Part 118 (2/2)

14:20. All that is clean, you shall eat.

14:21. But whatsoever is dead of itself, eat not thereof. Give it to the stranger, that is within thy gates, to eat, or sell it to him: because thou art the holy people of the Lord thy G.o.d. Thou shalt not boil a kid in the milk of his dam.

14:22. Every year thou shalt set aside the t.i.thes of all thy fruits that the earth bringeth forth,

14:23. And thou shalt eat before the Lord thy G.o.d in the place which he shall choose, that his name may be called upon therein, the t.i.the of thy corn, and thy wine, and thy oil, and the firstborn of thy herds and thy sheep: that thou mayst learn to fear the Lord thy G.o.d at all times.

14:24. But when the way and the place which the Lord thy G.o.d shall choose, are far off, and he hath blessed thee, and thou canst not carry all these things thither,

14:25. Thou shalt sell them all, and turn them into money, and shalt carry it in thy hand, and shalt go to the place which the Lord shall choose:

14:26. And thou shalt buy with the same money whatsoever pleaseth thee, either of the herds or of sheep, wine also and strong drink, and all that thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat before the Lord thy G.o.d, and shalt feast, thou and thy house:

14:27. And the Levite that is within thy gates, beware thou forsake him not, because he hath no other part in thy possession.

14:28. The third year thou shalt separate another t.i.the of all things that grow to thee at that time, and shalt lay it up within thy gates.

14:29. And the Levite that hath no other part nor possession with thee, and the stranger and the fatherless and the widow, that are within thy gates, shall come and shall eat and be filled: that the Lord thy G.o.d may bless thee in all the works of thy hands that thou shalt do.

Deuteronomy Chapter 15

The law of the seventh year of remission. The firstlings of cattle are to be sanctified to the Lord.

15:1. In the seventh year thou shalt make a remission,

15:2. Which shall be celebrated in this order. He to whom any thing is owing from his friend or neighbour or brother, cannot demand it again, because it is the year of remission of the Lord.

15:3. Of the foreigner or stranger thou mayst exact it: of thy countryman and neighbour thou shalt not have power to demand it again.

15:4. And there shall be no poor nor beggar among you: that the Lord thy G.o.d may bless thee in the land which he will give thee in possession.

There shall be no poor, etc... It is not to be understood as a promise, that there should be no poor in Israel, as appears from ver. 11, where we learn that G.o.d's people would never be at a loss to find objects for their charity: but it is an ordinance that all should do their best endeavours to prevent any of their brethren from suffering the hards.h.i.+ps of poverty and want.

15:5. Yet so if thou hear the voice of the Lord thy G.o.d, and keep all things that he hath ordained, and which I command thee this day, he will bless thee, as he hath promised.

15:6. Thou shalt lend to many nations, and thou shalt borrow of no man.

Thou shalt have dominion over very many nations, and no one shall have dominion over thee.

15:7. If one of thy brethren that dewlleth within thy gates of thy city in the land which the Lord thy G.o.d will give thee, come to poverty: thou shalt not harden thy heart, nor close thy hand,

15:8. But shalt open it to the poor man, thou shalt lend him, that which thou perceivest he hath need of.

15:9. Beware lest perhaps a wicked thought steal in upon thee, and thou say in thy heart: The seventh year of remission draweth nigh; and thou turn away thy eyes from thy poor brother, denying to lend him that which he asketh: lest he cry against thee to the Lord, and it become a sin unto thee.

15:10. But thou shalt give to him: neither shalt thou do any thing craftily in relieving his necessities: that the Lord thy G.o.d may bless thee at all times, and in all things to which thou shalt put thy hand.

15:11. There will not be wanting poor in the land of thy habitation: therefore I command thee to open thy hand to thy needy and poor brother, that liveth in the land.
