Part 33 (1/2)
[699] Heinrich Prohle, _Harzbilder, Sitten und Gebrauche aus dem Harz-gebirge_ (Leipsic, 1855), pp. 74 _sq._ The date of this need-fire is not given; probably it was about the middle of the nineteenth century.
[700] R. Andree, _Braunschweiger Volkskunde_ (Brunswick, 1896), pp. 313 _sq._
[701] R. Andree, _op. cit._ pp. 314 _sq._
[702] Monta.n.u.s, _Die deutschen Volks-feste, Volksbrauche und deutscher Volksglaube_ (Iserlohn, N.D.), p. 127.
[703] Paul Drechsler, _Sitte, Brauch und Volksglaube in Schlesien_ (Leipsic, 1903-1906), ii. 204.
[704] Anton Peter, _Volksthumliches aus osterreichisch-Schlesien_ (Troppau, 1865-1867), ii. 250.
[705] Alois John, _Sitte, Brauch und Volksglaube im deutschen Westbohmen_ (Prague, 1905), p. 209.
[706] C.L. Rochholz, _Deutscher Glaube und Brauch_ (Berlin, 1867), ii.
[707] E. Hoffmann-Krayer, ”Fruchtbarkeitsriten im schweizerischen Volksbrauch,” _Schweizerisches Archiv fur Volkskunde_, xi. (1907) pp.
[708] E. Hoffmann-Krayer, _op. cit._ p. 246.
[709] J. Grimm, _Deutsche Mythologie_,*[4] i. 505.
[710] ”Old-time Survivals in remote Norwegian Dales,” _Folk-lore_, xx.
(1909) pp. 314, 322 _sq._ This record of Norwegian folk-lore is translated from a little work _Sundalen og oksendalens Beskrivelse_ written by Pastor Chr. Glukstad and published at Christiania ”about twenty years ago.”
[711] Prof. VI. t.i.telbach, ”Das heilige Feuer bei den Balkanslaven,”
_Inter-nationales Archiv fur Ethnographie_, xiii. (1900) pp. 2 _sq._ We have seen (above, p. 220) that in Russia the need-fire is, or used to be, annually kindled on the eighteenth of August. As to the need-fire in Bulgaria see also below, pp. 284 _sq._
[712] F.S. Krauss, ”Altslavische Feuergewinnung,” _Globus_, lix. (1891) p. 318, quoting P. Ljiebenov, _Baba Ega_ (Trnovo, 1887), p. 44.
[713] F.S. Krauss, _op. cit._ p. 319, quoting _Wisla_, vol. iv. pp. 1, 244 _sqq._
[714] F.S. Krauss, _op. cit._ p. 318, quoting Oskar Kolberg, in _Mazowsze_, vol. iv. p. 138.
[715] F.S. Krauss, ”Slavische Feuerbohrer,” _Globus_, lix. (1891) p.
140. The evidence quoted by Dr. Krauss is that of his father, who often told of his experience to his son.
[716] Prof. Vl. t.i.telbach, ”Das heilige Feuer bei den Balkanslaven,”
_Internationales Archiv fur Ethnographie_, xiii. (1900) p. 3.
[717] See below, vol. ii. pp. 168 _sqq._
[718] Adolf Strausz, _Die Bulgaren_ (Leipsic, 1898), pp. 194-199.
[719] _Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen aus Bosnien und der Hercegovina_, redigirt von Moriz h.o.e.rnes, iii. (Vienna, 1895) pp. 574 _sq._
[720] ”_Pro fidei divinae integritate servanda recolat lector quod, c.u.m hoc anno in Laodonia pestis gra.s.saretur in pecudes armenti, quam vocant usitate Lungessouth, quidam b.e.s.t.i.a.les, habitu claustrales non animo, docebant idiotas patriae ignem confrictione de lignis educere et simulachrum Priapi statuere, et per haec bestiis succurrere_” quoted by J.M. Kemble, _The Saxons in England_ (London, 1849), i. 358 _sq._; A.
Kuhn, _Die Herabkunft des Feuers und des Gottertranks_*[2] (Gutersloh, 1886), p. 43; Ulrich Jahn, _Die deutschen Opfergebrauche bei Ackerbau und Viehzucht_ (Breslau, 1884) p. 31.