Part 309 (1/2)
6:12. My strength is not the strength of stones, nor is my flesh of bra.s.s.
6:13. Behold there is no help for me in myself, and my familiar friends also are departed from me.
6:14. He that taketh away mercy from his friend, for saketh the fear of the Lord.
6:15. My brethren have pa.s.sed by me, as the torrent that pa.s.seth swiftly in the valleys.
6:16. They that fear the h.o.a.ry frost, the snow shall fall upon them.
6:17. At the time when they shall be scattered they shall perish: and after it groweth hot, they shall be melted out of their place.
6:18. The paths of their steps are entangled: they shall walk in vain, and shall perish.
6:19. Consider the paths of Thema, the ways of Saba, and wait a little while.
6:20. They arc confounded, because I have hoped: they are come also even unto me, and are covered with shame.
6:21. Now you are come: and now, seeing my affliction, you are afraid.
6:22. Did I say: Bring to me, and give me of your substance?
6:23. Or deliver me from the hand of the enemy, and rescue me out of the hand of the mighty?
6:24. Teach me, and I will hold my peace: and if I have been ignorant of any thing, instruct me.
6:25. Why have you detracted the words of truth, whereas there is none of you that can reprove me?
6:26. You dress up speeches only to rebuke, and you utter words to the wind.
6:27. You rush in upon the fatherless, and you endeavour to overthrow your friend.
6:28. However, finish what you have begun: give ear and see whether I lie.
6:29. Answer, I beseech you, without contention: and speaking that which is just, judge ye.
6:30. And you shall not find iniquity in my tongue, neither shall folly sound in my mouth.
Job Chapter 7
7:1. The life of man upon earth is a warfare, and his days are like the days of a hireling.
7:2. As a servant longeth for the shade, as the hireling looketh for the end of his work;
7:3. So I also have had empty months, and have numbered to myself wearisome nights.
7:4. If I lie down to sleep, I shall say: When shall I rise? and again, I shall look for the evening, and shall be filled with sorrows even till darkness.
7:5. My flesh is clothed with rottenness and the filth of dust; my skin is withered and drawn together.
7:6. My days have pa.s.sed more swiftly than the web is cut by the weaver, and are consumed without any hope.