Part 17 (2/2)
After closing the history of St. John, we linger over the traditions that cl.u.s.ter about his later years. They reveal the feelings of the early Church toward him who was the last of the Apostolic band, and the last who had seen their Lord.
There is one legend so beautiful, so much like him, that we can almost believe it as having a fitting place in his history. It belongs to the time when he preached in the magnificent Church which Christians had reared for him in Ephesus. We may not credit the story that on his brow he wore a golden plate engraven with the inscription, ”Holiness to the Lord,” but we can almost imagine it written there. His memorable appearance and his tender manner, the loving voice with which he told the story of his Lord, fastened all eyes upon him, and opened all ears to his message of salvation. There was one, a young man, who standing in the distance, looked and listened with such eager interest as to attract the attention of the Apostle. In repentance and faith he found the peace which nothing else can give. He was baptized and numbered with the Ephesian Christians. St. John took special interest in him, training him in Christian doctrine, and preparing him for a useful life. When the hour for John's banishment came, in his anxiety for the youth, he committed him to the care of the Bishop of the place, whom he charged to be faithful in teaching and spiritual guidance.
But the youth was exposed to many temptations from the heathen about him. Their songs and dances and wine again charmed him as they did before he heard the preaching of John. He yielded to their influences, and renounced his profession of Christianity. In the absence of the Apostle, the reproofs of the Bishop only maddened him. He no longer attended the services of the Church, or sought the companions.h.i.+p of Christians. Having entered the paths of sin, he wandered farther and farther therein. At last he committed a crime against the government. In fear of punishment he fled from Ephesus, and joined a company of robbers and bandits in the wild ravines of the mountains. Though young in years, he was so cunning and bold in crime that he became the leader of the band. Inspired by his daring spirit they were ready for deeds of violence that made them the terror of the whole region.
On John's return from his exile in Patmos to Ephesus, he longed to know of the welfare of the young disciple, who had been to him as an adopted son, ever present to his mind and heart in his lonely island. The Bishop, with downcast eyes, sorrow and shame, declared, ”He is dead.”
”How?” asked John, ”and by what death?” ”He is dead to G.o.d,” said the Bishop. ”He has turned out wicked and abandoned, and at last a robber.”
John rent his garments as a sign of distress. Weeping he cried with a loud lamentation, ”Alas! alas! to what a guardian have I trusted our brother!” The tender, faithful heart of the aged Apostle yearned for the young man. He was ready to say, ”How can I give thee up!” He knew the mercy of G.o.d, and the power of love, human and divine; and determined that the robber-chieftain should know it too.
Immediately he procured a horse and guide, and rode toward the stronghold of the robbers. It was in a wild mountainous ravine, with rus.h.i.+ng torrents and rugged rocks overgrown with brushwood and luxuriant herbage. It was a place of grandeur, and yet of gloom--a fitting haunt for the robber-band. Few travelers pa.s.sed that way, and that hurriedly and in terror.
At last the Apostle and his guide heard from behind the rocks the hoa.r.s.e shouts of revelry. But he heeded them not, so intent was he on his errand. He was seeking the prodigal, his adopted son--who was not seeking the loving father. He drew the reins of his horse, while he told his guide that their journey was ended, and prayed for themselves and for him whom they sought. His nearness was discovered by one of the band, who led him to the rest, and bound his guide. There was a great contrast between the old man with his snowy locks and beard, in his humble garb; and the younger, the wild looking bandit with his streaming hair and loose white kilt; between the defenceless captive, and his captors armed with Roman swords, long lances, and bows and arrows before which he seemed perfectly powerless.
As he looked upon their hardened features they looked into his benignant face, and stood awed in his presence. Their rough manner, words and tones were changed by his smile and even friendly greeting. He made no resistance. His only motion was a wave of his hand. It was mightier than sword or lance or bow. His only request was, ”Take me to your captain.”
Over-awed by the dignity of his manner and his calmness, the captors obeyed their captive and silently led him to their chief. In an open s.p.a.ce the tall handsome young man was seated on his horse, wearing bright armor and breastplate, and holding the spear of a warrior. At a glance he recognized his old master, instructor and guide, who had been to him as a father. His first thought was, ”Why should this holy man seek me?” He answered his own question, saying to himself, ”He has come with just and angry threatenings which I well deserve.” John had been called ”a son of thunder.” As such the trembling chief thought of him, ready to hear him p.r.o.nounce an awful woe. So with a mingled cry of fear and anguish, he turned his horse and would have fled--a strange sound and sight for his fellow-robbers.
But St. John had no thunder tones for him, no threats of coming punishment. The kind shepherd had found the sheep that had been lost.
