Part 297 (2/2)

12:10. And it came to pa.s.s on the fourth day, that Holofernes made a supper for his servants, and said to Vagao his eunuch: Go, and persuade that Hebrew woman, to consent of her own accord to dwell with me.

12:11. For it is looked upon as shameful among the a.s.syrians, if a woman mock a man, by doing so as to pa.s.s free from him.

12:12. Then Vagao went in to Judith, and said: Let not my good maid be afraid to go in to my lord, that she may be honoured before his face, that she may eat with him and drink wine and be merry.

12:13. And Judith answered him: Who am I, that I should gainsay my lord?

12:14. All that shall be good and best before his eyes, I will do. And whatsoever shall please him, that shall be best to me all the days of my life.

12:15. And she arose and dressed herself out with her garments, and going in she stood before his face.

12:16. And the heart of Holofernes was smitten, for he was burning with the desire of her.

12:17. And Holofernes said to her: Drink now, and sit down and be merry; for thou hast found favour before me.

12:18. And Judith said: I will drink my lord, because my life is magnified this day above all my days.

12:19. And she took and ate and drank before him what her maid had prepared for her.

12:20. And Holofernes was made merry on her occasion, and drank exceeding much wine, so much as he had never drunk in his life.

Judith Chapter 13

Judith cutteth off the head of Holofernes, and returneth to Bethulia.

13:1. And when it was grown late, his servants made haste to their lodgings, and Vagao shut the chamber doors, and went his way.

13:2. And they were all overcharged with wine.

13:3. And Judith was alone in the chamber.

13:4. But Holofernes lay on his bed, fast asleep, being exceedingly drunk.

13:5. And Judith spoke to her maid to stand without before the chamber, and to watch:

13:6. And Judith stood before the bed praying with tears, and the motion of her lips in silence,

13:7. Saying: Strengthen me, O Lord G.o.d of Israel, and in this hour look on the works of my hands, that as thou hast promised, thou mayst raise up Jerusalem thy city: and that I may bring to pa.s.s that which I have purposed, having a belief that it might be done by thee.

13:8. And when she had said this, she went to the pillar that was at his bed's head, and loosed his sword that hung tied upon it.

13:9. And when she had drawn it out, she took him by the hair of his head, and said: Strengthen me, O Lord G.o.d, at this hour.

13:10. And she struck twice upon his neck, and cut off his head, and took off his canopy from the pillars, and rolled away his headless body.

13:11. And after a while she went out, and delivered the head of Holofernes to her maid, and bade her put it into her wallet.
