Part 35 (1/2)
”Oh, we must manage that,” said Audrey. ”What a good thing that you and I are the same height! Now, shall we walk round the shrubbery?”
”The shrubbery always reminds me,” said Sylvia, ”of the first day we met.”
”Yes. I was very angry with you that day,” said Audrey, with a laugh.
”You must know that I always hated that old custom of throwing the Castle open to every one on New Year's Day.”
”But I am too glad of it,” said Sylvia. ”It made me know you, and Evelyn too.”
”Don't forget, Audrey,” said Evelyn at that moment, ”that Sylvia is really my friend. It was I who first brought her to the Castle.-You do not forget that, do you, Sylvia?”
”No,” said Sylvia, smiling. ”And I like you both awfully. But do tell me about your school-do, please.”
”Well,” said Audrey, ”there is a rather exciting thing to tell-something unpleasant, too. Perhaps you ought not to know.”
”Please-please tell me. I am quite dying to hear about it.”
Audrey then described the mysterious damage done to Sesame and Lilies.
”Miss Henderson was told,” she said, ”and yesterday morning she spoke to the entire school. She is going to punish the person who did it very severely if she can find her; and if that person does not confess, I believe the whole school is to be put more or less into Coventry.”
”But how does she know that any of the girls did it?” was Sylvia's answer. ”There are servants in the house. Has she questioned them?”
”She has; but it so happens that the servants are quite placed above suspicion, for the book was whole at a certain hour the very first day we came to school, and that evening it was found in its mutilated condition. During all those hours it happened to be in the Fourth Form schoolroom.”
”Yes,” said Evelyn in a careless tone. ”It is quite horrid for me, you know, for I am a Fourth Form girl. I ought not to be. I ought to be in the Sixth Form with Audrey. But there! those unpleasant mistresses have no penetration.”
”But why should you wish to be in a higher form than your acquirements warrant?” replied Sylvia. ”Oh,” she added, with enthusiasm, ”don't I envy you both your luck! Should I not love to be at school in order to work hard!”
”By the way, Sylvia,” said Audrey suddenly, ”how have you been educated?”
”Why, anyhow,” said the girl. ”I have taught myself mostly. But please do not ask me any questions. I don't want to think of my own life at all to-day; I am so very happy at being with you two.”
Audrey immediately turned the conversation; but soon, by a sort of instinct, it crept back again to the curious occurrence which had taken place at Miss Henderson's school.
”Please do not speak of it at lunch,” said Audrey, ”for we have not told mother or father anything about it. We hope that this disgraceful thing will not be made public, but that the culprit will confess.”
”Much chance of that!” said Evelyn; and she nudged Sylvia's arm, on which she happened to be leaning.
The girls presently went into the house. Lunch followed. Lady Frances was extremely kind to Sylvia-in fact, she made a pet of her. She looked with admiration at the pretty and suitable costume, and wondered in her own heart what she could do for the little girl.
”I like her,” she said to herself. ”She suits me better than any girl I have ever met except my own dear Audrey. Oh, how I wish she were the heiress instead of Evelyn!”
Evelyn was fairly well behaved; she had learnt to suppress herself. She was now outwardly dutiful to Lady Frances, and was, without any seeming in the matter, affectionate to her uncle. The Squire was always specially kind to Evelyn; but he liked young girls, and took notice of Sylvia also, trying to draw her out. He spoke to her about her father.
He told her that he had once known a distinguished man of the name, and wondered if it could be the same. Sylvia colored painfully, and showed by many signs that the conversation distressed her.
”It cannot be the same, of course,” said the Squire lightly, ”for my friend Robert Leeson was a man who was likely to rise to the very top of his profession. He was a barrister of extreme eminence. I shall never forget the brilliant way he spoke in a _cause celebre_ which occupied public attention not long ago. He won the case for his clients, and covered himself with well-earned glory.”
Sylvia's eyes sparkled; then they grew dim with unshed tears. She lowered her eyes and looked on her plate. Lady Frances nodded softly to herself.
”The same-doubtless the same,” she said to herself. ”A most distinguished man. How terribly sad! I must inquire into this; Edward has unexpectedly given me the clue.”