Part 148 (2/2)

The paths rested... The ways to the sanctuary of G.o.d were unfrequented: and men walked in the by-ways of error and sin.

5:7. The valiant men ceased, and rested in Israel: until Debbora arose, a mother arose in Israel.

5:8. The Lord chose new wars, and he himself overthrew the gates of the enemies: a s.h.i.+eld and spear was not seen among forty thousand of Israel.

5:9. My heart loveth the princes of Israel: O you, that of your own good will offered yourselves to danger, bless the Lord.

5:10. Speak, you that ride upon fair, and you that sit in judgment, and walk in the way.

5:11. Where the chariots were dashed together, and the army of the enemies was choked, there let the justices of the Lord be rehea.r.s.ed, and his clemency towards the brave men of Israel: then the people of the Lord went down to the gates, and obtained the sovereignty.

5:12. Arise, arise, O Debbora, arise, arise, and utter a canticle.

Arise, Barac, and take hold of thy captives, O son of Abinoem.

5:13. The remnants of the people are saved, the Lord hath fought among the valiant ones.

5:14. Out of Ephraim he destroyed them into Amalec, and after him out of Benjamin into thy people, O Amalec: Out of Machir there came down princes, and out of Zabulon they that led the army to fight.

Out of Ephraim, etc... The enemies straggling in their flight were destroyed, as they were running through the land of Ephraim, and of Benjamin, which lies after, that is beyond Ephraim: and so on to the very confines of Amalec. Or, it alludes to former victories of the people of G.o.d, particularly that which was freshest in memory, when the men of Ephraim and Benjamin, with Aod at their head, overthrew their enemies the Moabites with the Amalecites their allies. See chap. 3.

Ibid. Machir... The tribe of, whose eldest son was Machir.

5:15. The captains of Issachar were with Debbora, and followed the steps of Barac, who exposed himself to danger, as one going headlong, and into a pit. Ruben being divided against himself, there was found a strife of courageous men.

Divided against himself, etc... By this it seems that the valient men of the tribe of Ruben were divided in their sentiments, with relation to this war; which division kept them at home within their own borders, to hear the bleating of their flocks.

5:16. Why dwellest thou between two borders, that thou mayst hear the bleatings of the flocks? Ruben being divided against himself, there was found a strife of courageous men.

5:17. Galaad rested beyond the Jordan, and Dan applied himself to s.h.i.+ps: Aser dwelt on the sea sh.o.r.e, and abode in the havens.

5:18. But Zabulon and Nephthali offered their lives to death in the region of Merome.

5:19. The kings came and fought, the kings of Chanaan fought in Thanac, by the waters of Mageddo and yet they took no spoils.

5:20. There was war made against them from heaven: the stars, remaining in their order and courses, fought against Sisara.

5:21. The torrent of Cison dragged their, the torrent of Cadumim, the torrent of Cison: tread thou, my soul, upon the strong ones.

5:22. The hoofs of the horses were broken whilst the stoutest of the enemies fled amain, and fell headlong down.

5:23. Curse ye the land of Meroz, said the angel of the Lord: curse the inhabitants thereof, because they came not to the help of the Lord, to help his most valiant men.

Meroz... Where this land of Meroz was, which is here laid under a curse, we cannot find: nor is there mention of it anywhere else in holy writ.

In the spiritual sense, they are cursed who refuse to a.s.sist the people of G.o.d in their warfare against their spiritual enemies.

5:24. Blessed among women be Jahel, the wife of Haber the Cinite, and blessed be she in her tent.