The father had found the prodigal, without waiting for the wanderer's return. John sprang toward him. He held out his arms in an affectionate manner. He called him by tender names. With earnest entreaty he prevailed on him to stop and listen. As young Saul, when near Damascus caught sight of Jesus and heard His voice, dropped from his horse to the ground; so did the young chieftain at the sight and voice of St. John.
With reverence he kneeled before him, and in shame bowed his head to the ground. Like Peter who had denied the same Lord, the young man wept bitterly. His cries of self-reproach and his despair echoed strangely in that rocky defile. As St. John had wept for him, he wept for himself.
Those were truly penitential tears. John still spoke encouragingly. The young man lifted his head and embraced the knees of the Apostle, sobbing out, ”No hope, no pardon.” Then remembering the deeds of his right hand, defiled with blood, he hid it beneath his robe. St. John fell on his knees before him and enfolded him in his arms. He grasped the hand that had been hidden, and bathed it in tears as if he would wash away its b.l.o.o.d.y stains, and then kissed it, in thought of the good he said it should yet perform.
That hand cast away the sword it had wielded in murder, and lovingly, gratefully held that of John, as the Apostle, and the robber-chief now penitent and forgiven, together left the wilderness; within sight of the astonished band; some of whom were greatly touched by what they had seen and heard, while others were ready to scoff at what they called the weakness of their leader.
Another tradition is a beautiful ill.u.s.tration of the tenderness and sympathy which we may judge was increasingly manifest in St. John's character, the spirit of the Lord ”whose tender mercies are over all His works,” the spirit St. John had seen in his Master who noticed the sparrow falling to the ground. True it is,
”He prayeth well who loveth well Both man, and bird, and beast.
He prayeth best who loveth best All things, both great and small; For the dear Lord who loveth us, He made and loveth all.”
There was a young tame partridge in which St. John took delight and found recreation in many an hour from which he had turned from labor for rest. A young hunter anxiously seeking the great Apostle was surprised to find him in what seemed a frivolous employment. He doubted for a moment whether this could be he. John asked, ”What is that thing which thou carriest in thy hand?” ”A bow,” replied the hunter. ”Why then is it unstrung?” said John. ”Because,” was the answer, ”were I to keep it always strung it would lose its spring and become useless.” ”Even so,”
replied the Apostle, ”be not offended at my brief relaxation, which prevents my spirit from waxing faint.”
We have already alluded to a tradition which is perhaps the best known of all, and universally accepted. In Ephesus, in extreme old age, too infirm to walk, St. John was carried as a little child to the church where he had so long preached. In feebleness his ministry had ended. The last sermon as such had been preached. He could no longer repeat the words of Christ he had heard on the mountain, and the sea-sh.o.r.e, and in the Temple. He could no longer tell of the wonders of which he was the only surviving witness. In Christians he saw the child-spirit, whether in old or young. In his old age he was a father to all such as none other could claim to be. His great theme --his only theme--was love. So his only words, again and again repeated as he faced the congregation were ”Little children, love one another.” And when asked why he repeated the same thing over and over, he told them it was the Lord's command, and if they obeyed it, that was enough.
Traditions alone tell of St. John's death. One claims that as his brother James was the first of the Apostles to suffer martyrdom, he was the last. Others tell of miraculous preservation from death;--that he was thrown into a caldron of boiling oil, and drank hemlock, without any effect upon him. Sometimes he is pictured as holding a cup from which a viper, representing poison, is departing without doing him any harm.
There is still another story concerning his death. On the last Lord's Day of his life, after the Holy Communion, he told some of his disciples to follow him with spades. Leading them to a place of burial, he bid them dig a grave into which he placed himself, and they buried him up to the neck. Then in obedience to his command they placed a cloth over his face and completed the burial. With weeping they turned away and reported what had been done. But his disciples felt that, not the grave, but the great church was the fitting place for his burial. So with solemn service they went to bring his body thither. But on reaching the grave they found it empty, as he and Peter had found the tomb of their Lord on Easter morning. Then they remembered the words of Christ to Peter concerning John, ”If I will that he abide till I come, what is that to thee?”
But there is another tradition stranger still. People refused to believe that St. John was dead, even though he had been supposed to be, and had been buried. For centuries his grave was shown at Ephesus. Pilgrims visiting it beheld a wonderful sight. The ground above it rose and fell, as if the great Apostle were still breathing as he had done for one hundred years, while treading the earth which now guarded his immortal sleep.
Such stories seem strange to us when we remember the chapter he wrote to correct a mistake made by those who misunderstood his Master's word, and believed that he would not die until the Lord returned to the earth.
He probably escaped martyrdom which befell his fellow-Apostles. Dying, probably in Ephesus, we think of him as peacefully entering the mansions of which he had heard his Lord tell in far-off Jerusalem nearly seventy years before.