Part 28 (1/2)
”That makes no difference. I know what's what.”
”Open the gate and let us talk it over quietly,” went on Dottery, who was naturally a peaceably inclined individual.
”I'm not opening the gate just now. Those boys can go away. I don't mind you coming around, but I don't want those boys here.”
”Well, you'll have to put up with us,” cried Chet, angrily. ”Now, open the gate, or we'll smash it down!”
”Don't be rash, Chet!” whispered Paul.
”You monkey!” roared Captain Grady. ”Fall back, before I let you have a dose of buckshot!”
”There will be no shooting here, Captain, unless ye want ter get wiped out,” broke in Jack Blowfen. ”Open the gate fer yer neighbors and let us hev a powwow.”
”I've told you wot I'll do--open up when the boys go away.”
”Come on, Chet,” whispered Paul to his younger brother.
”Yes, but Paul----”
”Come on, I say,” and Paul whispered something into Chet's ear.
At once, with a wink at Jack Blowfen, the two boys started off on a gallop toward the river.
”Do you think we can do it?” asked Chet, anxiously.
”I think so. We can try, anyway.”
Dismounting, the brothers made their way to where a deep ditch drained from the ranch home under the stockade into the river. The ditch was almost dry and was all but choked up with weeds and brush.
”Now, Chet, it is a serious undertaking, but you know we must take some chances,” went on Paul, as they let themselves down into the ditch. ”The captain may really shoot at us, although I think he will hardly dare do it with Blowfen and Mr. Dottery at hand to see that justice is done.”
”If he shoots, we'll shoot back,” replied Chet. ”He has no right on our land, and, besides, we must do something for Uncle Barnaby's sake.”
Full of determination, and realizing that a crisis was at hand, the two boys wormed their way along the ditch until the stockade was reached.
Here a few wooden bars blocked the way. But one of the bars was loose and was wrenched aside, and they went on.
”We must be careful, in case any one is in the house,” said Paul in a whisper.
The ditch led around to the rear of the ranch home. But here it went underground and they were compelled to leave it and take to the gra.s.s.
They gave a brief look and saw Captain Grady down by the opening in the stockade, still arguing with Dottery and Blowfen. He looked anxious.
”He don't see us,” whispered diet. ”Come, the front door is open!” and he made a quick dash for the house, followed closely by Paul.
The door was closing on the pair when Captain Grady started around and beheld Paul's form from the rear. He gave a quick cry of alarm.
”Stop! Come out!”