Part 47 (1/2)

”Well, anyhow, dear, it was her wish, and you and I must submit.”

”But you are sorry?”

”For some reasons, yes.”

”And you would like me to help Jasper?”

”Certainly. Do you know where your nurse is now, Evelyn?”

”I do.”


”I would rather not say; only, may I send her some money?”

”That seems reasonable enough,” thought the Squire.

”How much do you want?” he asked.

”Would twenty pounds be too much?”

”I think not. It is a good deal, but she was a faithful servant. I will give you twenty pounds for her now.”

The Squire rose and took out his check-book.

”Oh, please,” said Evelyn, ”I want it in gold.”

”But how will you send it to her?”

”Never, never mind; I must have it in gold.”

”Poor child! She is in earnest,” thought the Squire. ”Perhaps the woman will come to meet her somewhere. I really cannot see why she should be tabooed from having a short interview with her old nurse. Frances and I differ on this head. Yes, I will let her have the money; the child has a good deal of heart when all is said and done.”

So the Squire put two little rolls, neatly made up in brown paper, into Evelyn's hands.

”There,” he said; ”it is a great deal of money to trust a little girl with, but you shall have it; only you must not ask me for any more.”

”Oh, what a darling you are, Uncle Edward! I feel as if I must kiss you again. There! those kisses are full of love. Now I must go. But, oh, I say, _what_ a funny parcel!”

”What parcel, dear?”

”That long parcel on that table.”

”It is a gun-case which I have not yet unpacked. Now run away.”

”But that reminds me. You said I might go out some day to shoot with you.”

”On some future day. I do not much care for girls using firearms; and you are so busy now with your school.”

”You think, perhaps, that I cannot fire a gun, but I can aim well; I can kill a bird on the wing as neatly as any one. I told Audrey, and she would not believe me. Please-please show me your new gun.

”Not now; I have not looked at it myself yet.”