Part 10 (2/2)

7. True believers shrinking never, Where they dwell Should reveal Their true colors ever.

When approaching death would scare them, Still should they Patient stay And with courage bear them.

8. Death can never kill us even, But relief From all grief To us then is given.

It doth close life's mournful story, Make a way That we may Pa.s.s to heavenly glory.

9. There I'll reap enduring pleasure, After woe Here below Suffer'd in large measure.

Lasting good we find here never, All the earth Deameth worth Vanisheth forever.

10. What is all that life possesseth?

But a hand Full of sand That the heart distresseth.

n.o.ble gifts that tire me never, Christ so free There gives me To enjoy forever.

11. Shepherd! Lord! joy's fountain ever, Thou art mine, I am thine, No one can us sever.

I am thine, because thou gavest Life and blood For my good, By thy death me savest.

12. Thou'rt mine, for I love and own thee, Ne'er shall I, Light of joy, From my heart dethrone thee.

Let me, let me soon behold thee Face to face, Thy embrace May it soon enfold me.

Hilf, Helfer, hilf in Angst und Noth.

Help, helper, help in fear and need, Have mercy, faithful G.o.d, give heed!

I know thou lov'st me still as thine, Though 'gainst me world and h.e.l.l combine.

2. I trust in thee--whom I adore; If I have thee, what need I more?

And, my Lord Jesus, this I laud: That thou art mine, my Saviour-G.o.d.

3. This blest a.s.surance cheers my heart, To bide thy time--till clouds depart; I'll rest the while me on thee, then, Cry: Helper, help! and say: Amen!

Christian Life.

Herr, wie du willt, so schicks mit mir.

Lord, as thou wilt, be it with me, No other wish I cherish, I, living, dying, seek but thee, O Lord, let me not perish; Let but thy grace ne'er from me part, Else as thou wilt, grant patient heart, Thy will the best is ever.

2. Grant honor, truth, and self-control, And love thy Word to ponder, From errors false preserve my soul; And grant, both here and yonder, What will but tend to blessed days, Keep far all wrong and crooked ways From all my life and doings.

3. When once, according to thy will, I pa.s.s the bourne of sadness, Then let thy grace my bosom fill, That I may go with gladness; My body, soul, commend I thee, O Lord, a blessed end grant me Through Jesus Christ, yea, Amen.

Hope in Death.

Wenn mein Stuendlein vorhanden ist.

When once in turn my hour is here, And I shall hence betake me, Then, O Lord Jesus, keep thou near, With help do not forsake me; My soul then at my final end Into thy hand I do commend: Thou wilt, Lord, safely guard it.

2. My sins will press my heart with care, My conscience will accuse me, For they are many, yet despair With doubts shall not confuse me; I will remember, Lord, thy death, And wounds, and words of thy last breath: Yea, these will then sustain me.
