Part 22 (1/2)
”I don't want three guys,” Audra said as she shoved a nacho chip into her mouth.
”Then what do do you want?” you want?”
Good question. Audra licked the orange powder from her thumb and considered. She remembered how good it'd been with Jesse. The laughter and the jokes, the simple enjoyment of his company. Who knew it'd be those things, instead of the wild s.e.x, that would send her head over heels for a guy?
He was a cop. A cop who'd used her. Lied to her and suspected the worst of her.
And he was a dare. One she'd used to prove herself.
Which made them even, in her mind.
She knew what she wanted. The real question was, could she handle it? The Wicked Chick and the cop? It was so farfetched, what were the odds?
Then again...she was a Wicked Chick. d.a.m.ned if she couldn't play those odds and win.
”I want Jesse,” Audra admitted.
Bea took the bag of chips from Audra's hands and pointed to the door. ”Then fix your c.r.a.ppy att.i.tude, take your bad girl self and go get him.”
LATER THAT MORNING, after a cold compress and a change into her s.e.xiest lingerie and a leather skirt, Audra sauntered into the Good Times Sports Bar. Att.i.tude at full throttle, she was ready to deal with the first of her tiny problems.
Once she'd confronted Natasha, she'd either be out of a job, or have the creative freedom she needed to do her current one.
Then she'd go tackle her other problem.
Jesse Martinez, good boy cop.
The bar was empty, as she'd figured it would be at eleven in the morning. She waved to the daytime bartender, then made her way to the back stairs that led to the second-floor apartment where her brother lived.
Since they were expecting her and because she was in the mood to seize the upper hand, Audra knocked once, then walked right in.
”Hey, Audra,” Drew said from the couch. He aimed the remote at the TV, hit Off and tossed the wand on the coffee table. With a grin, he rose and gave her a hug.
Audra let herself lean into him for a whole five seconds. There was something comforting about Drew. Maybe his resemblance to their father, maybe his easygoing manner.
Either way, she figured she might as well snag her hug while she could. Who knew how he'd feel about her once she'd had her say.
”Hey, you look like China agreed with you,” she said when she pulled away. And it was true. With his red hair mussed and his face the most relaxed she'd seen in a while, he looked like a guy who'd had a great vacation.
Natasha walked in, her face a study of cool, composed breeding. Audra wondered, not for the first time, how the h.e.l.l such an uptown lady had ever hooked up with Drew.
”It was a good trip,” he was saying. ”We've got pictures. I'll put you to sleep with them later, huh?”
”Vacation pics?” Audra asked in mock horror. ”Ack, no.”
”There are a few you'll really like,” Natasha a.s.sured her as she offered a hesitant smile.
Audra's stomach clenched at the reserved look. It didn't bode well for her long-term job prospects.
She lifted her chin. So what? She wasn't sidelining her beliefs anymore. Like Jesse had said, she believed in herself enough to fight, to hold out for what she felt she was worth.
”You don't mind me stopping in, do you?” she asked them. ”I figured this was a better place to talk than the boutique with all its distractions.”
”No, this is perfect. I wanted to talk to you before we settled into the work week anyhow, and weekends are always so crazy.” Natasha gestured to a chair. ”Have a seat, I have to get something. I'll be right back.”
Audra raised an inquiring brow at her brother, but he'd slapped on his poker face. He pointed to the chair, then sat himself back on the couch.
”So,” Natasha said as she joined Drew on the couch, a large folder on her lap, ”let's talk design.”
”Let's,” Audra agreed. Natasha opened the file, and there on top was the naughty little design with the wrist ties. Audra looked at it and felt a surge of mingled pride and excitement. It was one of her best pieces. Innovative, s.e.xy and unique.
She lifted her chin and met her sister-in-law's gaze with her own level stare.
”I didn't intend for that to be shown in China, but I did intend for you to see it,” she admitted. ”I realize you want to wait until later, if at all, to introduce any changes to Simply Sensual product focus. But as much as I enjoy designing for you, I need to be able to expand my portfolio. Creatively, I can't keep stifling the naughtier, wild designs that come to me.”
In a totally bulls.h.i.+t show of calm, Audra leaned back in the chair and gave a little shrug. She was sure the nerves jangling through her system didn't show on her face.
Unfortunately, she couldn't read anything from Natasha or Drew's expressions, either. They glanced at one another, then Drew got up and headed for the kitchen.
Chickens.h.i.+t. He probably didn't want to have to watch his wife fire his sister. He probably didn't want to have to watch his wife fire his sister.
”I'd hate to be responsible for stifling creative expression,” Natasha said slowly. She lifted the design and gave a little laugh. ”And leave it to you to find inspiration in that b.u.t.t-ugly tie. Keeping your designs from the world would be an absolute shame. You're talented and deserve to make the most of your gifts.”
Audra pursed her lips. Nothing like a few pats on the a.s.s before you got booted.
”So, I'd like to offer you full creative control of Simply Sensual's new line. Since it's your designs, and you'd come up with such a clever name, I thought we'd call it Twisted Knickers. And, if you'll take it, partners.h.i.+p in the company.”
Stunned, Audra stared. She gave a little shake of her head, the only sound in the room the tinkle of her dangling earrings.
”You're kidding, right? This is a joke to get me back for embarra.s.sing you in front of the distributors?”
”Why would I do that?”
”You were p.i.s.sed.”
Natasha grimaced, then shrugged. ”Yes, I suppose I was. I'm used to being in control of my business. And, I guess, feeling that I know what's best.”
”What changed, then?”
”Huh?” Audra squinted at her, totally lost.
”While I was having a meltdown over how much more interested the distributors were in your naughtier design than what I'd brought to present, Drew looked at it.” With a glance, she pa.s.sed the board to Audra. ”He pointed out that this was likely your best work yet, and after I got over the urge to throw something at him, I had to admit he was right.”