Part 459 (1/2)
39:19. Send forth flowers, as the lily, and yield a smell, and bring forth leaves in grace, and praise with canticles, and bless the Lord in his works.
39:20. Magnify his name, and give glory to him with the voice of your lips, and with the canticles of your mouths, and with harps, and in praising him, you shall say in this manner:
39:21. All the works of the Lord are exceeding good.
39:22. At his word the waters stood as a heap: and at the words of his mouth the receptacles of waters:
39:23. For at his commandment favour is shewn, and there is no diminis.h.i.+ng of his salvation.
39:24. The works of all flesh are before him, and there is nothing hid from his eyes.
39:25. He seeth from eternity to eternity, and there is nothing wonderful before him.
39:26. There is no saying: What is this, or what is that? for all things shall be sought in their time.
39:27. His blessing hath overflowed like a river.
39:28. And as a flood hath watered the earth; so shall his wrath inherit the nations, that have not sought after him.
39:29. Even as he turned the waters into a dry land, and the earth was made dry: and his ways were made plain for their journey: so to sinners they are stumblingblocks in his wrath.
39:30. Good things were created for the good from the beginning, so for the wicked, good and evil things.
39:31. The things necessary for the life of men, are water, fire, and iron, salt, milk, and bread of flour, and honey, and the cl.u.s.ter of the grape, and oil, and clothing.
39:32. All these things shall be for good to the holy, so to the sinners and the unG.o.dly they shall be turned into evil.
39:33. There are spirits that are created for vengeance, and in their fury they lay on grievous torments.
39:34. In the time of destruction they shall pour out their force: and they shall appease the wrath of him that made them.
39:35. Fire, hail, famine, and death, all these were created for vengeance.
39:36. The teeth of beasts, and scorpions, and serpents, and the sword taking vengeance upon the unG.o.dly unto destruction.
39:37. In his commandments they shall feast, and they shall be ready upon earth when need is, and when their time is come they shall not transgress his word.
39:38. Therefore from the beginning I was resolved, and I have meditated, and thought on these things and left them in writing,
39:39. All the works of the Lord are good, and he will furnish every work in due time.
39:40. It is not to be said: This is worse than that: for all shall be well approved in their time.
39:41. Now therefore with the whole heart and mouth praise ye him, and bless the name of the Lord.
Ecclesiasticus Chapter 40
The miseries of the life of man are relieved by the grace of G.o.d and his fear.
40:1. Great labour is created for all men, and a heavy yoke is upon the children of Adam from the day of their coming out of their mother's womb, until the day of their burial into the mother of all.