Part 14 (1/2)
”She's distancing us, sir,” observed Kiddle. ”She's in luck, for I don't think the black fellows will have her this time.”
Suddenly the moon beamed forth.
”Hillo! Why, what is that?” exclaimed Esse.
We all eagerly looked out. A little on the starboard-bow, the rays of the bright luminary fell upon the white canvas of a tall s.h.i.+p standing across our course.
”She's a man-of-war, or I am a Dutchman!” exclaimed Kiddle, ”and a frigate too.”
”Perhaps she is the Orion herself, after all,” cried Esse. ”Hurrah!
Hurrah! Hurrah!”
Directly the crew of the prow discovered the frigate they lowered the sails, and getting out the oars, began to pull her head round in the direction of the wind's eye. At that moment, however, the chase had got close to the frigate.
”She is telling her what sort of gentry we are, and depend upon it she will be after us directly,” said Kiddle.
He was right, apparently, for immediately the frigate's head sails were seen s.h.i.+vering in the breeze, and slowly coming about, she stood towards us on the other tack. The other prows discovered her at the same moment that we did, and were now pulling away as fast as their crews could urge them through the water. The frigate, as she approached, began firing from her foremost guns. Had one of her shots struck us between wind and water, it would have sent us to the bottom. As to the prows escaping, it seemed scarcely possible. Still the Malays held on, tugging desperately at their oars. While some of the crew were rowing, the rest were employed in examining the priming of their muskets and feeling the edge of their swords, while a low conversation was carried on among them.
”I do not quite like what they are saying, sir,” said Smith to me. ”As far as I can make out, they are vowing to Allah, that if the frigate comes up with them they will knock us all on the head and blow themselves up. They are in earnest, I am afraid, for I know their people have done the same sort of thing before now.”
”Tell them,” I said, ”that as they have treated us so well, that if they will haul down their colours we will use our influence with the captain of the s.h.i.+p to have them set at liberty. Tell them we think she is the s.h.i.+p we belong to, and that if they are wise men they will follow our advice.”
Smith, knowing pretty well that our lives depended upon the way he might put the matter to the old chief, began to address him slowly. Gradually he grew more energetic and warm. While he was speaking a shot came flying close by us, carrying away the greater number of the oars on one side. Escape now seemed impossible. Again we urged our advice. The chief seemed unwilling to follow it.
”Ask him if he hasn't got a wife or two and a few young children at home who would like to see him again,” said Brady to Smith. ”Tell him at all events we have, and if he's a wise man that he will live himself and let us live. Faith, it's a little exaggeration as far as some of us are concerned, but if it excites the old gentleman's commiseration, sure Father O'Rouke would absolve me for that as well as a few other lies I have had to tell in my life.”
Smith interpreted these remarks. The Rajah spoke to his crew. Directly afterwards the uninjured oars were thrown in.
”We have got your promise, then, young officer, that my people and I shall be uninjured, and shall be allowed to go free?” said the chief.
”Yes,” I answered, ”I fully believe if that frigate is the one to which we belong, that the captain will carry out my promises.”
On this the chief briefly addressed his crew.
The frigate, understanding apparently that we had given in, ceased firing, and directly afterwards hove to. There was just time to lower a boat, when again she stood on in chase of the other prows. The moon was now s.h.i.+ning brightly, and by her light we saw a boat approaching us. In a few minutes she was alongside, and her crew, led by an officer, sprang on board. I thought I recognised Oldershaw's figure. ”They have given in,” I shouted out, ”and we have promised that you would spare their lives and let them go free.”
”Hillo! Who is that? Bless my heart, who are you?” exclaimed Oldershaw. ”What! Ben Burton! Is it possible!”
We were all of us, it must be remembered, in Eastern dresses, finding them far more comfortable than those we had laid aside.
”Yes, and I am here too!” sung out Esse.
”I am heartily glad of it,” exclaimed Oldershaw. ”We thought you had all been knocked on the head by the savages long ago. And have any more of you escaped?”
”Yes, sir,” said Toby Kiddle. ”Here am I, and here's Pat Brady, and these two men of the 'Resolution,' and fortunate men they are, for they are the only ones alive out of the whole s.h.i.+p's company.”
Oldershaw now learned from us, for the first time, of the sad loss of the frigate. We told him also how well we had been treated by the Rajah. On this Oldershaw went up and shook him by the hand, and told Smith to a.s.sure him that no harm would be done him or his people, and that the captain of the frigate would be very much obliged to him for the way he had treated us. The old chief seemed highly pleased, and ordered pipes and coffee to be brought aft, and in ten minutes we were all seated in the after part of the prow, smoking the fragrant weed and sipping the warm beverage, while the Malays were doing the honours to our men. I need not say, however, that Oldershaw told us all to keep a bright look-out, so that, in case of treachery being intended, we might not be taken by surprise. The frigate stood on, and from the rapid firing we heard, it was pretty evident that she was roughly handling the other prows. The chief shrugged his shoulders. ”It was the will of Allah,” he said: ”if his people were killed, it was not his fault, nor was it ours, so he hoped it would not interfere with our present friendly relations.” Such, at least, was something like the interpretation which Smith gave us of his remarks. At length the frigate was seen running back. As she approached, we fired a gun to draw her attention, and in a short time she was up to us, shortening sail as she approached. Another boat now came off from her, when Esse and I went on board and reported ourselves to Captain Oliver. He was walking the quarter-deck when we appeared at the gangway. ”What!” he exclaimed, ”you my mids.h.i.+pmen! I thought when I saw you that you were a couple of young Malays. Come into the cabin, and let me hear your account. I am, indeed, heartily glad to hear that you have escaped.”
Mr Schank expressed equal satisfaction at again seeing us, as, indeed, did all our s.h.i.+pmates. When he heard how well we had been treated by the old Rajah, he sent to request his presence on board, that he might thank him personally for his kindness to us. After some little delay, notice was given that the Rajah was coming on board in one of our boats.