1 Chapter 1 (2/2)
”Abis, are you willing to come with us!”
I take the time to think. Becoming a soldier is rather dangerous, but even if I happened to be a d-rank, the pay is still really good.
I look at Ivy, then back at them before giving my answer. With a sigh, I say, ”Sure… I'll become a soldier.”
Their faces look rather happy and they take me out front to a car. First I ask if they could allow me to change clothes first, and they agreed.
Inside my closet, was only sportswear. Since all of my normal clothes were dirty I changed into charcoal grey shorts and a compression shirt that matched my shorts.
I also had some compression pants for under my shorts.
I head outside, my sister Ivy hands me a healthy bar to eat on while I drove to the soldiers association.
”Please safe!” She told me as I headed out the door.
In front of me was the limousine they had prepared for me. But even now, I still can't figure out why they are treating me with such luxury.
Usually, if your rank is still not confirmed or is a low rank they treat you the same way they would treat anyone else.
Because unless you're a high level right off the bat, they see you as any normal civilian.
”Get in, we'll be taking you to the soldier association right away!”
I entered the back of the limousine, of course, I was a little suspicious of them when entering.
But when I saw what the inside looked like, I was actually amazed. I mean I'm this nineteen years old kid–
Who has never experienced anything this fancy in my entire life!
The seat were fluffy, with a bright red cover and tinted windows.
I turn back and wave at my sister one last time, I found this to be rather fancy even for me.
And wished to bring her along! But I'm sure that they wouldn't listen to my request.
The two recruiters sat in a row in front of me, and when I closed the door the vehicle began moving.
I sat and absorbed the feeling of being in such a rich car. The interior was even bigger than expected. Being large enough to fit at least forty people at once.
”Did Ms. Asano send you?” That was my elderly neighbor.
”No! When she found out about trying to recruit you. She told us, that she would try her best to help us!”
Ms. Asano has a great influence on the soldier association. After her brave rescue mission two decades ago–
She became one of the most important figures in recent history.
Earning countless amounts of nicknames, some even I wish to gain someday.
She always told me that she saw some sort of potential hiding within me. Could this be what she meant?
The skinny, shorter one turned to me.
”Hey, kid! You want to earn some cool nicknames huh?”
My eyes widened. Not because he said something amazing, or that I saw something.
No, it was because of his question alone! I had said nothing about wanting a nickname and just thought it.
Could he be possibly reading my mind?
I mean there all sorts of cool abilities. But if he can read people's minds, that would mean that I would have to be careful what to think.
”How did you know what I was thinking?”
”Its the matter of reading someone! Soon you'll be enrolled in military training. That's where you will learn to read people as I can!” He said bragging.
That was when I realized, usually, I would catch on to something like this quicker.
For some reason, I was in a car with two strangers. And I didn't even know their names!
”Umm, may I ask for your names?”
The skinny turned back to me, ”Why should we pretty boy! We might be your kidnappers!”
Of course, his comment was slightly unsettling. But I can tell that he was really bad at conveying jokes.
If that was one…
The tall and more mature one opened his mouth for the first time during this car ride.
”I'm Adam, and this is Lin! We are ranked among the best recruiters in the business. And it's nice to meet you!”
He then turned to his right and hit Lin in the back of the head.
”Abis get comfortable! We will arrive at the association in half an hour!”