14 Truth (1/2)

”We really did leech the money out of someone's pockets, after all.” Kunjan replied as calm as he can and asked Gibli to move on. Eventually in a few minutes, they reached Holy Land.

And in there, they were welcomed by Lonappan. ”Hey, guys. How was work?” He asked.

”It sucked.” Gibli answered.

”It really did.” Taro doubled it.

”They're right about that.” Kunjan agreed with it as well.

Lonappan was honestly surprised. ”Wow, I tried my level best to find a gig that'd require nothing out of you. I didn't expect such a backlash.”

”Wait, you knew it and you flipping planned it all along?” Gibli asked.

”Of course! Minimum work, maximum wage. Isn't that amazing?” Lonappan didn't find anything wrong about that.

”So that would mean you wanted us to go down that path too, huh? Corruption!” Gibli raised his voice. He lived his entire life earnestly. He didn't like the path that Lonppan chose for them.

”Boy, isn't that a strong word to use in this scenario.” Lonappan had no idea what was going through Gibli's mind. How could he? He wasn't a psychic.

”That's the case, isn't it? Leeching cash out of an unsuspecting individual is what you want us to do.” Gibli continued his rant.

”Well, yea. That's part of blending in. Like there's the so-called corruption all over this country. There's no living in the bright side shit around here. You wanna blend in with the humans, you better start living like one.” Lonappan explained his side.

”Why the hell are you talking about corruption like it's a rather common thing or something? It's not unavoidable. Ark is corruption free! We did it, therefore you can too.” He said those words so passionately that it irked him off when he heard the plankton's cheeky laugh beside him. ”Why are you laughing, plankton?” He asked as if he was about to pick a fight.

”I might've agreed with you to some extent, but I lost you in that last half. Get your shit straight before you start preaching someone.” Plankton said, as he continued laughing.

”What are you insinuating?” Gibli sounded really serious. He was all fun and games when it doesn't involve someone badmouthing his planet.

”Huh, you really believe it, don't you? That the Fallen Ark is corruption free.” Kunjan replied. He picked a serious stance as well.

”Don't you dare!” Gibli advanced towards the plankton, fully committed on attacking him. He hated people calling his planet 'The Fallen Ark'.

”What do you mean?” Gibli was as furious as he was confused.

”Huh, the Ark really did a good job covering up stuff, eh? The Ark's world leaders colluded with the Glomerans and sold you off.” He shouted back.

”Impossible! Don't speak of such lies before me, you murderer!” Gibli screamed as a grim look appeared over the plankton's face. It was as if it hurt him on a personal level.

”And here I thought that I could believe you, you spineless coward.” Kunjan looked at Gibli with disdain.

Meanwhile, Taro interfered this fight. ”Gibli, no. What he said right now is the truth.” He said.

However, Gibli was not in the mood to have a civilized conversation. ”How'd you know about that, you dumb fuck!” He cried as he lifted his fist towards Taro, which was stopped immediately. It was hard to get a hit on Taro as it is, Moreover, Gibli was filled with rage . A mind filled with unnecessary emotions could never hurt Taro.

”Shall I?” Taro turned towards the plankton and asked.

”Please do.” Kunjan pleaded. Taro nodded and tackled Gibli to the ground.


Few hours later, Gibli woke up in his bed. ”What happened?” He wondered. He couldn't remember anything that happened a few hours earlier.

”Oh, you woke up! Have some green tea. I guess it might calm you down.” It was Kunjan, who came to him with a cup of green tea in his hand.

Gibli gladly took the cup and took a sip out of it, ”So, I fucked up?” He asked, as he placed the tea aside.

Kunjan nodded his head. ”Yup, you went crazy and Taro had to tackle some sense into you.”

”Ah, that explains the throbbing pain.” Gibli chuckled whilst grabbing his abdomen.

”Yea, he got really pissed off about it.” The plankton had a hearty laugh as well.

Soon, Gibli came back to senses and the atmosphere got serious again. ”Okay, I'm ready. Tell me everything. From what you know to how you know it.” He looked like he was ready to swallow the hard pill of truth.

”Do you know about the Glomeran civilization and their practises?” The plankton asked.

”What do you mean?” Gibli was confused. The things he knew about Glomera was the things that he learned from his textbooks.

Kunjan sighed. ”It seems that you're not aware. Well, Glomera is like the Goa [????] of the universe.” He replied.

”I don't get it.” Gibli didn't get the obscure reference.

”Shit. Okay. Glomera is like the Las Vegas of the universe.” He explained yet again.

This time, Gibli caught the reference. ”Their main source of income is gambling?” He asked.

”Exactly. Now, the things they gamble on is a little different from Las Vegas. They conduct a contest at first. They would've planned to conquer someone and people would've to imagine who that was. Like, they'd have to bet on it and stuff. Once that's over, people would gamble on how long it will take for them to conquer that place. Normally, the Glomerans would go to that planet and show off their technologically apt community; they might be gambling assholes, but they're some of the most intelligent species too. So, when this technologically inferior planet sees the stuff, they'd be willing to do anything for it and eventually fall into their trap.” Kunjan explained,

”Just like what happened to us.” He was reminded of the Ark's fate.

However, Kunjan clicked his tongue upon hearing that. ”Now, that's the lie that was fed up to your mouths.” He said.

”Come again?” Even though Gibli did say he was ready for the truth bomb, he didn't expect such a twist in the tale.

”You know the time it took for the Glomerans to conquer the Ark?” Kunjan asked.

Gibli nodded. ”Yea, it's three ye-”