmer thrick.”
”Your insurance will be just as good as it ever was,” the lawyer a.s.serted.
”Will there be twinty dollars in it f'r me?” Daniel persisted.
”There'll be a good deal more than that-exactly how much I can't say.”
”Go ahead,” instructed Daniel. ”Put the little divil through.”
The lawyer investigated and found his task comparatively easy, for Adolph had now personally told the story to several people. Indeed, by the exercise of a little ingenuity, the lawyer got him to tell it to him. Then he acted.
When the news reached the local agency of the company there was no indecision as to what should be done. Unnecessary publicity in a matter of that kind was the very last thing sought. The solicitor was called in, put on the rack, and promptly confessed. Then he was discharged without further questioning. Perhaps the local agent was afraid he might learn of other similar instances if he pressed the matter too far, and he was quite content to remain in ignorance of anything else of that nature, so long as the public also remained in ignorance. The company promptly acknowledged its fault, showed that it had cleared itself morally by discharging the offending agent, and proceeded to clear itself legally by paying the necessary fine.
When the news came to Adolph, however, there was wailing prolonged, for his policy was annulled.
”I bet you,” said Adolph, ”that feller Murray put up the job. He iss a great hog; he iss like those mono_pol_ists that puts smaller people out of business and gobbles it all.”
Then Adolph got a pencil and a sheet of paper and began to figure his losses.
”_Zwei_ t'ousand dollar insurance,” he groaned, ”and maybe she wouldn't lif long. And I gif her a dress, too-a new dress. _Ach, Himmel!_ it's hard when a man's vife beats him. A new dress for nothing at all but to looss money. That law iss a shame. It iss a-what you call it?-restriction of business.”
Thereafter, for some time, the sight of the new gown would make Adolph morose and gloomy, and his friends found him unusually modest and un.o.btrusive.
There came to Dave Murray one day a young man who was looking for a job.
He was a bright young fellow and seemed to be very earnest.