Part 190 (2/2)
16:14. And the king and all the people with him came weary, and refreshed themselves there.
16:15. But Absalom and all his people came into Jerusalem, and Achitophel was with him.
16:16. And when Chusai the Arachite, David's friend, was come to Absalom, he said to him: G.o.d save thee, O king, G.o.d save thee, O king.
16:17. And Absalom said to him, Is this thy kindness to thy friend? Why wentest thou not with thy friend?
16:18. And Chusai answered Absalom: Nay: for I will be his, whom the Lord hath chosen, and all this people, and all Israel, and with him will I abide.
16:19. Besides this, whom shall I serve? is it not the king's son? as I have served thy father, so will I serve thee also.
16:20. And Absalom said to Achitophel: Consult what we are to do.
16:21. And Achitophel said to Absalom: Go in to the concubines of thy father, whom he hath left to keep the house: that when all Israel shall hear that thou hast disgraced thy father, their hands may be strengthened with thee.
Their hands may be strengthened, etc... The people might apprehend lest Absalom should be reconciled to his father, and therefore they folllowed him with some fear of being left in the lurch, till they saw such a crime committed as seemed to make a reconciliation impossible.
16:22. So they spread a tent for Absalom on the top of the house, and he went in to his father's concubines before all Israel.
16:23. Now the counsel of Achitophel, which he gave in those days, was as if a man should consult G.o.d: so was all the counsel of Achitophel, both when he was with David, and when he was with Absalom.
2 Kings Chapter 17
Achitophel's counsel is defeated by Chusai: who sendeth intelligence to David. Achitophel hangeth himself.
17:1. And Achitophel said to Absalom: I will choose me twelve thousand men, and I will arise and pursue after David this night.
17:2. And coming upon him (for he is now weary, and weak handed) I will defeat him: and when all the people is put to flight that is with him, I will kill the king who will be left alone.
17:3. And I will bring back all the people, as if they were but one man: for thou seekest but one man: and all the people shall be in peace.
17:4. And his saying pleased Absalom, and all the ancients of Israel.
17:5. But Absalom said: Call Chusai the Arachite, and let us hear what he also saith.
17:6. And when Chusai was come to Absalom, Absalom said to him: Achitophel hath spoken after this manner: shall we do it or not? what counsel dost thou give?
17:7. And Chusai said to Absalom: The counsel that Achitophel hath given this time is not good.
17:8. And again Chusai said: Thou knowest thy father, and the men that are with him, that they are very valiant, and bitter in their mind, as a bear raging in the wood when her whelps are taken away: and thy father is a warrior, and will not lodge with the people.
17:9. Perhaps he now lieth hid in pits, or in some other place where he liest: and when any one shall fall at the first, every one that heareth it shall say: There is a slaughter among the people that followed Absalom.
17:10. And the most valiant man whose heart is as the heart of a lion, shall melt for fear: for all the people of Israel know thy father to be a valiant man, and that all who are with him are valiant.
17:11. But this seemeth to me to be good counsel: Let all Israel be gathered to thee, from Dan to Bersabee, as the sand of the sea which cannot be numbered: and thou shalt be in the midst of them.