Part 25 (2/2)
”She is not in at present. She is never in at this hour. Sylvia likes an open-air life, and I am glad to encourage her in her taste. May I show you to the gate?”
”Thank you,” replied Evelyn, who felt considerably crestfallen.
Mr. Leeson, with his very best manners, accompanied the little girl to the high iron gates. These he opened, bowed to her as she pa.s.sed through them, and then shut them in her face, drawing a big bar inside as he did so.
”Good Pilot-excellent, brave, admirable dog!” Evelyn heard him say; and she ground her small white teeth in anger.
A moment or two later, to her infinite delight, she saw Jasper coming up the road to meet her. In an instant the child and maid were in each other's arms. Evelyn was petting Jasper, and kissing her over and over again on her dark cheek.
”Oh Jasper,” said the little girl, ”I got such a fright! I came here to see you, and I was met by that horrible dog; and then a dreadful-looking old man came out and told me I was to go right away, and he petted the dog for trying to attack me. I was not frightened, of course-it is not likely that mothery's little girl would be easily afraid-but, all the same, it was not pleasant. Why do you live in such a horrid, horrid place, Jasper darling?”
”Why do I live there?” answered Jasper. ”Now, look at me-look me full in the face. I live in that house because Providence wills it, because-because-- Oh, I need not waste time telling you the reason. I live there because I am near to you, and for another reason; and I hope to goodness that you have not gone and made mischief, for if that dreadful old man, as you call him, finds out for a single moment that I am there, good-by to poor Miss Sylvia's chance of life.”
”You are quite silly about Sylvia,” said Evelyn in a jealous tone.
”She is a very fine, brave young lady,” was Jasper's answer.
”I wish you would not talk of her like that; you make me feel quite cross.”
”You always were a jealous little piece,” said Jasper, giving her former charge a look of admiration; ”but you need not be, Eve, for no one-no one shall come inside my little white Eve. But there, now; do tell me.
You did not say anything about me to Mr. Leeson?”
”No, I did not,” said Evelyn. ”I only told him I had come to see Sylvia.
Was it not good of me, Jasper? Was it not clever and smart?”
”It was like you, pet,” said Jasper. ”You always were the canniest little thing-always, always.”
Evelyn was delighted at these words of praise.
”But how did you get here, my pet? Does her ladys.h.i.+p know you are out?”
”No, her ladys.h.i.+p does not,” replied Evelyn, with a laugh. ”I should be very sorry to let her know, either. I came here all by myself because I wanted to see you, Jasper. I have got news for you.”
”Indeed, pet; and what is that?”
”Cannot you guess?”
”Oh, how can I? Perhaps that you have got courage and are sleeping by yourself. You cannot stand that horrid old Read; you would rather be alone than have her near you.”
”Read has not slept in my room for over three weeks,” said Evelyn proudly. ”I am not at all nervous now. It was Miss Sinclair who told me how silly I was to want any one to sleep close to me.”
”But you would like your old Jasper again?”
”Yes-oh yes; you are different.”
”Well, and what is the change, dear?”